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  3. Surface Finishing Machines

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Our Products

Our offered Product range includes Knife Shrpening Machine, Thickness Planner and Drill Compound Slide.

Combined Machine

the main frame is exceptionally heavy with large base area to eliminate vibration and shaped to afford good foot room for the operator and the surfacing tables are long and scraped dead true to enable the machine to make perfect qlue joints.each table has also a rising and falling motion, fence is designed to give absolute rigidity in all positions it will cant to 45 degrees.the thicknessing table is long and provided with raised and lowered by a handwheel at the side of the machine and all mechanism controlling this motion is enclosed from dust. An index scale in mm and in. sizes indicates the exact thickness of timber being planed.the cutter block is of two-knife circular safety-type and runs in heavy type ball bearings it also can be used without interfering with the feed rolls

Model no AI-9
mm / inch
mm / inch
mm / inch
mm / inch
surfaceing capacity 228 / 9" 328 / 13" 328 / 13" 455 / 18"
thickness capacity 202 / 8" 202 / 8" 202 / 8" 202 / 8"
length of surface table 914 / 48" 914 / 48" 1524 / 60" 1524 / 60"
circuler saw table size 558 x 340
22" x 14"
558 x 340
22" x 14"
558 x 340
22" x 14"
558 x 340
22" x 14"
cutter block spped (rpm) 4500 4500 4500 4500
power rquired hp / rpm 2 / 1440 3 / 1440 3 / 1440 3 / 1440
approx wt.of machine 375 kg 525 kg 550 kg 610 kg

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Chain Mortiser Machine

chain machine issustrated in this list is designed and continuous high-class work at a high rate of production and the body is cast-iron witch is designed and ample weight to absorb all vibration , all parts are carefully machined and fitted.the table has compound movements, the longitudinal traverse is by cut rack and pinion wheel, the cross traverse is operated by hand wheel and screw , there is also a vertical adjustment by screw and hand wheel , slides are adjudtable for taking up wear.the motor is mounted vertical on square slide which gives you direct and positive drive to the chain at 2880 r.p.m the important feature of the machine is that the chain start and stop automatically when entering and leaving the timder.this reduces the wear and tear on the chain very considerably.the grinder is include with the machine, this is fixed to , and driven by the machine and is instantly ready for use.

chain mortizer
Model no AI-CM
mm / inch
table size 455 / 180
18" / 7"
up / down movement of table 100 / 4"
logitudinal movement of table 228 / 9"
max.depth of cut 152 / 6"
electric moter 2 hp / 2880 rpm
power required ( optional ) 3 ph or 1ph
approx wt.of machine 310 kg

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Knife Shrpening Machine

this machine has been designed for easy and accurate grinding of planing knives, thick or thin up to 18-in long HSS and CARBIENT and etc. it takes cup grinding wheel 5-in.dia , x 4-in wide the spindle runs direct to motor with 2880r.p.m. which carries the cup wheel for grinding planing knives special attentionthe carrying vice holding the planing knives has degree adjustment to give the required tilt, the vice is then securely locked in position the machine is fitted with a routery switch to easily accessible from the front of the machine.

knife shrpening machine
Model no AI-13
mm / inch
mm / inch
max.knife sharpening 328 / 13 455 / 18
knife tilt 0 - 45* 0 - 45*
power required ( optional ) 3 ph or 1ph 3 ph or 1ph
approx wt.of machine 125 kg 160 kg

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Thickness Planner

the main frame is exceptionally heavy with large base area to elimimate vibration and shaped to afford good foot room for the operator and the surfacing tables are long and scraped dead true to enable the machine to make perfect qlue joints. An index scale in mm and in. sizes indicates the exact thickness of timber being planed thicknessing table is mounted on broad slides on each slide of the frame, and it is raised and lowerd 8-in by hand wheel placed very conveniently and in natural postion for easy working. The drive is by twin vee belt, giving the 4500 r.p.m to the cutter block , and also giving a smooth and silent drive.

thickness planner ( moulding att.available)
Model no AI-13
mm / inch
mm / inch
mm / inch
max.planing width 328 / 13" 455 / 18" 608 / 24"
thickness capacity 202 / 8" 202 / 8" 202 / 8"
cutter block spped (rpm) 4500 4500 4500
power rquired hp / rpm 3 / 1440 5 / 1440 5 / 1440
approx wt.of machine 350 kg 400 kg 460 kg

