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1 Products availableOur product range contains a wide range of finishing auxiliaries, dyeing auxiliaries, Sizing Auxiliaries, pretreatment auxiliaries and printing auxiliaries
We are one of the leading Exporters and suppliers of a wide variety of Finishing Auxiliaries procured from reliable sources. We deal in different types of Finishing Auxiliaries, Silicon Softeners, Cationic Softeners, Resins, Reactive Softener, etc. Buyers can obtain our Finishing Auxiliaries in bulk quantities and at reasonable prices. We also ensure timely delivery of the orders at required destination.
Additives and Binders
Perapret PU New : Polyurethane DispersionPolyurethane additive and binder for finishing textiles with and without pigments. Suitable for embossed, schreiner and chintz finishes.
Crosslinking Agents
Fixapret AP Liquid C : Low formaldehyde modified dimethyloldihydroxyethylene urea Crosslinking agent for low-formaldehyde, wash-resistant resin finishing of woven and knitted fabrics composed of cellulosic fibres and their blends with synthetic fibres.
Fixapret F ECO Liauid : Ultra low formaldehyde modified dimethyloldihydroxyethylene urea Crosslinker for low-formaldehyde, washfast resin finishing of woven and knitted fabrics composed of cellulosic fibres and their blends with synthetic fibres. Extremely low formaldehyde values.
Additives, Smoothing Agents and Softeners
Solusoft FB NCE : Nonionic fatty acid condensation productA low foaming product, produces an excellent soft handle on all types of fibres. It gives washfast finishing effects.
Ceralube FPEB Liq : APEO-Free secondary polyethylene dispersionSecondary polyethylene dispersion. Finishing agent for easycare finishing of woven and knitted fabrics composed of cellulose fibres and their blends with synthetic fibre smoothening agent that improves the tear strength abrasion resistance, sewability gives the fabric a somewhat fuller, smoother handle.
Softeners Universe
Siligen® SIH Liquid : Polysiloxane basedVery soft, hydrophilic, natural handle, shear stability.
Siligen SIE Liquid : Aminofunctional polysiloxaneSilicone softener for finishing of woven and knitted goods composed of cellulosic fibres and their blends with synthetics fibres.
As a known Exporter and Supplier, we deal in Dyeing Auxiliaries, Textile Dyeing Auxiliaries etc. We procure these Dyeing Auxiliaries only from the reputed manufacturers or vendors after checking on various quality parameters to ensure defect-free product at buyer’s end. Buyers can obtain bulk quantities of Dyeing Auxiliaries at very affordable rates from us. Owing to our fast transit facilities, we are able to deliver the orders within the promised time frame.
Wetting Agents
Primasol NF New Liquid : Anionic salt of a phosphoric acid esterLow-foaming wetting and de-aerating agent for continous and batch dyeing processes on cotton and PES/CO blends. Improves the penetration and levelness of the dyeing.
Levelling Agent for Cellulosic Fibres
Ekalin O Mirror : Nonionic fatty alcohol polyglycol etherVersatile dyeing auxiliary, to improve the levelness in dyeing wool and cellulosic fibers.Agent for degreasing and scouring textile materials in acid dyebaths
Peregal P Liq: Dye-affinitive, oligomeric condensation productNon-foaming levelling agent for vat dyeing by exhaust process. Improves levelling-out, reduces the dye absorption rate and promotes dye penetration.
Levelling Agents for Wool/Polyamides
Liogen SE Liq : Mixture of non ionic and cationic surfactantsLevelling and synchronizing agent for dyeing of wool, polyamide, silk and their blends.
Stripping and Lightening Agents for Cellulosic Fibres
Albigen A Liq : Polyvinylpyrrolidone solutionStrongly dye affinitive stripping and levelling auxiliary for vat, sulfur, direct and reactive dyeings. Levelling agent with retarding action in dyeing with vat and direct dyes. Prevents staining of the ground when prints produced with direct and reactive dyes are washed off.
Dispersing Agents (Protective Colloid) and Sequestering Agents
Dekol SN Liq : Liquid Anionic Acrylic co-polymer Dispersing, sequestering agent and protective colloid in the dyeing of cotton and cotton/synthetic fiber blends with vat, reactive, direct and sulfur dyes. Non-foaming and non-retarding. Prevents impurities in cotton (pectinates, waxes and water-hardening substances) from redepositing on the material and their formation of dye adducts with these impurities. Highly effective auxiliary for washing off hydrolysates from dyeing and prints with reactive dyes.
