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We are leaders in the market for providing best range of Diabex Tea, Obeslim Tea, Green Tea - Pure & Orange Flavour, Coldix Tea and Stressrid Tea

Diabex Tea

50 - 76 /Pack Get Latest Price
  • Min. Order (MOQ) 3000 Pack(s)
  • Dosage: A soothing warm cup of Diabex Tea 2 – 3 times a day, preferably30 minutes before the major meals.
  • Presentation: Each Tea Bag contains 2 g of the therapeutic Herbal Mixture. A single pack contains 20 such Tea Bags.

Diabex Tea is an effective adjuvant for Pre-diabetes and overt Type 2 Diabetes mellitus. It efficiently helps maintain blood sugar level within the normal range, works against Insulin Resistance and combats the Metabolic Syndrome. This herbal tea preparation causes significant reduction in excessive thirst, appetite and urination, and effectively boosts strength, energy and vitality. Diabex Tea helps delay the progression of Diabetes and the onset of allied complications as well.

Actions :

JamunBeej (Syzygiumcumini)

Potentantihyperglycemic action; Rich in Zinc and Chromium, the essential minerals that facilitateSugar metabolism

Vijaysar (Pterocarpusmarsupium)

Significantly Improves Insulin Sensitivity

Guduchi (Tinosporacordifolia)

Effective Antioxidant with Significant Antidiabetic action; Prevents Retinal Oxidative Stress and is observed to be useful in the prevention and management of Diabetic Retinopathy

BilvaChhal (Aeglemarmelos)

Exerts regenerative effect on β-cells of Pancreas4

MethiBeej (Trigonellafoenum-graecum)

Improves Insulin Sensitivity; Effectively reverses the metabolic alterations caused due to Diabetes; Protects the Heart.

Haridra (Curcuma longa)

Protects the vital organs against Diabetic Complications; Helps maintain the blood sugar level within the normal range.

Arjuna (Terminaliaarjuna)

Significantly lowers the raised blood sugar level; Provides protection to Heart against Diabetic Complications.

Amalaki (Emblicaofficinalis)

Boosts Immunity; Significantly Protects against Oxidative Stress.

Dalchini (Cinnamomum zeylanicum)

Improves metabolic derangements associated with Insulin Resistance; Protects against Diabetic Neuropathy and Nephropathy5.

Shunthi (Zingiberofficinale)

Promotes Glucose Uptake by Cells.

Indications :

  • As an adjuvant in Type 2 Diabetes mellitus
  • Nasal congestion or Running nose as in Rhinitis, Sinusitis, Flu, Allergic and Viral Infections of the Respiratory Tract


A soothing warm cup of Diabex Tea 2 – 3 times a day, preferably30 minutes before the major meals.

Method of Preparation

Immerse the Tea Bag in a cup of boiling water. Cover it and let it stand for 2 to 3 minutes. Sip it warm.


Each Tea Bag contains 2 g of the therapeutic Herbal Mixture. A single pack contains 20 such Tea Bags.

Additional Information:

Packaging Details : Pack Size: 40 gm (2 gm x 20 tea bags)

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Obeslim Tea

50 - 76 /Pack Get Latest Price
  • Min. Order (MOQ) 3000 Pack(s)
  • Dosage: A soothing warm cup of Slim Tea 2 – 3 times a day, preferably30 minutes before the major meals.
  • Presentation: 40 gm (2 gm x 20 tea bags)

Obesity is one of the major factors contributing to increased prevalence of various pathophysiological disorders, such as hyperlipidemia, diabetes mellitus and congestive heart diseases.

Enriched with Garcinia, Shuddha Guggulu and Shilajit, this herbal Tea is the best solution to curb excessive body weight, Obesity and Dyslipidemia. 

This herbal tea is rich in antioxidants that significantly neutralize free radical damage, promoting an energetic system with supple, smooth and youthfully radiant Skin.


  • As an adjuvant in Obesity, Dyslipidemia and Hypothyroidism
  • Metabolic Syndrome associated with Insulin Resistance, such as Pre-diabetes, PCOD (Polycystic Ovarian Disease), Syndrome X.


 A soothing warm cup of Slim Tea 2 – 3 times a day, preferably30 minutes before the major meals.

Method of Preparation:

Immerse the Herbal Tea Bag in a cup of boiling water. Cover it and let it stand for 2 to 3 minutes. Sip it warm.


