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Drill & Boring Equipments

We offer the best product range of Horizontal Floor Boring Machines, Horizontal Boring Machines, Drill Machines, Boring Machines and Drilling Machines.

Horizontal Floor Boring Machines

We have developed "KARAM" High Precision Horizontal FLOOR TYPE BORING MACHINE which is most suitable for very heavy & High Volume Jobs which can't be accommodated on the work table of conventional Horizontal Boring Machine. Such jobs can easily be handled with the Floor Boring Machine as the work-piece is kept on the Floor Plate/s provided separately with the machine. Additional ROTARY TABLE Attachment is also supplied as per customer's requirement. The design of machine is unique which ultimately provides stiffness, accuracy, precision and optimum output. The especially designed machine bed is wide enough to provide a very rigid base to the moving column. The geometrical accuracy of the machine conforms to Dr. Schlesinger's Acceptance Test Chart. The special feature of this machine is that a Variable Frequency Drive (AC DRIVE) is used for the Centralized Control of Vertical Movement of Head Stock as well as Horizontal Movement of Saddle carrying column. These infinitely variable speeds are further controlled by a potentiometer duly fitting the same on pendant board of the machine which also eliminates shifting of levers again & again. Centralized Lubrication System ensures proper lubrication to all the moving parts. Special Attachments like Milling Attachment, Threading Attachment and Taper Boring Attachments enable the machine to perform multi-operations. CNC Version of the machine can also be offered as per requirement.

1. Alloy Steel Work Spindle Hardened &     Ground-Diameter 100 110 125 150
ISO 50
M.T.6 or
ISO 50
M.T.6 or
ISO 50
Metric 80
3. Longitudinal Movement of the Working     Spindle (Z – AXIS) 600 700 800 1000
4. Number of Spindle Speeds 9 9 9 9
5. Range of Spindle Speeds – R.P.M. 15  to 250 15 to 250 15 to 250  15 to 250
6. Vertical Travel of Head Stock  (Y – AXIS) 1 to 1.5 Mtrs. 1 to 1.75 Mtrs 1 to 2 Mtrs 1.5 to 2.5 Mtrs.
7. Horizontal Traverse of Column (X – AXIS) 2  to  8 Mtrs. 2  to  8 Mtrs 3  to 7 Mtrs. 3  to 7 Mtrs.
8. Facing Head Diameter 555 600 650  700
9. Radial Traverse of Facing Slide (U-AXIS) 150 150 180 200
10. Main Spindle Motor 7.5H.P. 10 H.P. 12.5H.P 15 H.P.
11. Feed Gear Box Motor 3H.P. 3H.P. 5 H.P. 5 H.P.
12. Rotary Table Attachment (Optional) 1000x1000 1250x1250 1500x1500 1500x2000
13. Sliding Movement of Rotary Table 800 900 1000 1250
14. Floor Plate/s (Optional) 1250x1250


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Horizontal Boring Machines

Product Name Horizontal Boring Machines
Details of Horizontal Boring Machines

GURU NANAK Engineering Works(Regd.) with over 4 Decades' experience, have earned an enviable reputation as manufacturer of High Quality, Reliable & economical "KARAM" Highly Precision Horizontal Boring Machine which is a versatile Machine Tool for all types of roughing & finishing operations within the range of BORING, MILLING, DRILLING, REAMING & FACING. It is most suitable for machining bores in various types of Machine Bodies & Gear Boxes, for surface milling & especially for large dia flange facing. High precision workmanship, Sturdy & well proportionate design of Castings, High powered spindle & face plate drive along with Wide Range of Spindle Speeds & Gear Box Feeds ensure high production of accurately machined parts with the use of both H.S. Steel & Carbide tools. The Robust & Massive construction of the machine is a guarantee to withstand fully all the working stresses.
* The Casting is done with the mixture of 25% Steel & Ferro Chrome etc. to acquire proper Brinell Hardness & it is also seasoned for at least six months. The Machine is manufactured to Grade-1 Limits of ACCURACY.* High Accuracy of machining due to precision scrapped/ground Guideways of Bed & Pillars etc.* Fine Positioning by Dial Indicatiors & Verniers or Digital Read-Out System having an accuracy of .005 mm resolution for close manufacturing tolerances.* Geometrical Accuracy of the machine conforms to Dr. SCHLESINGER'S ACCEPTANCE TEST CHART.* Heavily ribbed box type Bed to withstand the Heavy Loads & Sturdy box type Columns to resist the heavy cutting force even at elevated height.* Precise Synchronized Vertical Travel of Head Stock & Boring Stay Support.* All traverses of X, Y & Z Axis of the machine as well as circular movement of the Work Table areprovided with automatic Feeds and Rapid Travels.* All gears are precision cut on imported Mother Machinery to ensure smooth and Silent running.* Manual Boring Head Height setting adjustment with a lever attached to feed gear box.* Centralized control with swiveling Pendent Board for easy and convenient operations.* Hand Operated knurled Knob attached to head stock drive motor and hand operated wheel attached to feed gear box motor for the safest engagement of speeds and feeds respectively.* Special Attachments like Threading, Milling and Taper Boring Attachments permit to perform Multi-Operations on a single machine.* 4x90 Position of Rotary Table set with the help of an accurate adjustable stopper.SAFETY CLUTCHES: To Disengage: ( a) Facing Mechanism (b) Sliding Mechanism of Cross Slide(c) Rotary Movement of Work Table ( d) Longitudinal Movement of Work Spindle.
Apart from above safety Measures, Limit Switches & suitable Shear Pins are also provided for total safety of the machine