Dekol SNS Liq : Liquid, anionic acrylic copolymerDispersing agent, protective colloid and complexing agent for use in all stages of the dyeing process for cotton and blends of cotton and other fibres.
Dispersing Agents and Protective Colloid
After treatment Agents for Polyster Fibres
Cyclanon ECO Plus Liq : Solution of sulphinic acid derivativesLiquid after treatment agent for post-clearing dyeing with disperses dyes on PES, PES/PAN and acetate. Added directly to the acid dyebath. Avoids the double pH change of conventional post-clearing.
Setamol WL Liq : Product of an anionic aromatic sulphonic acidLiquid Non-surface active dispersing agent and protective colloid for the dyeing of polyster with disperse dyes and cotton with Vat, Indigo dyes.
Setamol WS P : Anionic aromatic sulphonic acid condensation product Protective colloid in dyeing with vat dyes and indigo. Dispersing agent in dyeing acetate, polyamide and polyester fibers with disperse dyes. Reduces staining of the white ground when washing off prints with disperse dyes on acetate, triacetate, polyamide and polyester. Effective in prevention of backstaining during denim washing.
Padding Auxiliaries
Solidokoll MMK Liq: Non - surface - active acrylic copolymerFoam-free padding auxiliary for preventing pigment migration in dyeing fabrics composed of cellulosic fibres and their blends with synthetic fibres by the pad-steam, pad-jig and thermosol processes. Improves adhesion of the padded dye to the fibre.
Solidokoll v Liq : Liquid, acrylic copolymerPadding auxiliary for the continuous dyeing of cotton, polyester and polyester/cotton piece goods. It prevents pigment migration and ensures uniform well-penetrated dyeing.
After soaping Agents for Cellulosic Fibres
Cyclanon XC-W New Liq : Dye affinitive polymer and non fibre reactive productUniversal after soaping agent for the removal of reactive dye hydrolysate. It has unique dye hydrolysate trapping capacity, (DTC) shortens presoaping rinsing baths giving savings in water & energy. Product gives consistant soaping performance even for water with high TDS (Total Dissolved Solids). It ensures optimum fastness level even in difficult shades. Due to its unique DTG, Product can also be used in prewashing of yarn dyed knits, woven to prevent as well as to remove cross staining.
We are one of the foremost Pretreatment Auxiliaries Exporters and Suppliers based in Maharashtra, India. Our Pretreatment Auxiliaries and pretreatment chemical are obtained from the trustworthy manufacturers or vendors after stringent checking on numerous quality parameters. We make available bulk quantities of Pretreatment Auxiliaries at the most competitive rates. Moreover, we ensure timely delivery of the orders at desired location. Mercerizing Wetting Agents Leophen MC Anionic surfactants in waterLow foaming wetting agent for mercerizing and caustisizing cotton in the form of woven. Knitted fabrics and yarn. It promotes the intensive rapid penetration of the cotton with caustic soda solution. Suitable for caustic recovery. Leophen FB CEM: Modified anionic surfactants in waterExcellent wetting action in mercerizing and caustisizing and thus promotes the rapid penetration of the cotton with caustic soda. Low foaming, applied on woven and knitted fabrics or yarn composed of cotton and its blends/other cellulosic fibres. Wetting Agents and Detergent Combinations Kieralon JET B Conc APEO free mixture of non-ionic surfactantsLow foaming detergent for wetting woven and knitted fabrics while scouring, bleaching and washing in jets and soft flows. Kieralon FB JET B APEO free mixture of non-ionic surfactantsLow foaming detergent for wetting woven and knitted fabrics while scouring, bleaching and washing in jets and soft flows. Kieralon F-ALB APEO-Free mixture of sequestering agents and surfactantsMulti-functional wetting agent and detergent with emulsifying and extractive action for mobilizing and removing cotton impurities in the pretreatment process. Costabiliser in peroxide bleaching Kieralon MFB APEO-free mixture of sequestering and surface-active substances silicone-freeLow foaming wetting agent and detergent with