Additional Information:

Packaging Details : Pack Size: 40 gm (2 gm x 20 tea bags)

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Green Tea - Pure & Orange Flavour

45 - 67 /Pack Get Latest Price
  • Min. Order (MOQ) 3000 Pack(s)
  • Dosage: A warm cup of Green Tea two to three times a day.
  • Presentation: 40 gm (2 gm x 20 tea bags)

This wisely processed healthful tea variant is prepared from finest hand-picked tea leaves from the higher altitude plantations. Green Tea significantly promotes fat loss, increases exercise endurance, improves insulin sensitivity, protects the liver and kidney, protects against cognitive decline, and delays the onset of premature signs of aging. Its detoxifying impact endows a clear, smooth and glowing complexion.


Green Tea is suitable and most preferred alternative for Black Tea and Coffee, which is extremely useful in the following conditions:

  • Dull Skin, Appearance of Premature Signs of Skin aging, such as Fine Lines, Superficial Wrinkles and Age Spots
  • Lowered Immunity with frequent bouts of bacterial and viral infections
  • (As an adjuvant in) Obesity, Dyslipidemia, Allergic Asthma, Atherosclerosis and Osteoporosis
  • (Protection against) Cardiovascular Disorders, Gall Stones, Periodontal disease


A warm cup of Green Tea two to three times a day.

Additional Information:

Packaging Details : Pack Size: 40 gm (2 gm x 20 tea bags)

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Coldix Tea

50 - 76 /Pack Get Latest Price
  • Min. Order (MOQ) 3000 Pack(s)
  • Dosage: A soothing warm cup of Cough Tea 2 – 3 times a day.
  • Presentation 40 gm (2 gm x 20 tea bags)

Enriched with potent demulcent, anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial herbs, Coldix Tea effectively clears the congested airways, significantly promotes expulsion of phlegm and alleviates infection, inflammation and allergy, endowing a soothing and calming relief to the aching and fatigued throat.


  • Dry and Productive cough owing to Infection, Inflammation or Allergic manifestations of airways, causing Pharyngitis, Laryngitis or Bronchitis
  • Nasal congestion or Running nose as in Rhinitis, Sinusitis, Flu, Allergic and Viral Infections of the Respiratory Tract


A soothing warm cup of Cough Tea 2 – 3 times a day.

Additional Information:

Packaging Details : Pack Size: 40 gm (2 gm x 20 tea bags)

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Stressrid Tea

50 - 76 /Pack Get Latest Price
  • Min. Order (MOQ) 3000 Pack(s)
  • Dosage: A warm cup of Stressrid Tea two to three times a day.
  • Presentation: Each Tea Bag contains 2 g of the therapeutic Herbal Products Mixture. A single pack contains 20 such Tea Bags.

Enriched with potent adaptogens, Stressrid Tea effectively helps combats stress, strain, lassitude and depression. Stress forms a vicious cycle with its allied disorders, such as Depression, Obesity, Hypertension, Impotency and Infertility, which further lead to elevated levels of Stress and excessive free radical assault to vital organs, significantly affecting the quality of life.

This caffeine-free herbal tea alleviates laziness and lethargy, endowing strength, energy and vitality.Furthermore, Stressrid Tea is a wholesome herbal preparation that significantly improves Sleep quality, promotes rejuvenation and enhances overall well-being.

Actions :


Potent antioxidant and immunomodulator that significantly protects the vital organs against oxidative stress, boosts immunity and protects against various infections and allergies; Possesses excellent antipsychotic activities1

Ashwagandha (Withaniasomnifera)

Powerful antioxidant that significantlyboosts energy, vigour and vitality; Ameliorates Physical and Mental Fatigue, Stress, Depression and allied Psychogenic disorders; Possesses significant Cardioprotective Activity

Yashtimadhu (Glycyrrhizaglabra)

Strengthens Memory and Learning abilities; Protects against Stress-induced Gastric ulceration as well owing to its Cytoprotective and Antioxidant properties2

Amalaki (Emblicaofficinalis)

Best natural antioxidantand anti-aging herb with excellent immunostimulant properties3; Protects against stress-related disorders, such as Hyperacidity, Peptic Ulcers, Insulin Resistance, Obesity, Cancer, Diabetesand Hypertension; Significantly improves Cognitive functions and ameliorates neuro degeneration

Shatavari (Asparagus racemosus)

Excellent Anti-stress herb4, possessing significant rejuvenating properties; Alleviates Depression; Improves Cognitive functions and Immunity; Supports fertility and vitality

