Our Products
Our Complete range of products are Dust Collection System, Portable Dust Collector, Bag Filter Dust Collector, Portable Two Stage Mechanical Dust Collectors and Portable Single Stage Wood Dust Collector.
In industrial areas the surrounding atmosphere is filled with spillage or solid particles and particulate matters that are hazardous to health. These hazardous particles must be trapped by using a dust collection system.
Apzem manufactures centralized dust collection system for capturing the dust particles that are let into the open air. This system can be easily modified and customized as per the customers requirement. . Apzem dust collection system In any manufacturing industry dusts produced at different machines will have different grain sizes, dust loading times. Designing one centralized dust collector needs knowledge on dust types, duct design, critical duct velocity, Capturing hood selection and design, chimney design conforming to local PCB norms & National Ambient Air Quality Standards. Apzem having strong domain knowledge in Air pollution control provides complete turnkey dust collection system design to its customers connecting all dusts producing machines, loading / unloading points to centralized dustcollector
Apzem portable dust collectors are designed to capture finest dusts and fumes were ever you need it and when ever you need it. Portable dust collectors are self contained system with fully automatic pulse air cleaning arrangement and industrial grade castor wheel affixed at bottom for maximum portability and continuous usage for applications requiring complete portability and Productivity. As an optional upgrade some of our portable dustcollectors are accompanied with flexible arm with hood and control arrangement to create local exhaust wherever required and a provision to control suction volume. Portable dustcollectors will be an economical option when sources generating dusts is not fixed at one location and there are large number of machines on a shop floor generating dusts and fumes and each will be operated only for a short period of time , in such cases portable dust collector with flexible arm arrangement will be an economical option serving more machines then opting for aCentralized dust extraction & collection systemconnecting all machines.
The design and selection of dustcollectors highly depend on nature of dusts to be collected and its physical and chemical properties (corrosive, abrasive, combustible, explosive and sticky nature), temperature and moisture content, particle size distribution etc. For normal dusts our regular cartridge type portable collectors would be sufficient. For large sized dusts and sticky type dusts, our cyclone pre-fitted portable serves more efficiently. For combustible and Explosive dusts, specially designed ESD safe dustcollectors will serves more effectively. All our mobile dust collectors are equipped with easy replaceable , long life& fine filtering cartridge Filters and an automatic reverse pulse cleaning arrangement for a hassle free dust collection.
We are the Leading manufacturers and supplier of Industrial air pollution control equipments based out in India. APZEM Branded portable dustcollectors comes in two variants, a standard model with all basic features and a custom designed model completely redesigned considering all your process parameters, exhausts dust laden air properties and are build with outmost quality and efficiency complying to national & international quality and emission standards. We also provide complete dust extraction, collection system with hoods, ducts, dustcollectors, blowers and chimney to all your dust control needs. Our Other ApzemBag filters, cyclone collectors, Multiclones, Cartridge dustcollectors, Cyclone separators can also be fully customized to meet your exact needs.
Bagfilter or Baghouse dust collector are a giant centralized industrial dust control equipment used for collection and filtration of harmful, nuisance dusts in various industries like cement plants, Fertilizer Industries, Woodworking & Glass manufacturing industries and other Manufacturing Industries. In general Bag house Dust collection system will have one or large number of hoods capturing dusts at different sources, Ducting connecting all hoods and transports the dust laden gas / air to centralized Bagfilter where the dusted air is made to pass through large array of filter bags. The dusts get deposited over bags and only clean air passes on other side. Blower creates the required suction pressure at hood (capturing), Ducts (Transportation) and across dustcollectors (Filtration) and a positive pressure in chimney to exhaust the cleaned air at a allowable altitude.
Mechanical shaker type Bagfilter, Reverse air & Pulse jet Bag filters are three types of commonly used Industrial baghouse collectors. All works on the same principle as above and the only difference between them is the method used for cleaning of filter bags. All of the above three, Pulse jet Bagfilter is the most commonly used Bagfilters because of its continuous duty and effective filter cleaning advantages. We are the leading manufacturer and supplier of Apzem branded Pulse jet Bagfilter / Baghouse dust collectors. To read more about our pulsejet bagfilter click here.
