Our Product / Services
Our Complete range of products are Femur Bone Joint Model, Shoulder Bone Joint Model, Palm Bone Joint Model, Elbow Bone Joint Model and Hip Bone Joint Model.
Showing the osteoporosis an blood vessel
Item Code: XC-109
Life size, on stand. To illustrate abduction, adduction, ante version, retroversion and internal/external rotation. Includes flexible artificial ligaments.
Palm Anatomy
These Kife Size models Show the Superficial and internal strictures of the Palm.Set of 4 Models
Consist of 3 medially divided lumbar vertebrae with intervertebral discs. For comparison, the upper section shows healthy bone structure, the middle section shows osteoporotic bone structure and the lower section shows advanced osteoporotic bone structure with flattened plates, deformation and decreased mass. On stand.
Demonstrates flexion, extension and internal / external rotation. Includes flexible, artificial ligaments. Life size, on stand.
Life Size Hand Joint with Ligament
We are one-step ahead of our competitors in providing a wide range of Life size hand joint with ligaments. Attached with flexible artificial ligaments, these products are one of the most preferred choice of medical practitioners, doctors, students and nurses. Our Life size hand joint with ligaments are made using finest quality PVC plastics which further ensures their durability and reliability. These products are acclaimed for natural sizes and reasonable rates
Demonstrates all of foot functionality and the external anatomical structures. Including flexible, artificial ligaments.
High QualityModel
• Life-size lumbar vertebrae are shown with normal intervertebral disc and spinal cord with nerve roots. On stand.