Brahmi (Bacopamonnieri)

Enhances Cognitive performance5, Potent Antioxidant that significantly enhances cerebral blood flow (Procognitive effect); Protects against age-related cognitive decline and allied neurodegenerative disorders; Helps lower raised blood pressure

Ela (Elettariacardamomum)

Excellent Aroma-therapeutic action; enhances the flavour and aroma of this herbal products preparation; Improves Appetite, Digestion and Metabolism, which frequently get disturbed owing to Stress and allied disorders

PudinaSatva (Menthaarvensis)

Alleviates Fatigue, Stress and Depression; Ameliorated Flatulence and Digestive abnormalities; Endows the perfect aroma to this energizing herbal preparation

Shunthi (Zingiberofficinale)

Efficiently allays Headache and Malaise; Significantly improves Appetite, Digestion and Metabolism

Indications :

  • Stress, Fatigue, Lassitude and Depression
  • Lack of Interest in routine activities


A warm cup of Stressrid Tea two to three times a day.

Method of Preparation

Immerse the Tea Bag in a cup of boiling water. Cover it and let it stand for 2 to 3 minutes. Sip it warm.


Each Tea Bag contains 2 g of the therapeutic Herbal Products Mixture. A single pack contains 20 such Tea Bags.

Additional Information:

Packaging Details : Pack Size: 40 gm (2 gm x 20 tea bags)

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Ginger Tea

50 - 76 /Pack Get Latest Price
  • Min. Order (MOQ) 3000 Pack(s)
  • Dosage: A soothing warm cup of Ginger Tea 2 – 3 times a day.
  • Presentation: Each Tea Bag contains 2 g of the therapeutic Herbal Mixture. A single pack contains 20 such Tea Bags.

The spicy, invigorating Ginger Tea is extremely useful in indigestion, nausea, motion sickness, and efficiently wards off cold, headache, flu, sore throat and malaise. This remarkably calming and refreshing beverage endows numerous health benefits as it soothes the nerves, allays pain and swelling of joints, and significantly relaxes tired, sore and fatigued muscles. This revitalizing beverage effectively strengthens immunity and endows a soothing and warming relief in cool, damp and breezy weather conditions.Ginger Tea is extremely useful in Primary Dysmenorrhea as well.

Actions : Ginger (Zingiberofficinale)

Potent Antioxidant, Anti-inflammatory1 and Antimicrobial Herb; Alleviates pain and swelling of Inflamed Joints, and promotes mobility; Significant Anti-emetic activity; Efficiently allays Headache and Malaise; Supports Liver Functions; Promotes Digestion and Metabolism; Significantly reduces intensity and duration of Pain in Primary Dysmenorrhea1

Yashtimadhu (Glycyrrhizaglabra)

Significant antimicrobial action; Useful in Sore throat, Cough3, Respiratory Tract Infections, and Liver Dysfunction

Ela (Elettariacardamomum)

Adds flavour and Aroma; Alleviates Nausea, Motion Sickness and Indigestion; Endows a Soothing and Calming Relief owing to its Aromatherapeutic action

Tulasi (Ocimum sanctum)

Boosts immunity4; Checks common Respiratory Pathogens; Prevents Cold and Flu

Kali Mirch (Piper nigrum)

Promotes Digestion; Enhances the bio-availability of other herbal actives

Saunf (Foeniculumvulagre)

Potent Antioxidant that endows a natural sweet flavour and aroma to the Herbal Tea; Alleviates Sore throat &Heartburn; Improves appetite and digestion; Useful in Primary Dysmenorrhea as well.

Indications :

  • Nausea, Motion Sickness and Vomiting
  • Cough and Cold, Chest Congestion, Running Nose, Headache, Malaise and Flu
  • Lowered Immunity with frequent bouts of Cold, Cough, Flu and other Viral Infections
  • Pain and Swelling in Joints (Arthritis), Muscles, Tendons and / or Ligaments
  • Impaired Digestion and Anorexia (Loss of Appetite)
  • Useful as an adjuvant in Liver Dysfunction
  • Primary Dysmenorrhea


A soothing warm cup of Ginger Tea 2 – 3 times a day. 

Method of Preparation

Immerse the Tea Bag in a cup of boiling water. Cover it and let it stand for 2 to 3 minutes. Sip it warm.


Each Tea Bag contains 2 g of the therapeutic Herbal Mixture. A single pack contains 20 such Tea Bags.

