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1 Products availableOur offered Product range includes Industrial Air Scrubber, Packed Bed Scrubber and Venturi Scrubber.
BATS packed bed scrubbers are versatile, reliable systems that serve the widest variety of processes. BATS packed scrubbers are highly recommended for the efficient removal of inorganic gases, odors and fumes, and are particularly appropriate where gas streams have extreme pH. They are well suited for use as primary or secondary systems in conjunction with thermal oxidizers, and are also used in a series where there are multiple-contaminant gas streams. There are four broad categories of information, which influence the design of these systems. Packed Bed Scrubber CMH Air flow through the scrubber, based on cubic meterhr. This is determined by the process to be handled by the scrubber, through information provided by customer and BATS analysis. Configuration Internal vs. external re-circulation system, fan location in relation to tower, duct sizes, inlet and outlet plus location of pump systems, tower access service ports, service platform requirement. Materials of Construction Determined by application; because most contaminants involve corrosive gases and fumes, material must be able to withstand continuous contact with high and low pH gases and scrubbing solutions. Standard construction materials include: polypropylene, fiberglass and PVC. Optional materials include high alloy metals such as stainless, also dual-laminate structures incorporating FRP over PVC, PP is available.
A Venturi Scrubber consists of three sections: a converging section, a throat section, and a diverging section. The inlet gas stream enters the converging section and, as the area decreases, gas velocity increases (in accordance with the Bernoulli equation). Liquid is introduced either at the throat or at the entrance to the converging section. The inlet gas, forced to move at extremely high velocities in the small throat section, shears the liquid from its walls, producing an enormous number of very tiny droplets. Particle and gas removal occur in the throat section as the inlet gas stream mixes with the fog of tiny liquid droplets. The inlet stream then exits through the diverging section, where it is forced to slow down. The dirty liquid carrying the pollutant particulate matter is then removed in a separator and discharged into a recycle tank some of the liquid is continuously purged to limit the solids concentration and allow recirculation back to the Venturi section. Venturis can be used to collect both particulate and gaseous pollutants, but they are more effective in removing particles than gaseous pollutants.