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Our Products

  1. Cleaning Wipes & Liquids 29 Products available
  2. Dust Collectors 18 Products available
  3. Laboratory Equipments 14 Products available
  4. Industrial Scrubbers 12 Products available
  5. Modular Office Workstation 10 Products available
  6. CNC Machine 6 Products available
  7. Industrial Blowers, Coolers & Fans 5 Products available
  8. Filters 4 Products available
  9. Tables 4 Products available
  10. Others Products 54 Products available

Cleaning Wipes & Liquids

We offer the best product range of Adsorption Scrubber, Dry Carbon Adsorption Scrubber, VOC Scrubber, Chromic Acid Scrubber and Chromic Acid Scrubber for Hard Chrome Plating.

Adsorption Scrubber

  • Air Flow upto 70, 000 CFM
  • Efficiency upto 99.99% capturing efficiency
  • MOC Mild Steel / SS 304 / SS316 / FRP / PP / PVC

Apzem adsorption Scrubber also called as dry scrubber uses Adsorption principle to trap pollutant molecules within its pores. Apzem Adsorption scrubber uses various chemically treated adsorption medias for effective capturing of VOCs, and other odor's gas. Dry adsorption scrubber has less running costs, high initial cost and finds very useful in treating small quantity of VOCs and odorous gases. And in sites having no access to water and effluent treatment facilities.


The amount of pollutants to be treated, the constituents in exhaust stream, its temperature, Humidity limits the usage of Adsorption type scrubber as an economical option. There could be other option of using packed bed scrubber, venturi scrubber or dust collectors for same application. Please contact us to understand your process well so as to give you customized solution that meets your budget as well as comply with local PCB norms and standards.
Apzem had a strong team of consultants and engineers having deep knowledge in design and commissioning of various industrial air pollution control equipments , hoods, ducting. And are looking forward to provide you end to end , complete turnkey solutions to your Air pollution control needs.


  • Chemical industries
  • Pharmaceutical Industries.
  • Petrochemical industries
  • Municipal waste treatment plant.
  • Effluent Treatment Facilities.
  • Fertilizer production and processing industries
  • Paint booth exhausts etc.
Air/Gas Pollutants Removed:
  • VOCs,
  • Hydrogen Sulphide.
  • Mercaptans,
  • Ammonia and Amines,
  • Organic Sulphides
  • And other odorous gases'.
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Dry Carbon Adsorption Scrubber

  • Air Flow upto 70, 000 CFM
  • Efficiency upto 99.99% capturing efficiency
  • MOC Mild Steel / SS 304 / SS316 / FRP / PP / PVC
  • Finish Powder coated / Matt finish
  • Power option 3 Phase.
  • Customization Yes , customization available suiting your needs.
  • Application & Gases scrubbed Refer above.

Apzem adsorption Scrubber also called as dry scrubber uses Adsorption principle to trap pollutant molecules within its pores. Apzem Adsorption scrubber uses various chemically treated adsorption medias for effective capturing of VOCs, and other odor's gas. Dry adsorption scrubber has less running costs, high initial cost and finds very useful in treating small quantity ofVOCsand odorous gases. And in sites having no access to water and effluent treatment facilities.

The amount of pollutants to be treated, the constituents in exhaust stream, its temperature, Humidity limits the usage of Adsorption type scrubber as an economical option. There could be other option of using packed bed scrubber, venturi scrubberordust collectorsfor same application. Please contact us to understand your process well so as to give you customized solution that meets your budget as well as comply with local PCB norms and standards.
Apzem had a strong team of consultants and engineers having deep knowledge in design and commissioning of various industrial air pollution control equipments , hoods, ducting. And are looking forward to provide you end to end , complete turnkey solutions to your Air pollution control needs.

  • Chemical industries
  • Pharmaceutical Industries.
  • Petrochemical industries
  • Municipal waste treatment plant.
  • Effluent Treatment Facilities.
  • Fertilizer production and processing industries
  • Paint booth exhausts etc.
Air/Gas Pollutants Removed:

  • VOCs,
  • Hydrogen Sulphide.
  • Mercaptans,
  • Ammonia and Amines,
  • Organic Sulphides
  • And other odorous gases'.
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VOC Scrubber

  • Air Flow upto 30, 000 CFM
  • Efficiency upto 98% capturing efficiency
  • MOC Mild Steel / SS 304 / SS316 / FRP / PP / PVC
  • Customization Yes , customization available suiting your needs.