Additional Information:

Packaging Details : Pack Size: 40 gm (2 gm x 20 tea bags)

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Laxit Tea

50 - 76 /Pack Get Latest Price
  • Min. Order (MOQ) 3000 Pack(s)
  • Dosage: A warm cup of Laxit Tea twice daily, preferably during the second half of the day.
  • Presentation: Each Tea Bag contains 2 g of the therapeutic Herbal Mixture. A single pack contains 20 such Tea Bags.

Enriched with natural digestives, carminatives and pro-kinetics, this non-habit forming mild laxative herbal tea is extremely useful in acute and chronic Constipation. Laxit Tea significantly mitigates allied symptoms, such as nausea, anorexia, flatulence, abdominal discomfort, pain in legs and headache, and efficiently promotes appetite and digestion as well. It effectively encourages bowel movements and promotes regular bowel evacuation, keeping you light, energetic and refreshed. 

Actions : Sonamukhi (Cassia angustifolia)

Significant Pro-kinetic and Laxative action1; Checks Intestinal worms

Saunf (Foeniculumvulagre)

Potent Antioxidant that endows a natural sweet flavour and aroma to the Herbal Tea; Improves appetite and digestion; Favours Bowel movements

Trivrt (Operculinaturpethum)

Potent Herbal Laxative; Protects the Liver

Haritaki (Terminaliachebula)

Haritaki (Terminaliachebula)Significant Pro-kinetic action; Supports Liver Health; Promotes Digestion and Metabolism

RevandChini (Rheum emodi)

Significant Hepatoprotective and Laxative action

Shunthi (Zingiberofficinale)

Significant Anti-emetic activity; Efficiently allays Headache and Malaise; Supports Liver Functions; Promotes Digestion and Metabolism


Potent Carminative that effectively dispels Flatulence and Abdominal Discomfort; Useful in Intestinal Worm Infestation

Yastimadhu (Glycyrrhizaglabra)

Gastroprotective; Improves Liver Functions; Intensifies the laxative action of Rhubarb (RevandChini) and Sennosides (from Sonamukhi)

Indications :

  • Acute and Chronic Constipation
  • Allied Flatulence, Abdominal Discomfort, Nausea and Lethargy
  • Intestinal Worm Infestation 


A warm cup of Laxit Tea twice daily, preferably during the second half of the day. It is recommended to include fibers, fresh fruits, green vegetables and optimum fluids in your daily diet as well.Daily exercise is extremely important in maintaining healthy bowel functions. Non-vegetarian food, white bread, pastries, puddings, sugar, candy, cake and cheese tend to worsen constipation, so they must be avoided to maintain regular bowel movements. 

Method of Preparation

Immerse the Tea Bag in a cup of boiling water. Cover it and let it stand for 2 to 3 minutes. Sip it warm.


Each Tea Bag contains 2 g of the therapeutic Herbal Mixture. A single pack contains 20 such Tea Bags.

Additional Information:

Packaging Details : Pack Size: 40 gm (2 gm x 20 tea bags)

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Digestive Tea

50 - 76 /Pack Get Latest Price
  • Min. Order (MOQ) 3000 Pack(s)
  • Dosage: A soothing warm cup of Digestive Tea 2 – 3 times a day after meals.
  • Presentation Each Tea Bag contains 2 g of the therapeutic Herbal Mixture. A single pack contains 20 such Tea Bags.

Indigestion is the root cause of various systemic disorders. Digestive Tea is an appetizing and carminative herbal products preparation, which significantly improves digestion, allays excessive eructations, nausea, heart burn, flatulence and associated abdominal discomfort. A warm cup of Digestive Tea, after each major meal, effectively boosts digestion and metabolism, keeping you light and refreshed all day through. 

Actions :

Saunf (Foeniculumvulagre) - Endows a natural sweet flavour and aroma; Alleviates Heartburn

Pudina (Menthaspicata) - Improves Digestion; Allays abdominal discomfort associated with Indigestion

Shunthi (Zingiberofficinale) - An excellent remedy for Nausea and Vomiting

Ajowain(Trachyspermumammi) - Stimulates Digestion; Relieves Abdominal Distension

Chitrak (Plumbagozeylanica) - Improves Appetite; Checks Dysentery; Regulates Bowel motility

Ela (Elettariacardamomum) - Adds flavour and Aroma; Attenuates Nausea

Amalaki (Emblicaofficinalis) - Relieves Acidity & Heartburn; Heals and Strengthens gastro-intestinal tract mucosa