The other less common type is mechanical shaker type collectors. Here either mechanical arrangement with a lever (in case of small Bagfilter) is provided or motorized arrangement is provided that when actuated shakes all Filter bags to remove dust cake build over or inside the bags. Here the system has to be stopped intermittently for cleaning, and applications permitting intermittent stops for bag cleaning and for small to medium dust collection application we recommend Apzem shaker type collectors. For continuous duty and Large dust collection applications we highly recommend Apzem Pulse jet collector type because of it superior performance.
Industrial dusts are of different materials and have different physical and chemical properties. Some are abrasive in nature, some are highly combustible and explosive in nature, some are corrosive, and some are sticky and have high moisture content. Temperature, dust loading, grain size & Particle distribution also varies. One dustcollector will not fit for all. Any misconceptions or assumptions of process parameters or dusts will lead to complete failure of the entire dust collection system. Apzem had a strong team of experienced engineers and experts in designing industrial dust collection system. Our engineers will understand your process parameters, nature of dusts and considers all other parameters in designing a high efficient and economical bagfilters / Baghouse dustcollector system tailor made to your exact needs. All Apzem branded products are build with quality and efficiency complying to national & international quality and emission standards. We also manufactures hoods, ducts, scrubber, fume extractors etc.providing complete solution for all your air pollution control problems.
Application:Portable Two stage mechanical dust collectors are more efficient and lasts longer than anysingle stage dust collector. Here more heavier dusts are collected in drum by cyclonic action (first stage) and only finer dusts pass through blower impeller and collected in filter bag (second stage). Since most of the dusts are collected in drum before blower entry, the abrasive action of dusts on impeller and casing causing blower imbalance is very much negligible than single stage dustcollector. All Apzem dustcollectors are build with outmost quality, efficiency and safety. Complying with all national and International standards. All our portable dustcollectors comes with industrial grade castor wheel for greater portability and Longer life.
Application:Prolonged Exposure to dusts of sizes less than 10 microns (PM10) & less than 2.5 microns (PM2.5), affects Lungs directly and are responsible for Asthma attacks and respiratory problems. The dusts produced in any industrial processes should be effectively captured using hood, transported through ducts and filtered and then exhausted to atmosphere through dust collector machine and chimney.
The critical part in designing a proper dust collection system for any industry is directly depends on number of machines, dust loads, hood design, duct design , duct velocity etc. Apzem had a strong team of Consultants & engineers having vast knowledge in Air pollution control domain, and with expertise gained in designing and installation of dust collection system for varied kind of industry across the country helps us to custom build dustcollectors, hoods and ducts both efficiently and economically to our customers. Other than our portable Two stage mechanical dustcollectors / Industrial dust collectors, other Apzem's cartridge, cyclone and Bagfilter dust collector &Dust Collection Systemcan be customized for your specific applications.
Single stage portable dust collectors are simplest and cheapest of our line of industrial dustcollectors and is predominately finds its usage in woodworking industries and its also called as wood dust collectors. As per NFPA (National Fire Protection Association) Codes and Standards, Wood chips / dusts are combustible in nature and should be collected and handled safely in wood shops, woodworking industries in order to avoid Fire and explosion risks. Also Prolonged Exposure to wood chips, saw dusts etc in a wood industries creates a serious health problems to workers. See below for eight hour average exposure limits to wood dusts as stated by ACGIH (American Conference of Industrial Hygienists), NIOSH (National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health) and OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration) Standards.
Radial Arm Saw, Table and Circular Saws, Swing Saw, Band Saw, Disc Sander, Drum Sander , Jointer, Belt Sander, Lathe, Planer, CNC Router etc. are some of the common wood working machines producing flying wood dusts, chips etc and needs a proper dust control equipment or dust collection equipment or system in place to extract all dusts, filter it & collect it to safely dispose it. Wood dusts of sufficient quantity find its usage in other industries and has resale value too. With proper selection of dust collector and proper design of hood, ducts connecting your woodworking machinery to our dust collectors will effectively captures all flying wood dusts / wood chips in your industry and Increases product quality, Productivity and Safety of Workers.