Apzem Bio Scrubber for VOCs control are environmental friendly scrubber that works on the principle of anaerobic digestion of organic VOCs by bacteria. Some VOCs creates bad odors and organic nature and generated in industrial process and in wastewater treatment plants and are readily digested by bacteria grown in a constrained environment with proper supply of enzymes and nutrients.

Bio scrubber or Bio-filter is a most economical solution for effective treatment of some of organic components and lasts for 10 to 20 years without much maintenance costs, but it has certain limitations like it requires large floor space, cannot treat high temperature exhaust gas as well as presence of other components and dusts. In some applications, installing a bio-scrubber as secondary scrubber in line with cyclone /bag filter dust collectorandwet scrubberwill serves more effectively. Other options for treating small quantity VOCs adsorption type Apzemdry scrubberis highly recommended.

Apzem had a strong team of consultants and engineers having deep knowledge in design and commissioning of Bioscrubbers and other industrial air pollution control equipments , hoods, ducting. And are looking forward to provide you end to end , complete turnkey solutions to your odour & Air pollution control needs.

Application Industries:
  • Wastewater treatmentAadhesives,
  • aluminum fabrication,
  • Asphalt plants,
  • Coating operations,
  • Chemical plants,
  • Drying ovens,
  • Food processing,
  • Furniture manufacture,
  • Foundries,
  • Oil and petrochemical,
  • Wood products manufacture
  • Painting operations,
  • Plastics,
  • Polymers,
  • Printing,
  • Pulp and paper manufacture,
  • Tire operations,
  • Resins,
  • Rubber products,
  • Pharmaceuticals,
  • Sealant,
  • Smoke houses,
  • Textile finishing,

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Chromic Acid Scrubber

Apzem chromic acid Scrubber are custom designed hybrid type scrubber system with all controls to capture hazardous chromic acid mists & fumes formed at chrome plating tank. Apzem uses advanced composite mesh pad technology for capturing chromic acid mists and its 99% efficient and almost all of the chromic acid found in fumes can be recovered and reused, Hence the entire costs for the system can be recovered in a couple of years of operation of the system. The entire system, (Scrubber + Hood +Ducting + Blower & Chimney) is build out of PVC, CPVC and PP FRP to withstand high corrosive nature of chromic acids and it lasts for 5 to 10 years of operation without much maintenance.
Apzem had a strong team of consultants and engineers having deep knowledge in design and commissioning of scrubber across various industries. contact us to assist you in selecting efficient and economical chromic acid scrubber to your specific production quantity. The scrubber system can be used in other plating applications without much changes. Contact us to know more.

For enquiries or to know more feel free to contact us @ 9789066648 / 044-26580258 or email to

Materials of Construction:
  • Fiberglass reinforced plastic (FRP)
  • PVC , CPVC
  • Polypropylene
Application industries:
  • Electro plating industries.
  • Chrome plating.
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Chromic Acid Scrubber For Hard Chrome Plating

  • Air Flow upto 70, 000 CFM
  • Efficiency upto 99.99% capturing efficiency
  • MOC Mild Steel / SS 304 / SS316 / FRP / PP / PVC
  • Finish Powder coated / Matt finish
  • Power option 3 Phase.
  • Customization Yes , customization available suiting your needs.
  • Application & Gases scrubbed Refer above.

Apzem chromic acid Scrubber are custom designed hybrid type scrubber system with all controls to capture hazardous chromic acid mists & fumes formed at chrome plating tank. Apzem uses advanced composite mesh pad technology for capturing chromic acid mists and its 99% efficient and almost all of the chromic acid found in fumes can be recovered and reused, Hence the entire costs for the system can be recovered in a couple of years of operation of the system. The entire system, (Scrubber + Hood +Ducting+Blower& Chimney) is build out of PVC, CPVC and PP FRP to withstand high corrosive nature of chromic acids and it lasts for 5 to 10 years of operation without much maintenance.
Apzem had a strong team of consultants and engineers having deep knowledge in design and commissioning of scrubber across various industries. contact us to assist you in selecting efficient and economical chromic acid scrubber to your specific production quantity. Thescrubber systemcan be used in other plating applications without much changes. Contact us to know more.

