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Our Complete range of products are arshavin capsule, gasend capsule, Livodin Tablet, Drakso-N-zyme and normacaps capsule.

Acinorm Capsule

Acinorm capsule is an effective and safe herbo-mineral formulation which treats to neutralize this increased acidic content in the body which leads to loss of appetite and different products. This furhter help to promotes healthy digestion, maintains proper function of the gestrointestinals tract, eliminate toxins, remove excess pitta so it relieves burning sensations in urinary system.Quality - acid peptic disorder, dyspepsia, hyper-acidity, flatulence, heartburn.Dosage - 1 to 2 capsules three times a day or as directed by the physician.Packing - 30 capsule hdpe bottle
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Arshavin Capsule

Arshavin capsule shrinks pile mass, control bleeading and heals inflamed skin and the mucus membrane. Arshavin capsule offers symptomatic relief from rectal bleeding, pain, itchiness and corrects chronic costipation associated with hemorrhoids. It is a unique piles cure for bleeding and non-bleeding piles.
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Gasend Capsule

Gasend capsule is a unique herbal digestive formula prepared from ayurvedic herbs heaving carminative, anti-flatulent and antacid properties that cure flatulence by preventing formation of gas in the gestrointestinal tract and facilitating easy expulsion of gas. It also helps to relieve acidity and heartburn.
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Naturally Churna

Naturally churna is a well known herbal remedy for the treatment of helps in natual cure constipation without producing any adverse effects. It also effective for perfect digestive aid, appetite, stimulator, lever stimulant, gastrointestinal stomachic. Ideal remedial for habitual constipation.
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Livodin Tablet

Livodin tablet is a powerful remedy made from the finest rejuvenating herbal extracts. It re-stimulates the liver into producing more bile and revives dead cells. it is very useful for the all type of liver spleen related disorder. Helpful in enlarged and fatty liver. Also promotes regeration and repair of liver cells.
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Drakso N zyme is natural enzyme syrup which is key factor in preventing chronic disease and extending the human lifespan. Drakso N zyme Stimulates body's natural supply of digestive enzymes. it helps to remove food aversion and restores normal digestive function. also help in chronic constipation. it stimulate the liver and entire digestive tract.
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Normacaps Capsule

Normacaps capsule is specially formulated to overcome the ill effects of stress and to provide the physical and mental health. It helps to reduce level of stress, nourish brain cells, improve concentration of mind, removes mental fatigue & promotes sound sleep.It improve the body's ability to maintain physical efforts and helps the body relieve stress, fatigue and sleeplessness.Indication- stress induces problem, mental & physical exhaustion, convalescence, chronic fatigue syndrome& general debility
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Sobex Capsule

Sobex capsule is a best herbal brain stimulant which improves nerves, brain function and memory. It helps to prevent cognitive impairment and age related dementia. It also facilitates sustained intellectual activity.Indication - memory loss, hypertension, anxiety & stress in old age, improves intellectual mental disorders.
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Leucaps Capsule

Leucaps Capsule is very effective for all type of abnormal and excessive white and bloody discharge from the genital tract. it helps to improve blood ciculations , it gives relief in pain, backache and is the best treatment for light yellow and white dischage and remove odour from Vagina.Indication - Vaginal fungal infection. Leucorehoea associated with P I D backeche and other symptoms associated with Leucorehoea.
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Rajocare Capsule

Rajocare capsule is a wonderful menstrual medicines that is very effective in irregular menstrual cycles and secondary amenorrhea. It balance females hormones and regulate menstrual cycle naturally. Useful in all type of discomfirt durig menstruation.Indication - primary & secondary amenorrhea, control infection of vegina.
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Purin Capsule

Purin Capsule is anti-septic, antibectarial, Anti-fungal, anti-inflammatory, Anti-viral, wound healing and anti-allergic properties work synergistically to treat skin infections. It is an excellant herbal preparation, give natural glow to skin, control the itching of any etiology. It also helps in the detoxification and maintains normal skin health. Indicate - Acute, chronic & allergic dermatitis and fungal infection.
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Amiriprash Gold

Amiriprash gold is a premium ayurvedic health tonic enriched with pure oxidized gold and silver and rela saffron. It improve blood properties, increase hemoglobin and reduce cholesteroel level. It also improve sexual function and helps brains to function better. Indication - tuberculosis, chronic bronchitis, loss of memory, immune deficiency syndrome.
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Blossom Capsule

Blossom capsule provides an entire spectrum of nutrients especially essential for building healthy blood. It brings about restorative and rejuvenating property to the whole body in addition on various tissues and dhatus.It also help to increase the hemoglobin level improves the apetite and digestion and raise body resistance and promotes rapid recovery after illness.Indication - liver spleen enlargement, pragnancy & lactaion.
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Almozest is highly beneficial for increasing body strength and Immunity. Almozest provides essential vitamins, proteins, calcium, iron and mineral components. It helps to lower cholestrol level, keep skin healthy and glowing, Act as an Anti-oxidents and build strong bones. Indicaton - Body weakness, premature ageing, sexual debility.
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Plasmo-Rid Tablet

Plasmo Rid tablet comprises very selective Ayurvedic herb for anti malariaL fever, Dengue fever and chikungynya fever. By strengthning immune system, it enables body to fight with verious infection. It is very effective in malarial fever, Dengue fever and chickengunya Fever, reduce the post fever weakness and check the recurrence of malaria. Indication - Extensively used in Fever, loss of Apetite
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Rheumarx Gold Tablet

Rheumarx Gold Tablet in contain Gold in the form of suvarna bhasma, Gold compound have important theraputic applications in the treatment of arthitis. It strengthens the muscles & ligaments and increase stamina. It relieves pain and morning stiffness, helps to alleviate pain, inflammation and stiffness associated with arthritis.Indication - Backache, Muscle and joint pain, Stiff neck and sport injury.
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Jambruwin Tablet

Jambruwin Tablet Antidiabetic Medicine is Ideal to control the Insulin Level of the body. By maintaining the sugar level, Jambruwin tablet prevents the body from various disorders that can affect the diabetic patient. It reduce the suger level in blood and urine, improve immunity against disease, help to purify blood and prevent cardiovascular diseases.Indication - Glycosyria, chronic urinary infections.
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Stocrush Capsule

Stocrush Capsule is an exclusive herbo-mineral formulation to treat and prevent urinary tract infection and stone formation. Stocrush capsule is a diuretic that flushes out small stones from the kidneys. It prevents stone formation in the urinary tract and helps maintain the kidney function. Indication - Urinary calculi, recurrent calculi, Urinary tract infection, burning micturition
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Favordil Capsule

Favordil Capsule is the combination of cardiac tonic, antilipidemic.anti angina, diuretic, tranquilizers and anti hypertensive drugs. It is very effective for all type of heart related disorders. It control the cholestrol levels in the blood, support healthy pumping action of heart and support healthy energy level.Indication - Myocardial infection, Angina, Coronary artery disease, heart
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Ayurvedic Pain Killer Oil

Helps in Treatment of Paralysis stiffness and pain in locked jaw headache, eye diseases osteo arthritis.Useful in pericoronitis.Useful in cosmetic products
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