The critical part in designing a proper dust collection system for wood working industry directly depends on number of machines, dust loads, hood design, duct design , duct velocity required etc. All Apzem dustcollectors are build with outmost quality, efficiency and safety. Complying with all national and International standards. Other than our portable single stage wood dustcollectors, other ApzemCartridge, CycloneandBag Filterdustcollectors can be configured for your wood dust control applications.
Apzem is the biggest industrial Bag Filter Dust Collectors of India. Our Bag Filter Dust Collectors are manufactured using the best quality raw materials by our best and experienced engineers. The designs of the Bag Filter Dust Collectors are moulded in such a way that they are considered the classic examples of engineering. The Apzem bag filter dust collectors are high in quality and very durable. Our bag filter dust collectors have low price available in the market. Bag filter dust collectors are specially designed to in increasing air volume passing through each bag. Apzem bag filter dust collectors in the domestic and international markets. Our product salient features are sturdy construction and easy installation. Easily removable parts and reduced down time, lower consumption of air and lower maintenance . We make these Bag Filter Dust Collectors using synthetic parts that make it resistance to corrosion and abrasion.
Bag filter dust collector can handle up to 500cfm to 15000cfm and comes in ten models . the power rating consumptions 1 hp to 50 hp are available. Blower is specially design a aluminium and steel impeller to create a high level vacuum and sucking capacity. Impeller diameter to specially design to 10 inches to 14 inches. quick to install and easy to operate. Special design dust collector hook up to 1 to 20 machines at a time. Blower design is 4 castors for manoeuvrability and total portability and permanently lubricated, fully enclosed, fan-cooled motors for continuous duty.
High air velocity (CFM) design stands up to any competitive specifications. compact design to make a low noise level 60db to 75db only. Blower create a high and compactable static pressure value is 6.5 inch to 20 inches. 14 inches to 25 inches diameter of bags help to collect a lot of dust particles. An optional remote control is radio frequency so there is no need for line of sight to turn the machine on and off. Our systems meet or exceed government regulations for air quality and safety.
Multi cyclone dust collector & Multi cyclone separator works on the same principle as single cyclone dust collector using inertia & Centrifugal force forming dual vortex to separate heavier dusts from dust laden gas. The efficiency of acyclone seperatorsin collecting finer dusts is highly depends on the amount of centrifugal forces created and longer residence time to allow more dusts to settle down. These two factors increases better separation of particles. The centrifugal force can be increased by reducing the cyclone diameter and the residence time can be increased by increasing the cone height. To match with airflow requirements and optimal pressure drop, large number of thinner and longer cyclones are arranged in parallel and combining all inlets in to one common inlet and all outlets into one common outlets. The pressure drop of Multicyclone is comparably higher than a single cyclones of same CFM but this higher pressure drop yields higher efficiency.
The high efficient Multicyclone dust collector system design highly depends on number of factors including nature of dusts ( Sticky, combustible, explosive, abrasive ), dust loading and particle size distribution, temperature of dust laden air, moisture content, source pressure etc.
Application:We are the Leading manufacturers and supplier of Industrial air pollution control equipments based out in India. APZEM Branded multicyclone separators, multicyclone dust collectors, are custom designed considering all process parameters, exhausts dust laden air properties and build with outmost quality and efficiency complying to national & international quality and emission standards. Apzem multicyclone dustcollectors can be used as pre-cleaners installing it before Bagfilter or ESPs orwet scrubberor can also be used as main dust collection equipment depending on process and applications. We also provide complete dust extraction, collection system with hoods, ducts, dustcollectors, blowers and chimney to all your dust control needs. Our Other APZEM Bag filters, Portable dust collectors, Cartridge dustcollectors, Cyclone separators can also be fully customized to meet your exact needs.