For enquiries or to know more feel free tocontact us @ 9789066648 / 044-26580258 or email

Materials of Construction:
  • Fiberglass reinforced plastic (FRP)
  • PVC , CPVC
  • Polypropylene
Application industries:
  • Electro plating industries.
  • Chrome plating.
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Municipal Waste Scrubber

Apzem municipal waste Scrubbers are custom designed to capture odorous gas and particulate pollutants generated in municipal waste incineration process. In general for small quantity of municipal waste treatment or odour control, Apzem dry scrubber would be economical option. For High concentration or large incineration process, Apzem Bagfilter can be used for fly ash dust control followed by Apzem wet scrubber for gaseous pollutants control.


The waste treatment process, Amount of pollutants generated, presence of other dust particles and grain sizes, their properties, temperature, space availability, and PCB norms at particular zone determines the selection and customization of municipal waste gas Scrubber system.
Apzem had a strong team of consultants and engineers having deep knowledge and experience in designing and commissioning of customized solutions for municipal waste incinerator emissions, land fills, odors. Etc.

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Dry Scrubber For Municipal Waste Treatment

  • Air Flow upto 70, 000 CFM.
  • MOC SS 304 / SS316 / FRP / PP / PVC .
  • Customization Yes , customization available suiting your needs.

Apzem municipal waste Scrubbers are custom designed to capture odorous gas and particulate pollutants generated in municipal waste incineration process. In general for small quantity of municipal waste treatment or odour control, Apzem dry scrubber would be economical option. For High concentration or large incineration process, ApzemBagfiltercan be used for fly ashdust controlfollowed by Apzem wet scrubber for gaseous pollutants control.

The waste treatment process, Amount of pollutants generated, presence of other dust particles and grain sizes, their properties, temperature, space availability, and PCB norms at particular zone determines the selection and customization of municipal wastegas Scrubber system.

Apzem had a strong team of consultants and engineers having deep knowledge and experience in designing and commissioning of customized solutions for municipal waste incinerator emissions, land fills, odors. Etc.

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Municipal Waste Treatment Air Scrubber

  • Air Flow upto 30, 000 CFM
  • Efficiency upto 98% capturing efficiency
  • MOC Mild Steel / SS 304 / SS316 / FRP / PP / PVC
  • Customization Yes , customization available suiting your needs.

Municipal waste treatment generates large amount of odorous and foul smelling gases including Hydrogen sulphide, Mercaptans, etc and need to be treated before it spreads to atmosphere. Apzem Bio Scrubber for municipal waste treatment facilities are environmental friendly scrubber that works on the principle of anaerobic digestion of organic components by bacteria. These organic components generated in waste water treatment plants, waste landfills etc.are readily digested by bacteria grown in a constrained environment with proper supply of enzymes and nutrients.

Bio scrubber or Bio-filter is a most economical solution for effective treatment of some of organic components and the scrubber lasts for 10 to 20 years without much maintenance costs. Bio scrubber though a cost efficient solution toodour controlbut has some limitations. Bio scrubber will not work in treating hot gases, will require large floor area , will not work fine if exhaust gas contains dusts.

Apzem had a strong team of consultants and engineers having deep knowledge in design and commissioning of Bioscrubbers and other industrial air pollution control equipments , hoods, ducting, Centrifugal Blowers. And are looking forward to provide you end to end , complete turnkey solutions to your odour & Air pollution control needs in municipal waste treatment plants.

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Paint Booth Scrubber

  • Air Flow upto 70, 000 CFM
  • Efficiency upto 99.99% capturing efficiency
  • MOC Mild Steel / SS 304 / SS316 / FRP / PP / PVC
  • Finish Powder coated / Matt finish
  • Power option 3 Phase.
  • Customization Yes , customization available suiting your needs.
  • Application & Gases scrubbed Refer above.

Apzem dry adsorption Scrubber also called as dry scrubber uses Adsorption principle to trap pollutant molecules (specially VOCs present at paint booth exhausts) within its pores. Apzem dry Adsorption scrubber uses various chemically treated adsorption medias for effective capturing of VOCs, and other odor's gas. Apzem uses Regenerative type dry adsorption scrubber for paint booth exhausts having high moisture content. And it uses innovative cartridge module like design approach that effectively captures VOCs in paint booth exhausts as well as keeps the overall cost of the system low.
The other option to treat large amount of paint booth exhausts gas is to go withpacked bed wet scrubberorventuri wet scrubberbut its running cost is high and needs wastewater treatment facilities.
Apzem had a strong team of consultants and engineers having deep knowledge in design and commissioning of various industrial air pollution control equipments , hoods &Industrial ductingto various customers from different industries. We also provide you with end to end , complete turnkey solutions to all your Air pollution control needs. Feel free to contact us to get a customized solutions to your exact needs and budgets.

