Welcome to Arklite Speciality Lamps Limited
Amalgam Lamp’s Ballast Developed April 30, 2015 Developed and Commercialized Amalgam Lamp’s Ballast. First Supply successfully completed. Developing New Lamp for Bauxite Mining April 17, 2015 At the suggestion of a customer Arklite is developing a 1 kW MBIL lamps with warm colour temperature, around 3000K. These special warm colour MBIL lamps, unlike those with standard 5000K colour temperature lamps, are more suited for bauxite mining. Arklite learns from its customers; which helps it to expand its product range to serve […] Extensive use of Metal Halide lamps April 2, 2015 High wattage, double ended Metal Halide lamps are extensively used in sport lighting. Arklite MBIL lamps of 1, 1.5 and 2.0 kW belong to that family. These MBIL lamps are double ended, long arc Metal Halide lamps. We have learnt that MBIL lamps of SYLVANIA brand have been used to light up WACA (Western Australia […] Golden Sparrow February 24, 2015 Pune’s odour-killing tube makes a mark in the city, Delhi Metro View Article