Apzem is the biggest industrial Cyclone Dust Collectors of India . Our Cyclone Dust Collectors are manufactured using the best quality by our best and experienced engineers. Industrial processes generate contaminants in a variety of sizes. Some particles are visible to the human eye, while others are not. Large or small, many of these pollutants are harmful to your employees and need to be removed from the air to ensure a safe breathing environment. The Cyclone is designed to effectively remove large to moderate-size particles (chips, metal grindings, sawdust) from the air stream. Used alone or in conjunction with another dust collector, the Cyclone separates coarse contaminants from fine, non-visible particles, and exhausts clean air.
The cyclone dust collector working principle are A high speed rotating (air)flow is established within a cylindrical or conical container called acyclone. Air flows in a helical pattern, beginning at the top (wide end) of the cyclone and ending at the bottom (narrow) end before exiting the cyclone in a straight stream through the centre of the cyclone and out the top.
Larger (denser) particles in the rotating stream have too much inertia to follow the tight curve of the stream, and strike the outside wall, then fall to the bottom of the cyclone where they can be removed. In a conical system, as the rotating flow moves towards the narrow end of the cyclone, the rotational radius of the stream is reduced, thus separating smaller and smaller particles. The cyclone geometry, together withflow rate, defines thecut pointof the cyclone. This is the size of particle that will be removed from the stream with a 50% efficiency. Particles larger than the cut point will be removed with a greater efficiency, and smaller particles with a lower efficiency.
cyclone dust collector can handle up to 300cfm to 15000cfm and comes in 15 models . the power rating consumptions 1 hp to 50 hp are available. Blower is specially design a aluminium and steel impeller to create a high level vacuum and sucking capacity. Impeller diameter to specially design to 10 inches to 14 inches. It is a two different type of style available bag and canister type is very economically and usefully . quick to install and easy to operate. Special design dust collector hook up to 1 to 20 machines at a time.
High air velocity (CFM) design stands up to any competitive specifications. compact design to make a low noise level 60db to 85db only. Blower create a high and compactable static pressure value is 6.5 inch to 20 inches. 14 inches to 25 inches diameter of bags help to collect a lot of dust particles. Collection bag capacity 10 gallon to 450 gallon available so user to make a compactable removing and cleaning process given service time. An optional remote control is radio frequency so there is no need for line of sight to turn the machine on and off.
We are the outstanding manufacturers of and suppliers of a vast range of Multi-Cyclone Dust Collectors. which is widely demanded among our revered patrons. Manufactured in adherence to the predefined industry standards, the range of dust collectors offered by us highly popular among the respected client-base, we hold. We offer these collectors in both standard and customized specifications.The multi-cyclone dust collector are simple design and operation procedure . It is a circle (whirling) motion is imparted to the gas entering a cyclonic collector . This action generates centrifugal force that concentrates particles of entrained dust of the interior walls of the collecting tubes. The particles then fall and are discharged from the bottom of the tube. Clean gas exits through the outlet at the collecting tubes vertical centreline.
Multi-Cylone dust collector can handle up to 500cfm to 40000cfm and comes in 15 models . the power rating consumptions 1 hp to 50 hp are available. Blower is specially design a aluminium and steel impeller to create a high level vacuum and sucking capacity . quick to install and easy to operate. Special design dust collector hook up above 25 machines at a time. High air velocity (CFM) design stands up to any competitive specifications. compact design to make a low noise level 60db to 90 db only. 14 inches to 25 inches diameter of bags help to collect a lot of dust particles. Collection bag capacity 10 gallon to 450 gallon available so user to make a compactable removing and cleaning process given service time. An optional remote control is radio frequency so there is no need for line of sight to turn the machine on and off.
The two-stage dust collector all the features in a compact size. A side from the cleaner operation of a two-stage system. Dust collector with 2- stage filtration system. Central inlet with velocity reducer. Fully automatic filter cleaning. Can easily be equipped with a great variety of filter materials, bins, emptying systems, explosion relief panels etc. dust collector with automatic cleaning, individual filter bags are overlaid on a metal cage. The dirty air enters the Bag house and is forced through the filter bags after which the clean air exits.