  • Paint over spray,
  • Paint mixing booth, etc.
Air/Gas Pollutants Removed / treated:
  • VOCs,
  • Over sprayed paint particles, etc.
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Water Scrubber

Industrial process often generates large amount of exhausts gases, containing different gaseous air pollutants that are hazardous in nature and should be treated well before venting it to atmosphere as per pollution control Board norms. Apzem Wet scrubber system utilizes absorption techniques to separate pollutant acid gases from exhaust air. Apzem has been custom designing spray scrubber, Packed bed scrubber, Venturi scrubber, Horizontal type chromic acid scrubber for various customers across different industries. The selection and customization, is hugely depends on exhaust gas temperature, its constituents, corrosive nature, pollution loading, their absorption or adsorption nature, moisture contents etc.
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Dry Scrubbers

Industrial process often generates large amount of exhausts gases, containing different gaseous air pollutants that are hazardous , toxic and odorous in nature and should be effectively treated well before venting it to atmosphere as per pollution control Board norms. Apzem Dry scrubber system utilizes dry adsorption techniques to separate pollutant acid gases from exhaust air stream. Apzem has been custom designing its range of dry scrubber for various customers across different industries. The selection and customization, is hugely depends on exhaust gas temperature, its constituents, corrosive nature, pollution loading, their absorption or adsorption nature, moisture contents etc. We provide complete customization of our entire range of dry scrubbers to treat and control Odorous gases, Hydrogen sulphide gas, VOC s from paint overspray in paint booths and other VOC Vapors.
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Dry Scrubber

We are one of the prominent names engaged in offering our clients with Dry Scrubbers. These are the APZEM-DSC-XX series dry scrubbing systems that are specifically designed for removing acid gases such as SOx, NOx, HCl odors & Volatile oxalic compounds from various industrial applications.

Additional Information:

Payment Terms : T/T, Western Union

Packaging Details : Wooden Packaging

Delivery Time : 6-8 Weeks

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SS Scrubbers

Industrial process often generates large amount of exhausts gases, containing different gaseous air pollutants that are hazardous in nature and should be treated well before venting it to atmosphere as per pollution control Board norms. Apzem Wet scrubber system utilizes absorption techniques to separate pollutant acid gases from exhaust air. Apzem has been custom designing spray scrubber, Packed bed scrubber, Venturi scrubber, Horizontal type chromic acid scrubber for various customers across different industries. The selection and customization, is hugely depends on exhaust gas temperature, its constituent
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Industrial Scrubbers

Industrial process often generates large amount of exhausts gases, containing different gaseous air pollutants that are hazardous in nature and should be treated well before venting it to atmosphere as per pollution control Board norms. Apzem Wet scrubber system utilizes absorption techniques to separate pollutant acid gases from exhaust air. Apzem has been custom designing spray scrubber,
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Fume Hood Scrubber

  • Size 1200 mm to 2000 mm wide
  • Power option 3 Phase / single Phase.
Apzem Ductless fumehoods are recirculation type fumehoods, equipped with proper filter module and fumehood scrubber so that the fumehood gases and vapors are filtered, treated and re-circulated within the building. This type of fumehoods has its applications limited and can be used in Air-conditioned environment without adding HVAC power bills. All Apzem fumehoods are ergonomically designed and made from heavy gauge material for greater strength and robustness.
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Packed Bed Scrubber

  • Efficiency upto 99.99% capturing efficiency
  • Air Flow upto 70, 000 CFM
  • Power option 3 Phase.

Apzem Packed bed Scrubber are custom designed to capture sub micron particulate matter, chemical fumes, odors, and other water / chemically soluble fumes and Vapors generated in industrial process. All wet scrubber works on the principle of absorption technology, where the pollutants is made in contact with scrubbing liquid. The pollutants gets absorbed by scrubbing liquid either physical or by chemical means. The capturing efficiency of the scrubber can be increased by increasing the time of contact of flue gas with scrubbing liquid.

In packed bed scrubber we use rings, saddles etc so called packings to increase scrubbing efficiency. We supply counter flow (vertical scrubber ) and cross flow type (Horizontal scrubber) and multi scrubber arrangements based on site constraints and efficiency required. The sizing of scrubber, selection of scrubber solution, Material and inner lining is critical in designing wet scrubber for a particular application.
Apzem had a strong team of consultants and engineers having deep knowledge in design and commissioning of scrubber across various industries. contact us to assist you in selecting efficient and economical scrubber to your specific process and pollution control needs.


