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Terminalia arjuna is a tree of the genus Terminalia. It is commonly known as arjuna or arjun tree in English, thella maddi in Telugu, kumbuk in Sinhala, marudha maram in Tamil and neer maruthu in Malayalam. Maruthampattai helps to maintain heart health & helps to maintain healthy blood pressure . It is a more...
herbs bark more...
Actions and uses : arjuna mainly used in heart disease, contusions, and fractures. It is prescribed for all sorts of conditions of cardiac failure and dropsy. The tonic made from bark is believed to have a stimulant effect on the heart. It helps strengthen the body's natural rejuvenate processes, hastening more...
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Terminalia arjuna is a tree up to 25 meter hight. It grows along the river banks, plains of northern India. more...
Properties Uses : Terminalia arjuna is a tree up to 25 meter hight. It grows along the river banks, plains of northern India. There are over 100 species widely distributed in the tropics (Terminalia originated from Latin ward Terminus, alluding to the leaves being borne on the tips of the shoots). In India, T more...
The bark contains phenolic constituents (arjunolic acid and terminic acid), glycosides (arjunetin and arjunosides I–IV), flavones, tannins, oligomeric proanthocyanidins and b-sitosterol. Casuarinin, a hydrolyzable tannin isolated from the bark, exhibits antiherpes virus activity by inhibiting viral attachme more...