"CRYSTAL" Brand Electromagnetic Chucks are designed to give strong magnetic field to hold the work piece rigidly. The material removal capacity of "Crystal" Brand Electromagnetic chick is much more. It generates low hear and economical for power consumption, Electromagnetic Chucks are very efficient since the work can be loaded unloaded just by switching operations. All " Crystal" brand electromagnetic chucks are tested for Insulation test, High voltage test, Resistant to earth terminal test, Demagnetizing test, Operating test and Waterproof test. Demagnetizing switch is provided as an additional accessory which helps for removing work piece efficiently without damaging the chuck surface. Variable control unit is available as an optional accessory which allows variable magnetic force. Which is useful to minimize distortion, warpage while grinding of thin and add shape jobs. With minimum current relay circuit it is possible to automise grinding process by interlocking the chuck with machine tool. Due to the fine pitch it is useful for holding thin and small workpiece.