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Test Kits
2 Products availableMedical Equipment & Supplies
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2 Products availableLeading Manufacturer, Supplier & Retailer of Grain Moisture Meter, Digital Altimeter, Wood Moisture Meter, DIGITAL HEMOGLOBIN METER and Stability Chamber.
Digital Altimeter, with digital barometer, digital compass, weather forecast, time, calendar, thermometer and backlight. The device is based on the technology of electronic bearing sensor and barometric sensor.
The digital altimeter is designed for outdoor use, the detachable string makes the digital compass a perfect hand carry device for various outdoor activities. It will give you backlight when you press any button in any time.
Features:- | ||||||||||||||||
Stability Chamber offered find application in creating ideal conditions for Industrial component/product research as well as for Bio technical specification tests. Featuring use of accurate as well as reliable chamber for long term high temperature as well as RH testing applications, these are made available in temperature range of 10 c to 60 c with accuracy of _ 0.5 c. These also feature relative humidity range of 35% RH to 95% RH with accuracy of - 3% RH. Here, a positive vertical air circulation also helps in ensuring uniformity in temperature and RH.
Single aspirations, with filter (Na&K) final result in ppm, 2 digit dual LED display for simultaneous result along with compressor &accessories, autoignition, Ca& Li filter can be provided on request at extra cost.
Accessories on Request :
a) filters (Na, K, Li, Ca) Anyone
b) Air Compressor
Digital Salinity Meteris a precision instrument for potentiometeric measurements. Results are displayed in milli volts on a direct digital readout by light emitting diodes (LED).
Technical Specification: :- | ||||||||||||
Highly Stable & Accurate | |
Domestic Advanced digital circuit and microcomputer control. | |
LCD Display | |
Storage of three times results for Re-M (Repetition measurement) and calculation of average value. | |
RS 232 interface. | |
Measurement Range : -45 - +45, -120 Z + 120 Z | |
Minimum Reading : 0.001 Z and 0.01 Z |
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missing colonies or doubles counting. The digital count on the display can be reset manually any time by pressing the RESET key provided.optimum viewing of colonies is aided by peripheral glare-free illunmination. An integral magnifying glass provides for easier counting of small colonies. |
Salient Features :- | ||||||||||||
3 digit LED display with facility for temperature compensation & digital cell constant adjustment along with conductivity cell.(Table Model)
with atutomatic and manual temp. Compensation is also available | ||||||||||||
Salient Features :- | ||||||||||||