Maricha (Piper nigrum) - Improves appetite; Promotes the bio-availability and efficacy of other Ingredients; Regulates Cholesterol level

Jira (Cuminumcyminum) - Stimulates Digestion; Relieves Gastric discomfort; Improves appetite

Chavya (Piper chaba) - Allays Dysentery; Significant Gastroprotective activity

Dhaniya (Coriandrumsativum) - Soothes and Cools the System; Allays Nausea and Indigestion; Improves Appetite

NimbuSatva (Citrus limon) - Stimulates Appetite and Digestion

Indications :

  • Indigestion, allied Nausea&Flatulence
  • Excessive eructations and Heart burn owing to impaired digestion
  • Anorexia (Loss of Appetite)


A soothing warm cup of Digestive Tea 2 – 3 times a day after meals.

Method of Preparation

Immerse the Tea Bag in a cup of boiling water. Cover it and let it stand for 2 to 3 minutes. Sip it warm.


Each Tea Bag contains 2 g of the therapeutic Herbal Mixture. A single pack contains 20 such Tea Bags.

Additional Information:

Packaging Details : Pack Size: 40 gm (2 gm x 20 tea bags)

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Vata Tea

50 - 76 /Pack Get Latest Price
  • Min. Order (MOQ) 3000 Pack(s)
  • Dosage: A warm cup of Vata Herbal Tea two to three times a day.
  • Presentation: Each Herbal Tea Bag contains 2 g of the therapeutic Herbal Mixture. A single pack contains 20 such Tea Bags.

Vata is referred to as the ‘King of the Doshas’ because it is responsible for each and every movement in the body. Pitta and Kapha cannot function, without the association of Vata. Vata governs each and every action in the body, the activities of the nervous system and the process of elimination. Vata influences and leads the other Doshas. In general, it is the Vata Dosha, which goes out of balance initially, causing the disease process to set in.

Enriched with potent vataharadravyas, Vata Tea significantly relieves stress, anxiety, restlessness and fatigue. It is extremely beneficial in palpitations, chills, tremors, dryness and sleep disorders. Vata Tea also provides soothing effect for all individuals in cold and dry weather conditions.

Actions : Rasna(Pluchealanceolata)

Potent Anti-oxidant and Rasayana (Rejuvenative) that ameliorates Joint pain, swelling and other inflammatory manifestations

Bala (Sidacordifolia)

Excellent adaptogen and anti-stress herb1 that significantly improves Strength and Immunity; Protects against frequent bouts of Cold, Cough and Seasonal allergies; 

Shatavari(Asparagus racemosus)

Improves Cognitive Functions2; Allays Stress, anxiety, restlessness and Malaise; Boosts energy and immunity


Cardioprotective herb; Significantly alleviates Stress, Malaise and Fatigue

Brahmi (Bacopamonnieri)

Enhances Cognitive performance3, Potent Antioxidant that significantly enhances cerebral blood flow (Pro-cognitive effect); Protects against age-related cognitive decline and allied neurodegenerative disorders


It significantly allays stress, improves concentration and learning abilities; Boosts Immunity and effectively protects the Vital organs against free radical assaults


Improves Sleep Quality; Alleviates Stress and Fatigue

Shunthi (Zingiberofficinale)

Improves Digestion and Immunity; Ameliorates Joint pains, Malaise and Fatigue; Imparts a nice flavour to the Herbal Preparation


Supports Digestion; Improves Appetite; Exerts significant Gastroprotective effect4

Lavanga (Syzygiumaromaticum)

Soothes the System; Improves Digestion and Immunity; Strengthens Bones and protects against Osteoporosis

NirgundiPatra (Vitexnegundo)

Allays Pain and Inflammation of Joints

Ela (Elettariacardamomum)

Endows a rich flavour and aroma to the Herbal Products Preparation; Soothes the nerves and eases out Fatigue and Malaise

Yastimadhu (Glycyrrhizaglabra)

Improves Strength and Immunity; Favours Digestion; Protects Skin Tone and Texture

Marich (Piper nigrum)

Strengthens Digestion; Boosts Immunity

Indications :

  • Pain and Swelling in Joints (Arthritis), Frequent Episodes of Headache, Fatigue, Restlessness, Anxiety and Malaise
  • Impaired Digestion with a tendency towards Flatulence, Hard Stools alternating with Dysentery or Colitis
  • Lowered Immunity, increased predisposition to Cold, Cough and Seasonal infections and allergies
  • Dry and Lustreless Skin, Premature Signs of Skin Aging, such as appearance of Fine Lines, Wrinkles and Age Spots at an earlier than usual age.


