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We are leaders in the market for providing best range of Coal Tar Epoxy Paint, High Build Solventless Polyurethane Paint, High Outdoor Durable Polyurethane Paint, Sulfuric Acid Resistant Polyurethane Paint and Synthetic Paints

Coal Tar Epoxy Paint

We offer our range of Coal Tar Epoxy Paint which is high performing and designed specially to render it unique qualities like excellent resistance to corrosion, and fast drying. Our Coal Tar Epoxy Paint is easy to apply and offers excellent flow and texture. We offer our range of Coal Tar Epoxy Paint at market leading prices. Our Coal Tar Epoxy Paint is designed to have high DFT per coat. FeaturesCorrosion resistantQuick dryingHigh DFT per coatReasonable prices


DryingSurface Dry : Maxm. 2 Hrs
Recoatable : Maxm. 4 Hrs
Hard Dry : Maxm 16 Hours
Curing : 7 days
Specific Gravity Min. 12.00
Mixing RatioPaint : Hardener = 3:1 ( volume)
DFT /Coat Min. 500 microns
Volume SolidMin. 50%
Scratch Hardness Min. 1.5 Kg
Flexibility¼" Mandrel
Salt Spray Resistance500 Hrs
Humidity Resistance500 Hrs
Coverage2 sq mt/lt

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High Build Solventless Polyurethane Paint

We have specially formulated this High Build Solventless Polyurethane Paint to offer excellent adhesion, optimum elongation, hardness, impact resistance and high film build per coat along with excellent corrosion resistance.

Performance Test

ParameterRequirementTest MethodResult
Chemical resistanceLess than 15% weight increase after immersion
Less than 2% weight loss after drying
Immersion in deionized water EN ISO 62 method 2
Immersion in diluted sulphuric acid 10% EN ISO 62 method 2
Impact strentgth8 J/mm PU coated pipe barrel
5J/mm EP- coated spigot end
Dropping weight High Voltage test-
Indentation Resistance< 10% at 10 MPaIndentation test8%
Elongation at break>2.5%Tensile test2%
Specific coating resistance in 0.1M NaCl10^8Ωm^2Resistivity test Towel method or vessel method-
Ratio of coating Resistance>0.8Res. 100 d/res. 70d-

Routine Test

Test ParametersRequirementsTest MethodResults
Surfsce PreparationSA 2.5 of EN ISO 8501-1VisualOK
Surface RoughnessRa > 10µmEN ISO 8503-1Passes
Appearance and continuityUniform and smoothVisualOK
Minimum Coating Thickness( x- 2 б ) > 700 micronsNon- destructive instruments Error ± 10%1200 micron
Non-porosityNo electrical breakthrough at required test voltageHigh Voltage Test Instrument-
Hardness> 70 Shore DHardness test75 Shore D
Adhesion> 8 MPa at 23 deg. CPunch Separation method acc. EN ISO 462410 Mpa
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High Outdoor Durable Polyurethane Paint

Designed to offer excellent flow, gloss, mechanical properties, the High Outdoor Durable Polyurethane Paint also offers outstanding color and has gloss retention for a period of at least 5 years.


DryingSurface Dry : Maxm. 2 Hrs
Hard Dry : Maxm 12 Hours
Specific Gravity Min. 10.00
Mixing RatioPaint : Hardener = 4:1 ( volume)
DFT /Coat Min. 60 microns
Volume SolidMin. 50%
Scratch Hardness Min. 1.5 Kg
Flexibility¼" Mandrel
Salt Spray Resistance500 Hrs
Humidity Resistance500 Hrs
Coverage10-12 sqmt/lt

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Sulfuric Acid Resistant Polyurethane Paint

Sulfuric Acid Resistant Polyurethane Paint comes in a 2 pack format, designed for application on primed traction battery tray ( made of mild steel) and offers excellent flow, gloss, adhesion, durability and resistance to sulphuric acid.

Application & Dry Film Properties

Mixing Ratio3:1 ( BY VOL)
Thinner Intake35-45% of PU Thinner
Application Viscosity18-22" / B4/30C
Specific Gravity0.95-1
Can Viscosity100-120"/B4/30C
Drying TimeSurface Dry : 20-25 Mins
Tack Free : 2-3 Hrs.
Hard Dry : 16 Hrs
Cross Cut Adhesion0/100
Scratch Hardnes1.5 Kg
Gloss ( 60 Deg.)Min. 85%
Pot LifeMin. 3 Hrs. at 30C
Resistance to Sulphuric AcidPasses
Shelf Life1 year from the dt of manufacturing

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