The primary aim of the Drum Sieve is to separate coarse impurities like straw, strings, stones, wood, paper, leaves etc from various cereals and grains in the intake section of the mill. The machine is suited to separate impurities such as Straw, String, Stone, Wood, Paper, leavemore...
Vashist Indent Cylinder (Length Grader) is used in cleaning and grading various types of seeds and cereals. It separates shrivelled, immature and broken grains from whole grains by length. The machine is primarily a horizontal rotating cylinder made of a special carbon steel sheemore...
maintained by pneumatic control system. An automatic sensing system at the feed inlet ensures that the rubber rolls are disengaged as soon as the flow of paddy is cut off for any reason. Thus ensuring longer rubber rool life. The degree of hulling is more compared to the conventimore...
We are offering milk boiler. these are ideal used for milk boiling & storage of hot milk and are used by restaurants, banquets, lawns, bars, party halls. more...
This Machine is complete with feed hoper with feed control seed spouts with bag Holding device, deck assembly for coarse/ fine seeds , easily changeable air - lifter Panel on side the body . it is supplied complete with Electricmotter starter & switch body is of welder constructimore...
Chicken Stunner : unconscious when it is bled out.
We offer a precision engineered range of Electrical Stunner Machine that cater to the requirements of poultry industry. It is a device used in abattoirs to stun an animal in order to make it unconscious when it is bled out. Robustly constructed, our electric stunner is ideal for more...