Materials of Construction:
  • Fiberglass reinforced plastic (FRP)
  • MS, M.S with FRP Lined , M.S with Epoxy coated
  • PVC , CPVC
  • Polypropylene
  • SS 304 or 316
Air/Gas Pollutants Removed:
  • Acid gasses
  • Hydrogen Sulphide.
  • Ammonia,
  • Sulfur Oxides
  • Halogen vapors
  • Chromic Acids
  • Ethylene Oxide
  • N-Methyl pyrolidone
  • Formaldehyde
  • Caustics and Hydroxides
  • Ethylene Glycol
  • VOC abatement
  • NOx removal
  • Chemical industries
  • Fertilizer production and processing industries
  • Pulp and paper industries
  • Petrochemical industries
  • Pharmaceutical industries
  • Food and beverage industries
  • Electronics industries
  • Odor control
  • Steel making
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Packed Bed Scrubber - Wet Scrubber

  • Air Flow upto 70, 000 CFM
  • Efficiency upto 99.99% capturing efficiency
  • MOC Mild Steel / SS 304 / SS316 / FRP / PP / PVC
  • Finish Powder coated / Matt finish
  • Power option 3 Phase.
  • Customization Yes , customization available suiting your needs.
  • Application & Gases scrubbed Refer above.

Apzem Packed bed Scrubber are custom designed to capturesub micron particulate matter, chemical fumes, odors, and other water / chemically soluble fumes andVaporsgenerated in industrial process. All wet scrubber works on the principle of absorption technology, where the pollutants is made in contact with scrubbing liquid. The pollutants gets absorbed by scrubbing liquid either physical or by chemical means. The capturing efficiency of the scrubber can be increased by increasing the time of contact of flue gas with scrubbing liquid.

In packed bed scrubber we use rings, saddles etc so called packings to increase scrubbing efficiency. We supply counter flow (vertical scrubber ) and cross flow type (Horizontal scrubber) and multi scrubber arrangements based on site constraints and efficiency required. The sizing of scrubber, selection of scrubber solution, Material and inner lining is critical in designing wet scrubber for a particular application.
Apzem had a strong team of consultants and engineers having deep knowledge in design and commissioning of scrubber across various industries. contact us to assist you in selecting efficient and economical scrubber to your specific process and pollution control needs.

Materials of Construction:
  • Fiberglass reinforced plastic (FRP)
  • MS, M.S with FRP Lined , M.S with Epoxy coated
  • PVC , CPVC
  • Polypropylene
  • SS 304 or 316
Air/Gas Pollutants Removed:
  • Acid gasses
  • Hydrogen Sulphide.
  • Ammonia,
  • Sulfur Oxides
  • Halogen vapors
  • Chromic Acids
  • Ethylene Oxide
  • N-Methyl pyrolidone
  • Formaldehyde
  • Caustics and Hydroxides
  • Ethylene Glycol
  • VOC abatement
  • NOx removal
  • Chemical industries
  • Fertilizer production and processing industries
  • Pulp and paper industries
  • Petrochemical industries
  • Pharmaceutical industries
  • Food and beverage industries
  • Electronics industries
  • Odor control
  • Steel making
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Odour Control Scrubber

  • Air Flow upto 70, 000 CFM
  • Efficiency upto 99.99% capturing efficiency
  • MOC Mild Steel / SS 304 / SS316 / FRP / PP / PVC
  • Finish Powder coated / Matt finish

Apzem odour control Scrubber are custom designed to capture odorous chemical compounds including Hydrogen Sulphide (H2S), mercaptans, organic sulphides, ammonia, amines and many VOCs generated in industrial process, and in municipal waste treatment. Based on the process outlet, odor's components types and the quantity to be treated, economical and viable odour control scrubber system can be chosen.


If the odour generating components is of low quantity and mostly of VOCs, Apzem Dry scrubber / Dry adsorption system would be an economical option. If the amount of odorous gas to be treated is large and wet , then either single stage wet scrubber or a multi stage wet scrubber or a Wet & Dry combination scrubber or Bio-scrubber would be a more economical and feasible option.
Apzem had a strong team of consultants and engineers having deep knowledge in design and commissioning of scrubber across various industries. contact us to assist you in selecting efficient and economical scrubber to your specific process and pollution control needs.