1. Alloy Steel Work Spindle Handened &      Ground-Diameter 65 80 100 110 125 150
2. Morse Taper Number 4 5 6 6 6 Metric 80
3. Max. Longitudinal Movement of Working     Spindle 410 510 510 510 600 800
4. Number of Spindle Speeds 9 9 9 9 9 9
5. Range of Spindle Speeds - R.P.M. 20 to 300 15 to 300 15 to 300 15 to 250 15 to 250 15 to 250

6. Longitudinal Work Spindle Feeds (Nos.)

9 9 9 9 9 9
7. Max. Height of the Spindle Axis
    from Table Surface
800 925 1000 1100 1250 1500
8. Min. Height of the Spindle Axis
    from Table Surface
20 25 35 35 35 50
9. Dimensions of the Rotary Table 880x1050 900x1125 1030x1375 1100x1450 1225x1675 1500x2000
10. Longitudinal Table Traverse 1500 1625 1775 1925 2050 2225
11. Long. Table Traverse Feeds
      ( Including one Rapid)
10 10 10 10 15 15
12. Transversal Table Travel Feeds
      (Including one Rapid)
10 10 10 10 15 15
13. Vertical Head Stock Travel Feeds
      (Including one Rapid)
4 4 4 4 15 15
14. Rotary Table Autiomatic Feeds
      ( Including one Rapid)
10 10 10 10 15 15
15. Max. Cross Movement of the Table 910 1000 1100 1300 1550 2000
16. Max. Distance Between Stay Bearing
      and Facing Head
2150 2400 2690 2800 2950 3400
17. Facing Head Diameter 450 505 555 600 650 700
18. Weight Approximate in Kgs. 7500 8500 10000 11500 16500 20000

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Drill Machines

Manufacturer, exporter and supplier of Drilling Machines. We offer PSL-40AAutofeed model, PSL-40, PRL-40, Round head model in same size andPSL-40X, Xtra Heavy model.

General Features

  • Main spindle and pinion made from EN steel by forging.

  • Column, arm, work-head & gears made from finest closed drain caster iron; while spindle ram trim alloy steel.

  • Main spindle run out is checked for accuracy as per IS 2199.

  • For the smooth sliding of sliding arm, special Slide-reliever-slots are given.

  • All moving parts are fine-finished with grinding to a close tolerance.

  • International technical if Taper wedge setting. For complete slide-setting instead of normal one point setting.

  • Quality bearings with grease bath, so for permanent oiling.

  • Main gear and pulley are perfectly balanced.

  • Powder coated accessories for longer life and prevention of corrosion and pillage associated with usual chrome plating.

Specificaion  Model No. PSL-40X and PSL-40A* PRL-40 and PSL-40 PRL-25 PS-25 PR-19
Tilting workig table FIXED FIXED Upo 360* FIXED UPo360*
Sdrilling capacity 40 mm 40 mm 25 mm 25 mm 19 mm
Pillar Diameter 135 mm 121 mm 92 mm 92 mm 74.30 mm
Spindle nose to table distance 495 mm 595 mm 645 mm 660 mm 660 mm
disance from Spindle nose to base distance 1000 mm 1050 mm 1000 mm 1045 mm 900 mm
*Autofeed speed: (applies to PSL-40A only) 0.04 or 0.08
Distance from spindle center to pillar surface (in mm) 380(Max) 320 (Max.) 250(Max.) 250(Max.) 200(Max.)
Table travel 500 mm 480 mm 480 mm 480 mm 200 mm
taper in spindel  MT-4 MT-4 MT-3 MT-3 MT-2
number of speed 8 speed 8 speed 8 speed 8 speed 8 speed
Range of speed (RPM) 60 to2000 70 to 2000 70 to 2000 130 to2600 87 to 3224
Table size (in mm) 490x490 410x410 350 DIA. 330x330 260x260
Base size (m/c Area in mm) 820x490 440x715 255x310 365x575 480x300
Overall Base size (in mm)  825x495 445x720 425x670 370x580 490x310
Spindle travel 250 mm 250 mm 250 mm 180 mm 130 mm
Pillar Length 1475 mm 1450 mm 1400 mm 1410 mm 1170 mm
Overall hight with pulley guard 1840 mm 1860 mm 1780 mm 1730 mm 1420 mm
V-belt section B-74' B-59 B-51 B-52'' A-42''
Weight (Approx.) 500kg 325Kgs 250 kgs. 225 Kgs 100Kgs
Motor 1440RPM 3 Phase 440 Volts 2H.P. 1.5 H.P 1 H.P. 1 H.P. 0.5 H.P.
Shipping wooden case inner size LxWxH 1200x540x1860 mm 860x460x1580 mm 690x460x1550 mm 660x450x1770 mm 660x380x1440 mm
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