A warm cup of Vata Herbal Tea two to three times a day.

Method of Preparation

Immerse the Tea Bag in a cup of boiling water. Cover it and let it stand for 2 to 3 minutes. Sip it warm.


Each Tea Bag contains 2 g of the therapeutic Herbal Products Mixture. A single pack contains 20 such Tea Bags.

Additional Information:

Packaging Details : Pack Size: 40 gm (2 gm x 20 tea bags)

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Kapha Tea

50 - 76 /Pack Get Latest Price
  • Min. Order (MOQ) 3000 Pack(s)
  • Dosage: An invigorating warm cup of Kapha Tea two to three times a day.
  • Presentation Each Tea Bag contains 2 g of the therapeutic Herbal Mixture. A single pack contains 20 such Tea Bags.

The three Doshas – Vata, Pitta and Kapha - together regulate and control the overall catabolic and anabolic processes that sustain life. Kapha is responsible for Growth and Protection. The mucosal lining of the stomach and the cerebral-spinal fluid that protects the brain and spinal column are the seats of kapha.

Aggravated Kapha is linked with the production of Ama, the root cause of all the disorders, ranging from impaired digestion and respiratory tract congestion to dullness, laziness and lethargy. It is also responsible for Joint Stiffness and reduced joint mobility. Excessive Kapha can be balanced by intake of light, hot and pungent food articles, such as spices, curtailing the number of hours of sleep and by means of incorporation of aerobic exercises in the daily routine.

Enriched with respiratory stimulants and natural decongestants – Tulasi, Vasa and Yashtimadhu, ‘Kapha Tea’ efficiently clear up the mucus build-up, hence, facilitating smooth and unobstructed flow of vital energy.

Actions : Vasaka (Adhatodavasica)

The semi-synthetic derivatives of Vascicine from Vasaka, endow significant protection against bacterial and viral infections of the Respiratory Tract; Effectively clears the blocked airways

Yastimadhu (Glycyrrhizaglabra)

Useful in Sore throat and Chest Congestion; Perks up energy and immunity, protecting against the common respiratory tract pathogens

Tulasi (Ocimum sanctum)

Potent Srotoshodhaka (biological channels’ cleanser) and stimulant that abolishes laziness and lethargy; Significantly improves digestion and metabolism, and effectively protects against the Seasonal infections and allergies


Helps in digestion of Ama, hence, effectively improves digestion and metabolism;Ameliorates Joint Stiffness and facilitates joint mobility; 

Marich (Piper nigrum)

Excellent Srotoshodhaka and warming herb that efficiently pacifies the aggravated Kaphaandac cumulated Ama; Extremely useful in Indigestion, Dyslipidemia and Respiratory Tract Congestion

Pippali (Piper longum)

Piperine, the active alkaloid of Pippali and Marich, enhances the bio-availability of active ingredients, significantly enhancing overall therapeutic efficacy of the Herbal Products preparation. 

Ela (Elettariacardamomum)

Supports Digestive and Respiratory Functions; Exerts Aromatherapeutic action and endows unmatched flavour and aroma to the herbal preparation

Dalchini (Cinnamomumzeylanicum)

Effectively combats the common Respiratory Tract Infections; Provides a soothing relief to throat and Clears the blocked Airways; 

ShuddhaGuggulu (Commiphoramukul)

Excellent Antioxidant and Anti-obesity constituent that effectively pacifies aggravated Kapha and endows significant Cardioprotective action by allaying Obesity and Dyslipidemia

Indications :

  • Dullness, Lassitude and Lethargy even after a long, restful sleep
  • Sluggish Digestion
  • Frequent Respiratory Tract Congestion

As an adjuvant in:

  • Obesity, Dyslipidemia and associated Cardiovascular abnormalities
  • Insulin Resistance and allied risk factors, such as Metabolic Syndrome and Type-2 Diabetes mellitus


An invigorating warm cup of Kapha Tea two to three times a day.

Method of Preparation

Immerse the Tea Bag in a cup of boiling water. Cover it and let it stand for 2 to 3 minutes. Sip it warm.


Each Tea Bag contains 2 g of the therapeutic Herbal Mixture. A single pack contains 20 such Tea Bags.

Additional Information:

Packaging Details : Pack Size: 40 gm (2 gm x 20 tea bags)

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