Air/Gas Pollutants Removed:
  • VOCs,
  • Hydrogen Sulphide.
  • Mercaptans,
  • Ammonia and Amines,
  • Organic Sulphides
  • And other odorous gases'.
  • Chemical industries
  • Pharmaceutical Industries.
  • Petrochemical industries
  • Municipal waste treatment plant
  • Effluent Treatment Facilities.
  • Fertilizer production and processing industries etc
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Odour Control Systems Dry Scrubber

  • Air Flow upto 70, 000 CFM
  • Efficiency upto 99.99% capturing efficiency
  • MOC Mild Steel / SS 304 / SS316 / FRP / PP / PVC
  • Finish Powder coated / Matt finish
  • Power option 3 Phase.
  • Customization Yes , customization available suiting your needs.
  • Application & Gases scrubbed Refer above.

Apzem odour control Scrubber are custom designed to capture odorous chemical compounds including Hydrogen Sulphide (H2S), mercaptans, organic sulphides, ammonia, amines and many VOCs generated in industrial process, and inmunicipal waste treatment. Based on the process outlet, odor's components types and the quantity to be treated, economical and viable odour control scrubber system can be chosen.

If the odour generating components is of low quantity and mostly of VOCs, Apzem Dry scrubber / Dry adsorption system would be an economical option. If the amount of odorous gas to be treated is large and wet , then eithersingle stage wet scrubber or a multi stage wet scrubberor a Wet & Dry combination scrubber orBio-scrubberwould be a more economical and feasible option.

Apzem had a strong team of consultants and engineers having deep knowledge in design and commissioning of scrubber across various industries. contact us to assist you in selecting efficient and economical scrubber to your specific process and pollution control needs.

Air/Gas Pollutants Removed:
  • VOCs,
  • Hydrogen Sulphide.
  • Mercaptans,
  • Ammonia and Amines,
  • Organic Sulphides
  • And other odorous gases'.
  • Chemical industries
  • Pharmaceutical Industries.
  • Petrochemical industries
  • Municipal waste treatment plant
  • Effluent Treatment Facilities.
  • Fertilizer production and processing industries etc

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H2s Scrubber

  • Air Flow upto 30, 000 CFM
  • Efficiency upto 98% capturing efficiency
  • MOC Mild Steel / SS 304 / SS316 / FRP / PP / PVC
  • Customization Yes , customization available suiting your needs.

apzem bioscrubbers for treating hydrogen sulphide (h2s) gas is a custom designed environmental friendly scrubber that works on the principle of anaerobic digestion of organic components by bacteria. H2s is in general poisonous, and gives rotten egg smell and are corrosive in nature. Hydrogen sulphide gases are normally generated in industrial process and in wastewater treatment plants and are readily digested by a special kind of bacteria grown in a constrained environment with proper supply of enzymes and nutrients.

bio scrubber or bio-filter is a more economical solution for effective treatment of some of h2s gases and other organic gases and lasts for 10 to 20 years without much maintenance costs, but it has certain limitations like it requires large floor space, cannot treat high temperature exhaust gas as well as presence of other components and dusts. In some applications, installing a bio-scrubber as secondary scrubber in line with dustcollector and wet scrubber will serves more effectively. Other options for treating small quantity h2s gas, adsorption type apzem dryscrubber is highly recommended.

apzem had a strong team of consultants and engineers having deep knowledge in design and commissioning ofbioscrubbersand otherindustrial air pollution control equipments, hoods, ducting. And are looking forward to provide you end to end , complete turnkey solutions to yourodour& air pollution control needs.

application industries:
  • wastewater treatmentaadhesives,
  • aluminum fabrication,
  • asphalt plants,
  • coating operations,
  • chemical plants,
  • tire operations,
  • food processing,
  • furniture manufacture,
  • foundries,
  • oil and petrochemical,
  • painting operations,
  • sealant,
  • drying ovens,
  • food processing,
  • furniture manufacture,
  • foundries,
  • oil and petrochemical,
  • smoke houses,
  • painting operations,
  • plastics,
  • polymers,
  • printing,
  • pulp and paper manufacture,
  • resins,
  • rubber products,
  • textile finishing,
  • pharmaceuticals,

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Plate Column Scrubber

  • Air Flow upto 70, 000 CFM
  • Efficiency upto 99.99% capturing efficiency
  • MOC Mild Steel / SS 304 / SS316 / FRP / PP / PVC

Apzem Plate Column Scrubber is the simplest of wet scrubber and works on and are custom designed to capture dust particles, VOCs, chemical fumes, and other water / chemically soluble fumes and Vapors generated in industrial process. Spray tower scrubber is of low efficiency in comparison to other wet scrubbers at a lower pressure drop. Apzem had a strong team of consultants and engineers having deep knowledge in design and commissioning of wet scrubber across various industries for different applications. contact us to assist you in selecting efficient and economical scrubber to your specific process and pollution control needs.