A timer signals a solenoid valve to start the cleaning when it detects a drop in performance due to build up on the filter or the cleaning cycle is run on a regular periodic basis. Cleaning the filter is done by short bursts of compressed air being fired down through the filter bags. This air burst causes the dust cake to disintegrate and fall so it can be collected. Determining thefilter material is an important part of bag house design, as it determines the life and effectiveness of the filter bag. The type of fabric used depends on many factors including volume of dust, size of dust, moisture content etc.
Two stage dust collector is high level performance carry to a low to high load of motor power 1 hp to 10 hp. It is a handle up to 500cfm-8000cfm airflow rating. 14 inch steel impeller create a high vacuum to make a great sucking performance on the blower. Two stage dust collector design a two type of style like a bag and canister used in high efficiency up to 5 micron. It is a neat and humble so dont make a nuisance noise in work plant. It is noise level 69db-80db level. Blower create a high and compactable static pressure value is 6.5 inch to 20 inches. High air velocity (CFM) design stands up to any competitive specifications. A TEFC enclosure on a motor means "Totally Enclosed, Fan Cooled".
This motor is probably the most commonly used motor in ordinary industrial environments. It costs only a few dollars more than the open motor, yet offers good protection against common hazards. Dust collector have a collection bag capacity up to 450 gallon capacity so lots of dust particles stored in a tank not pollute the atmosphere and work plant. An optional remote control is radio frequency so there is no need for line of sight to turn the machine on and off.
Cartridge dust collector are next generationBagfilter type dustcollectorusing Pleated cartridge filters for effectively capturing finer dusts instead of filter bags. Cartridge type dustcollectors have many advantages over traditional bag collectors, like Large filter area packed in smaller overall sizes hence reduces overall size of dustcollectors for same capacity, which saves a lot in structural casing cost and expensive factory floor space. High filter area to overall dimension ratio means less number of cartridges will be required and saves a lot of productivity time during filter change out and its easy comparably. The collection efficiency of well designed cartridge collectors are upto 99.9% in collecting submicron sized particles as small as 0.3 microns and saves a lot in returns in Pharmaceutical, Goldsmithing Industries etc where particles / Product dusts recovered are very expensive
The design and selection of dustcollectors highly depend on nature of dusts to be collected and its physical and chemical properties (corrosive, abrasive, combustible, explosive and sticky nature), temperature and moisture content, particle size distribution etc. For normal dusts of upto 50 microns size and lower grain loading our regular cartridge type portable collectors would be sufficient. For large sized dusts and sticky type dusts, Our Cartridge dust collector should be used as secondary dust collection system after Apzem Cyclone dustcollectors for maximum collection efficiency and longer filter life. For combustible and Explosive dusts, specially designed ESD safe dustcollectors will serves more effectively. For dusts of high grain loading and high temperature we highly recommend using our Bagfilters as an economical option. All our Apzem cartridge dustcollectors were pre-equipped with automatic reverse pulse cleaning arrangement for a hassle free dust collection.
Application:We are the Leading manufacturers and supplier of Dust-collector, Fume Extractors, Wet scrubbers, Dry Scubbersand other Industrial air pollution control equipments based out in India. APZEM Branded Cartridge dustcollectors comes in two variants, a standard model with all basic features and a custom designed model completely redesigned considering all your process parameters, exhausts dust laden air properties and are build with outmost quality and efficiency complying to national & international quality and emission standards. We also provide a complete dust control solution from designing hood, ducts , dustcollectors with Blowers and Chimney based on your exact dust collection requirements.
