Our Product / Services
Our offered Product range includes Didactic Flexible Vertebral Column with Pelvis, Human Cervical Spinal Column ( BEP-133 ), Cervical Vertebral Column with Neck Artery, Human Vertebral Column with Skull ( BEP-136 ) and Life Size Vertebral with Pelvis and Femur Heads ( BEP-126 ).
This model has a fully flexible spine throughout and features different sections of the spinal column indifferent color: cervical vertebrae, thoracic vertebrae, lumbar vertebrae, sacrum and the coccyx.
Life size. Consists of an occipital bone of the skull, 7 cervical vertebrae with intervertebral discs, a segment of spinal cord and nerve branches. Flexibly mounted on stand, removable. Height: 19cm Size(cm): 12x12x14
This Model Shows Cervical Vertebral Coulmn with Neck Artery and Nerve Roots
Life size. Comes with an entire skull and pelvis. The skull has a calvaria cut and a spring-held lower jaw. Size(cm): 44X18X12
This detailed life size model shows all significant features of each vertebra, including spinal cord, nerve roots, the vertebral artery, a herniated disc and vertebral notch etc. Ideal teaching model for students, orthopedic surgeons and other medical professionals. Special features include inflexible 29" tall vertebral column complete with pelvis, femur heads, sacrum, occipital bone, vertebral artery, all nerve branches and herniated lumbar disc.
This Model Shows The Anatomical Structure and The Distal End of Tibia of Normal, Flat and Arched Foot Set of 3 Models