emulsifying, dispersing and extractive action while scouring and bleaching by continuous process. Effective removal of silicone oil from Lycra fabric. Amollan FB OL Mixture of anionic and nonionic substancesVersatile detergent and scouring agent with wetting and stain removing action while desizing, scouring bleaching and washing all kinds of fibres. Amollan FB OLS Mixture of anionic and nonionic substancesWetting agent and detergent with an emulsifying action for removing oily, fatty and waxy impurities and improving the absorbency of textile material. Wetting Agents Leophen FB IW Mixture of ionic surfactants, anionicRapid wetting agent, suitable for textiles, Highly efficient. Special Wetting and Deaerating Agents Leophen FB5 Mixture of anionic substancesThe foam suppressing and air displacing action, Leophen FB 5 facilitates the desizing, bleaching, dyeing and finishing of cellulosic fibers, synthetic fibres and wool in the form of loose stock, yarn or piecegoods. Leophen F-RM APEO-Free Aqueous emulsion of a neutral phosphoric esterWetting agent and defoamer that increases the liquor pick-up in padding processes. It has a foam - suppressing and deaerating action. Extracting and Dispersing Agents Lufibrol FB DK Anionic mixture of complexing and dispersing substancesExtracting agent with additional dispersing effect in desizing and scouring of textiles in exhaust process. Lufibrol MSD Mixture of dispersing and complexing substancesStabilising and anticatalytic effect in the alkaline peroxide bleach. Improves the degree of whiteness and absorbency. Special Extracting Agents Lufibrol KE Combination of organic, non-surface active substancesExtraction agent for the alkaline pretreatment of cellulosic fibres, particularly grey cotton and its blends with synthetic fibres. Lusynton SE Aqueous mixture of salts of polyacidsSelective extracting agent used for neutral prescouring of cotton before the peroxide bleach by the BASF soft Bleach process, enzyme compatible, and environment friendly. Lusynton Red Mixture of complexing agents and polyacrylatesLiquid extracting agent with a reductive effect for scouring cotton prior to the peroxide bleach. Especially for cotton qualities that contain high level of impurities, enzyme compatible, eco friendly. An essential auxiliary for the BASF RedEx Bleach process. Lusynton EX Phosphorus-free, anionic mixture of salts of polyacids in waterExtracting agent for scouring cotton prior to the peroxide bleach. Also acts as a buffer. An essential auxiliary for the BASF RedEx Bleach process. Stabilizers for Peroxide Bleaching Prestogen D Mixture of polyfunctional organic and inorganic compoundsOrganic stabilizer for silicate-free, alkaline peroxide bleaching for cellulosic fibres and blends by continuous and batch processes. Prestogen FB PL Mixture of polyfunctional organic and inorganic substancesOrganic stabilizer for silicate-free, alkaline peroxide bleaching for cellulosics and blends by exhaust process and rope bleaching. Capable of dispersing salts and colloids. Prestogen K Mixture of salts of organic polyacidsStabilizer for the silicate-free bleaching of cotton and PES/cotton. Activators for Peroxide Bleaching Prestogen FB W Liq Solution of organic saltsPeroxide activator for acid peroxide rapid bleaching of wool giving better permanence of white, less felting, lofty, soft wool. Hardly any eutrophication of effluent, lower active oxygen consumption, clear shades and better reproducibility. Peroxide Killers Basopal FB PK Liquid alkyl sulfateRemoves residual peroxide from the bleach before dyeing with reactive or direct dyes. Luzyme PK conc. Liquid, Catalase enzymeEnzymatic bleach clean up auxiliary for removal of residual hydrogen peroxide fromfabric and process liquor prior to the dyeing step. Desizing Agents Luzyme MT Alpha amylase enzymeDesizing by Pad Batch Process for application temperatures from 30 – 70oC. Breaksdown starch in textile size without any negative effect on the fibre. Luzyme PS Alpha amylase enzymeDesizing by Pad Steam Process for application temperatures from 60 – 110oC. Breaks down starch in textile size without any negative effect on the fibre.
