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Leading Manufacturer, Supplier & Retailer of Biogas Refinery Plant.

Biogas Purification System

Purification of biogas by vacuum pressure swing adsorption was evaluated to produce fuel grade methane (FGM). Two different adsorbents were employed to evaluate the process performance with equilibrium- and kinetic-based adsorbents. A five-step cycle configuration (feed, intermediate depressurization, blow down, purge, and pressurization) was employed to compare with results obtained with a four-step cycle without intermediate depressurization. The effect of different operating variables like step times and pressure conditions of the cycle was analyzed.VPSA (Vacuum Pressure swing Adsorption) Technology Based Biogas purification Unit :-


The Bio-gas which was collected in gas-holder from bio-gas digester will be feed to a blower and this blower boost bio-gas up to 0.7 bar (7000 mmwc) pressure. This gas is passed through Desulphurization unit, where most of H2S removed. Now this gas pass through cooling water/child water cooler to cool down and remove water content then feed to a composite bad of molecular sieve towers unit bottom to top which has twin tower arrangement filled with different grade of molecular sieve (composite bad) where H2O, H2S and CO2 will absorbed and outlet gas from tope of the tower will be free of H2O, H2S and CO2 4-5%.In this process one tower is in adsorption and other tower is taken for regeneration. In this VPSA process regeneration is in two stapes as bellow:-

    • - Depressurization of the tower.

    • - Create Vacuum in the tower by vacuum pump.

  • - The change over from one tower to another tower is fully automatic. There is a surge vessel which helps to give outlet purified gas flow continuously.
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Internal Heated Type Dryer

When there is less compressed air to spare, Van Air heated regenerative compressed air dryers provide the solution by requiring less purge air for desiccant regeneration. Compared to a heatless dryer, a Van Air internally heated dryer delivers significant savings through purge air reduction. Van Air HI series internally heated desiccant dryers supply -40F pressure dew point air for critical requirements for pneumatic instruments, controls and sensitive process air. Principle of operation: Wet inlet air flows through the drying tower where moisture is attracted to and adsorbed on the desiccant. Approximately 6% of the dry outlet air, expanded to atmospheric pressure, is diverted to the regenerating tower where it is heated as it flows through a heater isolation tube. This air is then directed through the desiccant bed where it strips off accumulated moisture. Standard units available from 150 SCFM to 3, 000 SCFM. Finally, the purge air is exhausted into the atmosphere through a purge valve. The eight-hour NEMA cycle includes four hours of drying, three hours of regeneration and one hour of cooling per tower. All HI series compressed air dryers include individual heater thermostats. Purge flow rates are adjustable for your operating requirements.

Application -
  • Instrument air dryers for power plants Refineries & Petrochemicals, chemical & fertilizer plants etc.
  • CNG Compressed Natural Gas drying & conditioning plants, Gas Dryers.
  • Hydrogen Gas Drier for generator Cooling Application.
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H.O.C. Dryer

The heat of compression (HOC) dryers is the latest generation chemical dryers based on adsorption principle. It does not have complex valvings & is eliminated with purge loss drawback as in heatless type dryer. HOC offers best atmospheric dew point i.e. -70C. It's having least running cost with best quality of air. Have lesser pay back period. It is a stationary system, fully automatic, continuous duty with long efficient service life. This dryer is most users friendly.

    • Range:
    • 1000 CFM to upto 5000 CFM

    • Application:
    • Mass quantity instrument, process air in chemical industries & other engineering applications where mass volume air may be required.

    • Op. Pressure:
    • 7 Kg/cm2 standard

    • Design Standard:
    • ASME SECT VIII DIV I, TEMA, IS Standard.

  • Location:

After air receiver, in comp. air system.

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Hydrogen Dryer

In this dryer, the regeneration air is supplied from a blower which is heated in a heating chamber and thus increasing its moisture carrying capacity. This hot air is passed through the desiccant bed for regeneration.
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