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Ayurvedic & Herbal Powders
2 Products availableIndustrial Chemicals
2 Products availableHerbal Extract
2 Products availableLiving Room And Plastic Furniture
2 Products available
With vast and increasing demand of Food Industry including Ayurvedic & Organic Products, an in-house Agri division under the flagship of Azure Group was established in 2013 which now has leveraged experience in the specialty foods and botanicals industry with a vision to become a market leader in supply of Botanical Herbs, Aromatic Spices and Seeds, Gums and Resins, Dried Fruits and Nuts, and other Plant-Based raw materials, Rice, Wheat, Cereals.
Long term relationships with affiliated growers ensure premium quality products at competitive prices along with unparalleled customer service.
Over the last several years, Azure International has earned the business and respect of firms and industries in its main service areas, and has proven to be a promising supplier in Agro-Alimentary Products.
Our pledge to excellence is unparalleled; our commitment to continually exceed the expectations of partners, clients, suppliers, and employees is unwavering.
Our management is continually exploring new opportunities and emerging markets, giving each trading partner the individual attention required to build a successful relationship.
Our Vision is to be recognized as a leader in the Botanical and Specialty Food Industries, specifically in areas of quality, value and service. We are dedicated to excellence in our current markets and look forward to continue this tradition as we grow, offering new products and serving new customers.
Our mission is to maintain our core values according to the highest standards. Professionalism, accountability and transparency are keys to our success, resulting in healthy relationships inside and outside our organization.
Azure prides itself on being able to meet our customer’s most stringent demands. From affiliated growers to expert sales staff, our global network offers a highly customized customer-service experience. Azure’s ability to work together and adapt to its customers separates us from our competitors.
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