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Air Handling Unit
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1 Products availableWe offer the best product range of Pressurization Systems, Dust Extraction System, Dust Extraction Collection System, Odor Control Systems and Dust Control Extraction System.
Recovery of particulate matter from exhaust gas is vital for any industry from three aspect
Dust collection systems is used in many processes to either recover valuable granular solid or powder from process streams, or to remove granular solid pollutants from exhaust gases prior to venting to the atmosphere. Dust collection is an online process for collecting any process-generated dust from the source point on a continuous basis. Dust collectors may be of single unit construction, or a collection of devices used to separate particulate matter from the process air. They are often used as an air pollution control device to maintain or improve air quality.
Dust collection / Extraction system comprises of following
Bats is having highly experience and expertise in providing full-service custom-designed abatement solution for odour control. The innovative engineering concept minimizes the operating costs, enhances the efficiency and most importantly, solves your specific problem. We use the most effective method of activated carbon adsorber in our odour control systems. activated carbon activated carbon is a form of carbon that has been processed to make it extremely porous and thus to have a very large surface area available for adsorption or chemical reactions. A variety activated carbon products is available exhibiting different characteristics depending upon the raw material and activation technique used in their production. activation refers to the increasing the adsorption properties of carbon. Raw materials such as coal and charcoal do have some adsorption capacity, but this is greatly enhanced by the activation process. activated carbon can be produced from carbonaceous source materials like nutshells, wood and coal. The raw material has a very large influence on the characteristics and performance activated carbon.