Our Products
Our offered Product range includes Kem Colloid Boiler Water Treatment Chemical, Kemicide Cooling Tower Water Treatment Chemical, Memtest LBS Boiler Water Treatment Chemical, Oxite Boiler Water Treatment Chemical and KEM 78 Boiler Water Treatment Chemical.
Kem Colloid Boiler Water Treatment Chemical is a unique boiler water conditioner for the prevention of calcium and magnesium scale, oxygen pitting, and general corrosion in steam boilers that operate where feedwater is heated and make-up of moderate hardness is less than forty percent. KEMCOLLOID contains an effective combination of colloids, organic dispersants and sludge conditioners, phosphates, oxygen scavengers, and alkalinity builders.
We are recognized as a prominent Manufacturer, Exporter, and Supplier of Kemicide Cooling Tower Water Treatment Chemical. KEMICIDE is Dithiocarbamate bactericide/fungicide for cooling towers, condensers, etc.
Memtest LBS Boiler Water Treatment Chemical is a unique blend of scale and deposition inhibitors designed to control scale and sludge in boilers using softened make-up. The special combination of Alkali, Polymer Dispersants, and Phosphates allows for occasional softener upsets, providing a very forgiving boiler water treatment program.
OXITE Boiler Water Treatment Chemical is a free flowing, powder-form, catalyzed oxygen scavenging formula that combines chemically with dissolved oxygen in feedwater or in the boiler to inhibit the formation of oxygen-induced corrosion, including pitting.
KEM 78 Boiler Water Treatment Chemical is a concentrated liquid blend of polymers and sequestrants for boiler scale control. The sequestrants solubilize calcium and magnesium under boiler water conditions. The polymers condition the boiler metal surfaces and disperse suspended solids in the boiler water to control deposition.
KEMKOOL-D4 Cooling Tower Water Treatment Chemical is an exceptionally effective corrosion inhibitor for use in open re-circulated cooling water system. KEMKOOL-D4 contains a special blend of organophosphonate, polyelectrolyte, and corrosion inhibitors including zinc. Its special chelating action makes it effective in very hard waters with a wide range of pH and temperature. With KEMKOOL-D4, acid feeding can be eliminated. KEMKOOL-D4 has the ability to deflocculates and disperse accumulation of mud, silt, scales, rust and other solids from the cooling system. A special formulation for copper and alloy systems is also available. KEMKOOL-D4 Cooling water treatment is the most effective product for keeping a cooling tower system clean of scale, corrosion and sludge, regardless of the mineral characteristics of the water (hardness), its temperature or pH. Water containing 1, 000 ppm calcium hardness can be stabilized with organophosphonate. Nonetheless, in cooling systems, calcium hardness better be limited to about 400 ppm.
Gemsperse Cooling Tower Water Treatment Chemical is a Phosphorus-free high molecular weight organic polyelectrolyte. The product is designed for the use in re-circulating and once-through water cooling systems for the elimination of mud, silt, rust and other solids from heat-exchangers, piping, tower basins, and air-conditioning equipment.