Purpose for modified Bitumen testing. various tests like Loss of Weight, Softening Point, Penetration, Elastic recovery Test etc. are to be done on the residue of thin Film Oven test. Thin Film Oven can conduct Thin Film Oven Test (IS : 9382-1982) as well as Loss in weight of bitumen & Flux-Oils (IS: 1212-1978, BS: 2000 (P-45), ASTM-D6, D 1754, AASHQ - T47, T 179) A double walled oven 230 V., 50 Hz and 1 Phase, inside Chamber 400 mm x 400 mm x 400 mm of Stainless Steel 304 & outside mild Steel Stoving Painted, in between the walls proper insulation; with a glass view window. Temperature range from ambient plus 10C to 200C & working temperature 163C 1C, controlled by PID Micro Processor controller dual display with safety alarm.
Rotating Shelf for Loss on Heating Test: A detachable perforated metal shelf of approx 250 mm dia (having provision to keep 9 no sample containers of 55 mm ID x 35 mm internal depth with flat bottom ) Suspended inside the oven which is rotated by a vertical shaft to which reduction gear is fitted from outside at a rate of 5 to 6 RPM. For Thin Film Test: Another detachable perforated metal shelf of approx 340 mm Dia (with provision to keep four Aluminium dishes with 140 mm 1D x 10 mm depth with Flat Bottom) provided that can be fitted in place of 250 mm dia shelf for Thin Film Test. Ventilation of the oven by means one round hole near the top & near the bottom on each of the two sides is provided. |