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Cleaning Machines & Equipments
2 Products availableIndustrial Blowers, Coolers & Fans
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1 Products availableWater Treatment Plant
1 Products availableProtective Bellow
1 Products availableFilters & Filtration Systems
1 Products availableOur product range contains a wide range of Suspended Solids Filtration System, Energy Efficient Chiller System and UV Germicidal Irradiation System
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Working Principle:-
Pressurized water enters the filter Inlet (1) and travels through Fine Screen (2)where suspended particles are filtered. Clean water then exits the filter throughOutlet (12).As particles deposit on the screen, pressure drop across the screen increases, and is continuously sensed by Differential Pressure Indicator (10). When itreaches 0.5 bar, the Electric Control Unit (3) triggers the Solenoid Valve (11) toopen the Hydraulic Flushing Valve (4) and the upper, Hydraulic Motor Chamber(6) gets exposed to atmospheric pressure. With the lower chamber being at linepressure, water escapes from it to the upper chamber through the Dirt Collector(7). For this, water is sucked by Suction Nozzles (8) which dislodge & suck dirtdeposited on the inside surface of screen. As water passes through the HydraulicMotor (9), it gives the suction nozzle assembly rotary motion (like sprinklers inlawn irrigation). Simultaneously the Hydraulic Piston (5) raises the suctionassembly. With these two motions together, nozzles clean the whole periphery &height of the screen. The flush water flows through the dirt collector and out tothe flushing valve to atmosphere. After a preset time, the flushing valve closesand the cleaning cycle is complete. Dirt collector then settles down by gravity.
The entire cleaning cycle takes approximately 15 seconds.
Even during the back-flush cycle, filtering continues interrupted.
Benefits of Circulating Cooling Water On-line Filtration:
Following are various effects of TSS build up in circulating cooling water.
Many of them would apply to you:
Power consumption:
o chiller compressor power consumption goes up due to
fouling/scaling of condenser and cooling tower internals
o deposits in piping cause restriction to flow, causing more
pumping power for maintaining same flow
o reduced heat transfer efficiency in heat
exchangers/reactors/condensers necessitates increase in
cooling water flow rate, for evacuating same amount of heat,
consequently more pumping power.
Production loss:
o Reduced throughput in reactors/process-condensers, due to
slowed down cooling
o Downtime for removal of scale from condenser/heat
exchanger/reactor and Cooling Tower internals
Maintenance cost:
o Cost of manpower
o Cost of descaling chemicals
o Replacement of cooling tower fills & nozzles
o There are even instances of collapse of film fill assembly,
due to increased dead weight
Water consumption:
o CoC can be increased by keeping cooling water clean from
suspended solids
Water treatment chemicals' consumption:
o Goes up with rise in turbidity of cooling water, for maintaining
the chemicals' efficacy
Corrosion due to scaling and bacteria finding shelter between
scale & tube surface (known as under-deposit corrosion),
reducing life of tubes
o Every time chemical descaling is done, some parent material
is eaten away, reducing life of tubes
o Increased rate of erosion of pump seals & valve seats
o Erosion also happens due to continuous bombardment of
suspended matter carrying abrasive content
o Particles may also scratch away metal-oxide or other
protective films
o Suspended matter provides surface for microbial growth, which
is carried with humid & hot discharge air. It can spread
contamination in neighborhood as heavy air descends--
causing health hazard (there have been casualties abroad
caused by this phenomenon called Legionella)
o Organic suspended matter causes growth of biofilm & slime
which also leads to corrosion and insulation of heat
exchange surfaces.
On-line Cooling Water Filter of innovative design is a small-in-cost,
big-in-benefits solution for these problems, already working in 17 states of
In circulating cooling water : Induced air brings in with it suspended matter continuously and its concentration in circulating water keeps rising. Its deposits on condenser tubes/plates and cooling tower internals cause a rise in compressor power consumption. By keeping the heat transfer surfaces clean from suspended matter, the filter ensures that compressor power consumption doesn't go up. Kindly see the attached note and our current client list.
In circulating chilled water : Corrosion products, scale, and algae deposit on heat transfer surfaces of cooling coil, reactor and affect the heat transfer efficiency. Chilled water flow has to be increased to get the temperatures required-raising the power consumption. Filtration also minimizes erosion by corrosion products, maintenance, water treatment chemicals consumption, and blowdown of costly chilled water.
Israeli technology - Fully automatic, zero maintenance, negligible water consumption. Installations are already in 23 Indian States.
We offer systems with pressure upto 120 bar, so as to obtain a higher recovery than with conventional spiral wound construction. Also, this construction works well with higher turbidity & biological impurities and is easier to maintain.
To treat RO reject. Better Steam to Evaporation Ratio with lesser maintenance/fouling/choking of tubes.
Custom engineered systems for generating hot water at a low cost. With COP of the order of 3, input energy (Power/fuel) required is only a fraction of the conventionally consumed energy. Systems can be offered for generating hot water up to 120deg C, a unique feature.
For keeping heat exchanger clean from scaling/fouling. Industrial chilling and air-conditioning are most of the time the biggest power guzzlers in process industry & centrally cooled buildings such as hotels, hospitals, malls, office buildings. And within, chillers consume the most. Chiller compressors would easily be consuming more than 1/3rd of the total in the plants/premises. This equipment keeps Chiller Efficiency at peak all along.
On-line automatic removal of scale from condenser : The scale that deposits on condenser tubes continuously causes a rise in compressor power consumption. The automatic Tube Cleaning System keeps the tube clean from scale and has a unique, pump-less design. Reduces power consumption, downtime & maintenance.
Some Features :
It is working on chillers of all leading makes.
THE WHIRLER™ Benefits :
Technical Details
Technical Details
We are offering automatic tube cleaning system (atcs). deposits occur on condensers of water cooled chillers, and other heat exchangers. These cause power loss, downtime, long-term wear & tear, maintenance cost--even capacity-loss. atcs keeps the condenser tubes clean automatically and on-line--without having to take the equipment out of service.
Additional Information:
Payment Terms : T/T
Delivery Time : 8 weeks
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Dimensions Details
Takes care of scaling, biofouling, algae, corrosion without chemicals. Virtually nil downtime.
It improves efficiency in HVAC and saves energy by a minimum of 20% in Air-cooled condensers and 10% in Water-cooled condensers, average annualized. Kindly see attached Catalog. Total savings in power with the implementation of the above could be well above 25%. Besides, there will be a substantial reduction in downtime & maintenance.
Further, we also bring you the following energy/water / environment-saving technologies
For energy saving and improvement in Indoor Air Quality in Air Handling Units. Contaminated air passing through the cooling coil deteriorates the indoor air quality. Condensation of moisture around the cooling coils leads to growth of bacteria, viruses and other forms of microbes, reducing the heat transfer efficiency & air flow in the AHU--thereby increasing the power consumption. Ultraviolet light penetrates cell walls of microbes, damaging their DNA structure so that they cannot grow, thus keeping cooling coil clean on continuous basis and saving power and protecting air quality.
Ultra Violet Germicidal Irradiation (UVGI) Of Air In AHUs
Ultra Violet Germicidal Irradiation (UVGI) Of Air In AHUs
Latest 5th generation technology which provides reduction of the order of 40% in energy consumption. Maintenance Free, designed with HQ bearings so the bearing maintenance is nil, modulation through an in-built controller hence no need of additional VFD, designed to withstand a highly corrosive environment.