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  1. Cleaning Wipes & Liquids 29 Products available
  2. Dust Collectors 18 Products available
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  4. Industrial Scrubbers 12 Products available
  5. Modular Office Workstation 10 Products available
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Our offered Product range includes Fume Filters, Pulse Jet Bag Filter, Pulse Jet Bag Filter and Baghouse Dust Collector, Bag Filter and Baghouse Dust Collectors and Bag Filter.

Fume Filters

  • BLOWER 1.1kw 380m/hr
  • FILTERATION 3 Stages
  • ELECTRICAL 100-240v 1ph 50/60hz
Metals are the working substrate for the laser but now it trends to plastic, paper and wood. So it leads to Laser as an emerging source for every machinery operation. It is enormously used to Lasing PVC, lasing polymers, laser welding, laser cutting, laser graving. This fume is a mixture of particulate and gaseous matter.Fume from materials such as metals and glass is mainly particulate matter, the majority of which is less than 1 (micron) in diameter.Organic materials, particularly plastics, produce much more complex fumes.Most of the particles are spherical and roughly 90% by weight are less than 1 in diameter.
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Pulse Jet Bag Filter

  • Air Flow upto 30, 000 CFM
  • Filtration upto 5 microns
  • MOC Mild Steel / SS 304 /SS316
  • Finish Powder coated / Matt finish

Pulse jet bag filter is one type of Baghouse dust collectors using large array of filter bags for air filtering and high velocity pulsed air passed in reverse direction to airflow onto bags for cleaning. The other two types of baghouse dust collectors are shaker type bag filters and reverse air baghouse dustcollectors (not so commonly used). Of all the three types of baghouse dustcollectors, pulse jet is the most effective and economical type because of high air to cloth ratio, smaller size in comparison to other two of same capacity, continuous duty because of online cleaning advantages. For medium to heavy duty applications we highly recommend pulsejet dustcollectors. For smaller dust collection requirements & Intermittent duty, mechanical motorized or lever operated shaker type bag filter can be used. In industries like Pharma & Food industries, instead of bag type, we highly recommend using our cartridge filters dustcollectors for dust or particle separation upto 99% of submicron particles.


Air to cloth ratio, can velocity, temperature, particle size distribution and dust loading, moisture content, dust nature (corrosive, combustible, Explosive, sticky etc) are some of the most important parameters to be considered for effective and efficient dustcollector design & it determines the size, cost and performance of Bagfilters. We are the manufacturers of custom designed pulse jet bag filter and baghouse dustcollectors for various industrial applications. Our engineers have decades of experience and deep knowledge in custom designing dustcollector & Dust collection system very specific to process dusts and particle matter after thorough understanding of your process parameters and considering all above said parameters.


Apzem pulse jet Bag filter dust collectors are designed to capture even finest dusts in Industrial flue gas & process exhausts and are designed with timed pulse cleaning & on demand cleaning that cleans based on pressure difference between clean air side and dust air side. All Apzem products are build with outmost quality and efficiency complying to national & international quality and emission standards. We also provide a complete dust control solution from designing hood, ducts , dustcollectors with Blowers and Chimney based on your requirements.

  • Bulk materials handling,
  • conveying, screening, sieving, mixing, bin -silo venting
  • Building materials manufacturing,
  • Chemical, plastics and pharmaceutical powders
  • Processes with light or medium dust loading etc.

Fiber Type Common Brand Name Temp Limit* F/C Resistance to Acid Resistance to Alkalis Resistance to Hydrolysis Resistance to Oxidation
Cotton NA 180*/80* Poor Good Good Good
PVC Rhovyl,Clevyl 150*/65* Excellent Excellent Excellent Excellent
Polypropylene Herculon 190*/90* Excellent Excellent Excellent Excellent
Nylon Enka Antron 230*/110* Poor Excellent Good Good
HomoPolymer Acyclic Dolanit 257*/155* Good Good Good Fair
Polyester Fortrel, Dacron 300*/150* Good Poor Poor Good
PPS Torcon, Procon 375*/190* Excellent Excellent Excellent Fair
Aramid Nomex,Comex 400*/205* Poor Excellent Poor Fair
Polyimide P85 450*/235* Fair Fair Good Good
PTFE Profilen,Toyoflon 500*/260* Excellent Excellent Excellent Excellent
Fiberglass NA 550*/285*(dry heat only) Good Fair Excellent Excellent
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Pulse Jet Bag Filter And Baghouse Dust Collector

  • Air Flow upto 30, 000 CFM
  • Filtration upto 5 microns
  • MOC Mild Steel / SS 304 /SS316
  • Finish Powder coated / Matt finish
  • Power option 3 Phase.
  • Customization Yes , customization available suiting your needs.

Pulse jet bag filter is one type ofBaghouse dust collectorsusing large array of filter bags for air filtering and high velocity pulsed air passed in reverse direction to airflow onto bags for cleaning. The other two types of baghouse dust collectors are shaker type bag filters and reverse air baghouse dustcollectors (not so commonly used). Of all the three types of baghouse dustcollectors, pulse jet is the most effective and economical type because of high air to cloth ratio, smaller size in comparison to other two of same capacity, continuous duty because of online cleaning advantages. For medium to heavy duty applications we highly recommend pulsejet dustcollectors. For smaller dust collection requirements & Intermittent duty, mechanical motorized or lever operated shaker type bag filter can be used. In industries like Pharma & Food industries, instead of bag type, we highly recommend using ourcartridge filtersdustcollectors for dust or particle separation upto 99% of submicron particles.

