Our Products
2 Products availableFertilizer
1 Products availableCattle Feed
1 Products availableAnimal Feed Supplement
1 Products availableHerbal, Ayurvedic Oils & Cosmetics
1 Products availableOur offered Product range includes Toxilock Powder, Immuboost Powder, Ayurmeth Powder, Ayurcol Powder and Hepashakit-PRO Powder.
Birds & Animals suffer from various diseases because of increase susceptibility. Toxilock is formulation which helps to come out these toxins form the body rendering birds & animals in diseased Free State. Toxilock acts as binding and preservative agent for raw materials and animal feed, Which protects feed against deterioration caused by micro-organism and their metabolites.
Dosage - (Liquid)
Dosage - (Powder): Mix 500 gm to 1 kg. 0f Toxilock in each ton of feed
PresentationLiquid: 5 liter and 20 LiterPowder: 25 kg Bag
Immune Booster Promotes immunity, Detoxification and Better management of Gut
BENEFITS:Improves immune functions Helps to promote feed and nutrient absorption.Natural way to protect from stress.Reduces recovering period.Protects from infections Maintain Gastrointestinal Tract HealthyImproves healthy gut functioning
DIRECTION FOR USE:Liquid: 1 Ltr per 1000 Ltr of drinking water or as directed by veterinary consultant.Powder: Mix 1-2 Kg per MT of prepared feed
PRESENTATION:Liquid: 500 ml , 1 Ltr & 5 LtrPowder: 1 kg, 5 kg & 25 kg
Methionine is an essential amino acid needed for healthy and productive poultry.Ayurmeth is the natural herbal alternate to dl-Methionine that has same mechanism of action in the body as of the synthetic dl-methionine. Amino acids are essential for growth and metabolism. Methionine deficiency leads to poor F.C.R., retarded growth in chickens, reduced egg production in layers breeders besides weakness, poor feathering and immune-suppression. The product makes the replacement in the same ratio 1:1 and is more bio-available in the blood serum.
Benefits :
Dosage :Replace the usage of synthetic dl-Methionine with Herbal Ayurmeth. If farm uses 1kg dl-Methionine in per ton of feed then he must use 500 gm of herbal Ayurmeth + 500 gm of dl-Methionine in 1 ton of feed, it will give the same results with better bioavailability and economics.
Presentation : 25 kg Bag
Unique Combination of Probiotics, Amino Acids, Liver Extract, Seaflora & HSCAS
Benefits :
Indications :
Dosage :
Presentation : 100 gm, 300 gm & 1 kg
Selenium and Vitamin E combination for cellular protection, immunity better productivity
Dosage (Liquid):Through drinking water for 5-7 days, twice daily
Dosage (Powder):