For enquiries or to know more feel free to contact us @ 9789066648 / 044-26580258 or email to

Air/Gas Pollutants Removed:
  • Particles upto 1 microns,
  • Acid gasses,
  • VOCs etc.
  • Chemical industries
  • Pulp and paper industries
  • Petrochemical industries
  • Steel making
  • Corn Processing Facilities,
  • Food Manufacturing,
  • Pharmaceutical industries
  • Fertilizer production and processing industries
  • Machining and Grinding exhaust,
  • Fiberglass & Composite Industries,
  • Utility Boilers,
  • Foundries and Metal Finishing Operations.
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Chlorine Scrubber

Apzem Cl2 Scrubber are custom designed to capture chlorine gas generated in industrial process leaks, and in municipal waste treatment. Based on the process outlet, the quantity to be treated, economical and viable Chlorine abatement scrubber system can be Custom designed. For Low concentration Chlorine application installing an Apzem dry scrubber would be economical option. For High concentration installing Apzem packed bed scrubber using Sodium Hydroxide or Soda Ash , and as scrubbing solution would be an economical option.

The process, Amount of chlorine generated, presence of other pollutants, their properties, temperature, space availability, and PCB norms at particular zone determines the selection and customization of chlorine Scrubber system.
Apzem had a strong team of consultants and engineers having deep knowledge in design and commissioning of Chlorine scrubber system across various industries helps to design a better and economical solution to your Emergency / In Process chlorine emission control needs. Feel free contact us to assist you in selecting efficient and economical scrubber to your specific process and pollution control needs.

Application Industries:
  • Oil and gas extraction operations,
  • Oil refineries,
  • Pulp and paper mills,
  • Sewage treatment plants,
  • Portland cement kilns,
  • Municipal waste landfills,
  • Sulfur products and hydrogen sulfide production,
  • Asphalt production and storage, etc.
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H2S Scrubber Hydrogen Sulphide Gas Scrubber

  • Efficiency upto 99.99% capturing efficiency
  • Air Flow upto 70, 000 CFM
  • MOC Mild Steel / SS 304 / SS316 / FRP / PP / PVC
  • Finish Powder coated / Matt finish
  • Power option 3 Phase.
  • Customization Yes , customization available suiting your needs.
  • Application & Gases scrubbed Refer above.

Apzem H2S Scrubber are custom designed to captureodorousHydrogen Sulphide gas generated in industrial process, and in municipal waste treatment. Based on the process outlet, the quantity to be treated, economical and viable H2S abatement scrubber system can be Custom designed. For Low concentration H2S application installing an Apzem dry scrubber would be economical option. For High concentration installing Apzempacked bed scrubberusing Sodium Hydroxide, and Hydrogen peroxide as scrubbing solution would be an economical option. The other solutions are using ApzemBio scrubberor using wet scrubber with aqueous metal sulfate absorbent scrubbing solution would also serves the purpose.

Amount of H2S generated, Process, presence of other pollutants, their properties, temperature, space availability, and PCB norms at particular zone determines the selection and customization of H2S Scrubber system.
Apzem had a strong team of consultants and engineers having deep knowledge in design and commissioning of H2S scrubber system across various industries helps to design a better and economical solution to your H2S control needs. Feel free contact us to assist you in selecting efficient and economical scrubber to your specific process and pollution control needs.