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Surface Planner Machine

the tables are strongly ribbed, and are fitted with bolt lips.each table rises and falls independent of the outher, and macking access to cutters and also macking it easy to fix cutters in position for moulding.and fence is of a special design, is fitted with ms.round , can be tilted to an angle of 45 degree for chamfering etc. the circular cutter block is arranged to take 12-in which runs in heavy ball bearings, which are housed in dustpfoof. The drive is by twin vee belt, giving the 4500 r.p.m to the cutter block , and also giving a smooth and silent drive

surface planner and circular saw machine

modle no in angle type AI-9
mm / inch
mm / inch
mm / inch
mm / inch
surfaceing capacity 228 / 9" 328 / 13" 328 / 13" 328 / 13"
length of surface table 1219 / 48" 1219 / 48" 1524 / 60" 1816 / 72"
circuler saw table size 558 x 340
22" x 14"
558 x 340
22" x 14"
558 x 340
22" x 14"
558 x 340
22" x 14"
cutter block spped (rpm) 4500 4500 4500 4500
power rquired hp / rpm 1.5 / 1440 2 / 1440 3 / 1440 3 / 1440
approx wt.of machine 200 kg 250 kg 300 kg 360 kg
modle no in cast iron box AI-9
mm / inch
mm / inch
mm / inch
mm / inch
surfaceing capacity 228 / 9" 328 / 13" 328 / 13" 455 / 18"
length of surface table 1219 / 48" 1524 / 60" 1816 / 72" 1524 / 60"
circuler saw table size 558 x 340
22" x 13.4"
558 x 340
22" x 13.4"
558 x 340
22" x 13.4"
558 x 340
22" x 13.4"
cutter block spped (rpm) 4500 4500 4500 4500
power rquired hp / rpm 1.5 / 1440 3 / 1440 3 / 1440 4 / 1440
approx wt.of machine 230 kg 350 kg 410 kg 500 kg

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Circular Saw

the machine is simple and easy to use and will give good performance for many year to come.the table of the machine is one piace of cast iron which is fitted with bolt lips.circular rises and falls actuated by hand wheel and screw through spril gears, the fences are adjustable by hand nobe throgh screw spril gear to and from the circular. the motor is mounted on swinging baseplate the drive to the circular being by vee balte the cutter block can be tilted to an angle of 45 degree.

circular saw
Model no AI-CS
mm / inch
work table size 915 x 610 
36" x 24"
max.circular saw diameter 12"
max.depth of cut 4"
arbour tilt - degree 0 - 45*
power required - hp / rpm 3/1440
approx wt.of machine 300 kg

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Drill Compound Slide

the machine is compouned with piller drill machine. The chisel attchement is fitted on drill machine it gives the timber a perfect squre chisel .the table of slide the table has compound movements, the longitudinal traverse is bycut rack and pinion wheel, the cross traverse is operated by hand wheel and screw, thre is also a vertical adjustment.

drill compound slide
Model no AI-DS
mm / inch
table size 405 x 152 
16" x 6"
max.wood cap. 100 / 4"
approx wt.of machine 30 kg

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Spindle Moulder

the machine is desigend to meet the requirements of the most exacting poerator and is designed with the spindle positioned in the main column, thus ensuring high speed running without vibration and the spindle is ball bearing mounted, dynamically balanced, and has a rise and fall motion actuated by hand wheel and screw through spril gears, an efficient locking device is fitted the fences are of the combined horseshop type adjustable toger , or independentiy by fine screw adjustment, the front plates are detachable and adjustable to and from the spindle.the motor is mounted on swinging baseplate the drive to the spindle being by vee blate.

spindle moulder
Model no AI-SM
mm / inch
work table size 760 x 760 
30" x 30"
spindle diameter 25 / 1"
up/down movement of spindle 100 / 4"
arbour tilt - degree 0 - 45*
spindle spped (rpm) 6000
approx wt.of machine 450 kg

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Tenoning Machine

the machine illustrated in this leaflet is newly designed and is within the reach of the smalest firm it has been made to exacting engineering standards to give the maximum efficiency in operations and uses the age old princiole of vertical spindles.the two heads are driven by separate motors with cutter block the cutter blocks carry two tenon cutters, two scribing , are driven by keys, and are loked in position by 3/4 nuts. The fence is readily adjustable for anqular work, and a turn over stop is fitted as standard, whilst a dead stop is also provided which is adjustable and can be locked where desired.the two 1h.p motors drive the two heads on the machine giving ample power, and motors can be supplied for a single phase as well as the stsndred three phase supply.

tenoning machine
Model no AI-TM
mm / inch
table size 455 x 190 
18"/7 1/2"
table movement 202 / 8"
max.length of tenon 152 / 6"
top cutter block horizontal adj. 35 / 1.5"
electric moter 2 motors each of 
1hp / 2880
power required (optional) 3 ph or 1ph
approx wt.of machine 280 Kg

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