Wet type dust collector are designed to more efficient, cost effective control, all flammable and non-flammable metal dust contaminants generated from a variety of manufacturing and process applications . The wet type dust collector will help with compliance to local OSHA and NFPA regulations by drawing contaminants away from the operators breathing zone and reducing the flammability concerns with metals such as aluminium, titanium and magnesium. Direct drive blower and TEFC motor installed, auto water level control with low level shutoff and a factory pre-wired control panel. Wet type dust collector are working process for the capture of wettable and sinkable particles. This systems Five stage filtration system. First step goes to striking the turbulent water surface in the water tank section of the machine. Second process passing through a vertical water circulation. Third stage scrubbed though a water falls on cone walls, fourth step before the passing through a horizontal water circulation, finally buffeted through the moisture separator section before fan entry and exhaust out of the machine.
Wet-type dust collector can handle up to 500cfm to 8000cfm and comes in six models . the power rating consumptions 1 hp to 15 hp are available. Blower is specially design a aluminium and steel impeller to create a high level vacuum and sucking capacity. quick to install and easy to operate. Special design dust collector hook up to 1 to 10 machines at a time. Blower design is 4 castors for manoeuvrability and total portability and permanently lubricated, fully enclosed, fan-cooled motors for continuous duty. High air velocity (CFM) design stands up to any competitive specifications. compact design to make a low noise level 60db to 80db only. Blower create a high and compactable static pressure value is 6.5 inch to 20 inches. An optional remote control is radio frequency so there is no need for line of sight to turn the machine on and off. Our systems meet or exceed government regulations for air quality and safety.
The Apzem Single stage Dust collector is the hugely successful of the long established and respected wood-waste dust collectors. Single stage design for economical and quiet operation. it is designed to be used indoors and outdoors woodwork shops. It is the good and great solution for the small shop or single work-cell operation. This dust collector working process is very simple . It is working 3C concept. 3Cs are Capture , Convey and Collect .This three process is collect and remove the all type of woodworking and small size dust.
Capture :Capture the process is the all type of small and thin dust particles are the due to some amount of vacuum presents inside the blower.
Convey :Second step goes to a all the dust particles carry a hood and other transport medium connect to wood working machine to dust collecting tank
Collect :Finally all other dust particles to collect in the storage tank
Single stage dust collector can handle up to 500cfm to 7000cfm and comes in seven models . the power rating consumptions 1 hp to 10 hp are available. Blower is specially design a aluminium and steel impeller to create a high level vacuum and sucking capacity. Impeller diameter to specially design to 10 inches to 14 inches. It is a two different type of style available bag and canister type is very economically and usefully . quick to install and easy to operate.
Special design dust collector hook up to 1 to 5 machines at a time. Blower design is 4 castors for manoeuvrability and total portability and permanently lubricated, fully enclosed, fan-cooled motors for continuous duty. High air velocity (CFM) design stands up to any competitive specifications. compact design to make a low noise level 60db to 75db only. Blower create a high and compactable static pressure value is 6.5 inch to 20 inches. 14 inches to 25 inches diameter of bags help to collect a lot of dust particles. Collection bag capacity 10 gallon to 450 gallon available so user to make a compactable removing and cleaning process given service time. An optional remote control is radio frequency so there is no need for line of sight to turn the machine on and off.
Cyclone Dust collector are Mechanical Separator using inertia effect & Centrifugal force to separate large dusts and useful particles in industrial applications. Cyclone dustcollectors is an air pollution control equipment used to remove large dust particles from industrial process exhausts. Cyclone Seperator is also same and uses centrifugal forces to collect useful particles in product recovery. Both are one and same, only application differs. The efficiency of Cyclone collectors is high with higher particle size and are normally used as primary collectors in multistage filtration application. In some applications, a properly designed high efficient Cyclone Separator with added filter bags or filter cartridges fitted at exhausts serves as a main collectors.
Apzem is a Leading manufacturers and supplier of Industrial air pollution control equipments in India. APZEM Branded Cyclone dust collector, Cyclone Separator are designed considering all process parameters, exhausts dust laden air properties and build with outmost quality and efficiency complying to national & international quality and emission standards. We also provide complete dust extraction, collection system with hoods, ducts, dustcollectors, blowers and chimney to all your dust control needs. Our Other APZEM Bag filters, portable collectors, Cartridge Dust Collectorcan also be fully customized to meet your exact needs.