Ours is the one-stop destination from which our buyers can obtain excellent quality Sizing Auxiliaries at very competitive rates. The company is the noted Exporter and Supplier of a wide range of Sizing Auxiliaries. Checked on numerous quality parameters, our Sizing Auxiliaries conform to various industrial standards and free from defects. Buyers can easily place bulk orders of auxiliaries with us. Sizes Size UCF4 : Synthetic copolymer in powder form.Universal high performance sizing agent for cellulose, polyester, polyacrylic, wool and its blends. Suitable for size recovery. Easily removable with hot water. Bilbind CO : Water soluble polyacrylate in powder form. Sizing agent for warp yarns composed of cellulosic fibres and polyester/cellulosic fibre blends. Ideal for sizing denim warps. Improves the washing-out properties of the starch in desizing. Bilbind PS : Water soluble polyacrylateSizing agent for warp yarns composed of cellulosic fibres and polyester/cellulosic fibre blends. Suitable for high speed shuttleless looms and dyed yarn. Relusyn CA : Water soluble polyacrylate.Sizing agent for warp yarns composed of cellulosic fibres and polyester/cellulosic fibre blends. Suitable for sizing of terry towels and surgical fabrics. Size CB Water soluble polyacrylate.Sizing agent for warp yarns composed of cotton, viscose and their blends. Size TX 3280 Water soluble acrylic productSizing agent for cellulose, wool and blends. High performance size suitable for shuttleless looms. Compound one shot Sizes Bilsize CPremixed sizing agent for coarser and medium warp count of cellulosic & its blends. Bilsize PVersatile sizing agent. Synthetic compound in powder form. Suitable for cellulosic, wool and their blends. Sizing Softeners Textile Wax FB AS : Lubricant, softener along with emulsifier in paste form Softener for sizing, used in sizing liquors for spun yarn. Textile Wax 3262 Partially hydrogenatated, hot-meltable, natural waxSizing wax used as a lubricant in size liquors and for afterwaxing of spun and filament yarns. This results in smooth and supple warps. It reduces dusting of warps, facilitates drying. Bioeliminable.
Our Printing Auxiliaries are widely in demand owing to their impressive attributes like excellent quality, outstanding performance and longer functional life. We deal in all types of printing auxiliaries, textile printing auxiliaries, etc. We offer bulk quantities of Printing Auxiliaries at very affordable prices. Moreover, we also make sure that the orders should be delivered on time and at the desired location.
Synthetic Thickening Agents for Pigment Printing
Lutexal GP ECP High polymer, Acrylic Synthetic thicknerVery high electrolyte stable, sharp defined prints, suitable for photographic prints and multicolour design. More environment-friendly because of low hydrocarbon emission.
Synthetic Thickening Agents for Reactive Printing
Lutexal F-RPlus Acrylic co polymerSynthetic thickener, substitute for sodium alginate imparts higher colour yield andsharp defined prints. Used for printing cotton and viscose with reactive dyes.
Rheology Regulators
Lutexal Additive HVW Liquid Fatty alcohol ethyoxylateAuxiliary for pigment printing of textiles. Adjusts the viscosity of oil-in-water emul print pastes. Used in solvent-free and low solvent pigment printing and supplemel thickening of pastes. Lutexal HVW improves the contour definition of the prints or blend fabrics.
Binders for Pigment Printing
Helizarin TOW Liquid Thermally crosslinkable aqueous acrylate dispersion (APEO free)Binder for pigment prints that are fast to dry-cleaning having extremely soft handl excellent all round fastness and very high rubbing fastness. Used in Soft Print recipe.
Helizarin ET Liquid C APEO/NPEO free aqueous dispersion of an acrylic copolymerBinder for solvent-free and low-solvent pigment printing by direct, discharge resist styles. Produces prints with excellent fastness properties and a soft handle suitable for foam and pearlescent printing. Suitable for printing of garments and fabrics. It gives very high dry-cleaning fastness.
Crosslin king Agents and Fixers
Luprintol fixing agent LF Liq C melamine-formaldehyde addition productCrosslinking agent for improving the wash and rub fastness of pigment prints on syn¬thetic fibres and regenerated cellulose, and on their blends with cotton. For prints with a low formaldehyde content. Suitable for oeko-tex requirements.
Antifoam for Pigment Printing
Lupritol Antiform TC Eco Liq Eco Blend of synthetic copolymers and emulsifiers (APEO free)Solvent free and Antifoaming Agent for Textile Printing.
Reducing Agents for Pigment Discharge Printing
Rongalit ST Liq Su/finic acid derivativeReducing and discharging agent for pigment discharge printing. Rongalit ST Liquid also be used as a reducing agent for direct printing with vat dyes, and as' a dischar agent for white and coloured discharges on dischargeable dyeing. Environment frier and zinc free. Imparts good stability to prints.
Luprintol soft F Sig Liq C Concentrated silicon based auxiliarySoftener, improves fastness giving high quality pigment prints having soft handle & high dry rubbing fastness. Improves colour brilliancy.
White Pastes for Pigment Printing
Printofix white FB Tpa Titanium dioxide in an aqueous acrylic binder systemReady to use white paste having good covering properties. Used for printing on dark grounds. Suitable for mainly woven fabric.
Printofix White FB S Eco Pa Titanium dioxide in an aqueous strechable acrylic binder systemReady to use elastic white paste having good covering properties. Used for printing on knit goods.
Pigment Printing Auxiliaries
Printofix Pigments Name