Air to cloth ratio, can velocity, temperature, particle size distribution and dust loading, moisture content, dust nature (corrosive, combustible, Explosive, sticky etc) are some of the most important parameters to be considered for effective and efficient dustcollector design & it determines the size, cost and performance of Bagfilters. We are the manufacturers of custom designed pulse jet bag filter and baghouse dustcollectors for various industrial applications. Our engineers have decades of experience and deep knowledge in custom designing dustcollector & Dust collection system very specific to process dusts and particle matter after thorough understanding of your process parameters and considering all above said parameters.

Apzem pulse jet Bag filter dust collectors are designed to capture even finest dusts in Industrial flue gas & process exhausts and are designed with timed pulse cleaning & on demand cleaning that cleans based on pressure difference between clean air side and dust air side. All Apzem products are build with outmost quality and efficiency complying to national & international quality and emission standards. We also provide a complete dust control solution from designing hood, ducts , dustcollectors withBlowersand Chimney based on your requirements.

  • Bulk materials handling,
  • conveying, screening, sieving, mixing, bin -silo venting
  • Building materials manufacturing,
  • Chemical, plastics and pharmaceutical powders
  • Processes with light or medium dust loading etc.

Fiber Type Common Brand Name Temp Limit* F/C Resistance to Acid Resistance to Alkalis Resistance to Hydrolysis Resistance to Oxidation
Cotton NA 180*/80* Poor Good Good Good
PVC Rhovyl,Clevyl 150*/65* Excellent Excellent Excellent Excellent
Polypropylene Herculon 190*/90* Excellent Excellent Excellent Excellent
Nylon Enka Antron 230*/110* Poor Excellent Good Good
HomoPolymer Acyclic Dolanit 257*/155* Good Good Good Fair
Polyester Fortrel, Dacron 300*/150* Good Poor Poor Good
PPS Torcon, Procon 375*/190* Excellent Excellent Excellent Fair
Aramid Nomex,Comex 400*/205* Poor Excellent Poor Fair
Polyimide P85 450*/235* Fair Fair Good Good
PTFE Profilen,Toyoflon 500*/260* Excellent Excellent Excellent Excellent
Fiberglass NA 550*/285*(dry heat only) Good Fair Excellent Excellent
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Bag Filter And Baghouse Dust Collectors

  • Air Flow upto 30, 000 CFM
  • Filtration upto 5 microns
  • MOC Mild Steel / SS 304 /SS316
  • Finish Powder coated / Matt finish
  • Power option 3 Phase.
  • Customization Yes , customization available suiting your needs.

Bagfilter or Baghouse dust collector are a giant centralized industrial dust control equipment used for collection and filtration of harmful, nuisance dusts in various industries like cement plants, Fertilizer Industries, Woodworking & Glass manufacturing industries and other Manufacturing Industries. In general Bag house Dust collection system will have one or large number of hoods capturing dusts at different sources, Ducting connecting all hoods and transports the dust laden gas / air to centralized Bagfilter where the dusted air is made to pass through large array of filter bags. The dusts get deposited over bags and only clean air passes on other side. Blower creates the required suction pressure at hood (capturing), Ducts (Transportation) and across dustcollectors (Filtration) and a positive pressure in chimney to exhaust the cleaned air at a allowable altitude.

Mechanical shaker type Bagfilter, Reverse air &Pulse jet Bag filtersare three types of commonly used Industrial baghouse collectors. All works on the same principle as above and the only difference between them is the method used for cleaning of filter bags. All of the above three, Pulse jet Bagfilter is the most commonly used Bagfilters because of its continuous duty and effective filter cleaning advantages. We are the leading manufacturer and supplier of Apzem branded Pulse jet Bagfilter / Baghouse dust collectors.

The other less common type is mechanical shaker type collectors. Here either mechanical arrangement with a lever (in case of small Bagfilter) is provided or motorized arrangement is provided that when actuated shakes allFilter bagsto remove dust cake build over or inside the bags. Here the system has to be stopped intermittently for cleaning, and applications permitting intermittent stops for bag cleaning and for small to medium dust collection application we recommend Apzem shaker type collectors. For continuous duty and Large dust collection applications we highly recommend Apzem Pulse jet collector type because of it superior performance.

  • Bulk materials handling,
  • conveying, screening, sieving, mixing, bin -silo venting
  • Building materials manufacturing,
  • Chemical, plastics and pharmaceutical powders
  • Processes with light or medium dust loading etc.

Industrial dusts are of different materials and have different physical and chemical properties. Some are abrasive in nature, some are highly combustible and explosive in nature, some are corrosive, and some are sticky and have high moisture content. Temperature, dust loading, grain size & Particle distribution also varies. One dustcollector will not fit for all. Any misconceptions or assumptions of process parameters or dusts will lead to complete failure of the entire dust collection system. Apzem had a strong team of experienced engineers and experts in designing industrial dust collection system. Our engineers will understand your process parameters, nature of dusts and considers all other parameters in designing a high efficient and economical bagfilters / Baghouse dustcollector system tailor made to your exact needs. All Apzem branded products are build with quality and efficiency complying to national & international quality and emission standards. We also manufactures hoods, ducts, scrubber, fume extractors etc.

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