Application Industries:
  • Steel and Mining industry,
  • Electric power plants,
  • Oil and gas extraction operations,
  • Oil refineries,
  • Pulp and paper mills,
  • Sewage treatment plants,
  • Large poultry farms ,
  • Portland cement kilns,
  • Municipal waste landfills,
  • Coke ovens,
  • Sulfur products and hydrogen sulfide production,
  • Asphalt production and storage etc.
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Cl2 Scrubber Chlorine Scrubber

  • Air Flow upto 70, 000 CFM
  • MOC SS 304 / SS316 / FRP / PP / PVC
  • Customization Yes , customization available suiting your needs.
  • Application Chlorine gas and mixtures

Apzem Cl2 Scrubber are custom designed to capture chlorine gas generated in industrial process leaks, and inmunicipal waste treatment. Based on the process outlet, the quantity to be treated, economical and viable Chlorine abatement scrubber system can be Custom designed. For Low concentration Chlorine application installing an Apzemdry scrubberwould be economical option. For High concentration installing Apzempacked bed scrubberusing Sodium Hydroxide or Soda Ash , and as scrubbing solution would be an economical option.

The process, Amount of chlorine generated, presence of other pollutants, their properties, temperature, space availability, and PCB norms at particular zone determines the selection and customization of chlorine Scrubber system.

Apzem had a strong team of consultants and engineers having deep knowledge in design and commissioning of Chlorine scrubber system across various industries helps to design a better and economical solution to your Emergency / In Process chlorine emission control needs. Feel free contact us to assist you in selecting efficient and economical scrubber to your specific process and pollution control needs.

Application Industries:
  • Oil and gas extraction operations,
  • Oil refineries,
  • Pulp and paper mills,
  • Sewage treatment plants,
  • Portland cement kilns,
  • Municipal waste landfills,
  • Sulfur products and hydrogen sulfide production,
  • Asphalt production and storage, etc.

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Spray Scrubber

  • Air Flow upto 70, 000 CFM
  • Efficiency upto 99.99% capturing efficiency
  • MOC Mild Steel / SS 304 / SS316 / FRP / PP / PVC
  • Finish Powder coated / Matt finish
  • Power option 3 Phase.
  • Customization Yes , customization available suiting your needs.
  • Application & Gases scrubbed Refer above.

Spray scrubber can be used to capture particulate matter of size 2 microns and large particulates. It can also remove gaseous pollutants. Apzem is a leading manufacturer of spray tower scrubber in India. Apzems wet spray scrubbers incorporates standard design features and so it is extremely compact and can be easily customized based on the requirements.

Apzem Spray Tower Scrubber is the simplest ofwet scrubberand are custom designed to capture dust particles, VOCs, chemical fumes, and other water / chemically soluble fumes and Vapors generated in industrial process. Spray tower scrubber is of low efficiency in comparison to other wet scrubbers at a lower pressure drop. Apzem had a strong team of consultants and engineers having deep knowledge in design and commissioning of wet scrubber across various industries for different applications. contact us to assist you in selecting efficient and economical scrubber to your specific process and pollution control needs.

The dust laden impure air enters through the inlet. Here hydraulically atomized droplets of scrubbing liquid collide with the incoming gas and impinge with the particulates. Here some of the water soluble pollutants gets absorbed by spray droplets. The fierce scrubbing done here eliminates and stops the escaping of untreated contaminants. In the final section of the scrubber the particulate matter gets collected. When it enters the cyclonic section the remaining particulates that escaped gets collected due to the centrifugal action and most of the droplets from the gas. The dust particulates are collected in the sump. The clean gas exits through the top of the scrubbing unit.

Air/Gas Pollutants Removed:
  • Particles upto 1 microns,
  • Acid gasses,
  • VOCs etc.
  • Chemical industries
  • Pulp and paper industries
  • Petrochemical industries
  • Steel making
  • Corn Processing Facilities,
  • Food Manufacturing,
  • Pharmaceutical industries
  • Fertilizer production and processing industries
  • Machining and Grinding exhaust,
  • Fiberglass & Composite Industries,
  • Utility Boilers,
  • Foundries and Metal Finishing Operations.
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Venturi Scrubber

Apzem Venturi Wet Scrubber are custom designed to capture smaller dust particles, VOCs, chemical fumes, and other water / chemically soluble fumes and Vapors generated in industrial process. Venturi scrubber is a kind of wet scrubber and is of high efficient in comparison to other wet scrubbers at a higher pressure drop.

Venturi scrubber works on the principle of absorption technology and venturi effect, where the pollutants gas and scrubbing liquid / water is made to pass through a confined throat where both comes in contact so closely at high velocity forming large number of droplets, there by creating large area for the particles to get absorbed to liquid droplets. The sizing of scrubber, Throat design, selection of scrubber solution, Material and inner lining is critical in designing Venturi scrubber for a particular application.
Apzem had a strong team of consultants and engineers having deep knowledge in design and commissioning of Venturi scrubber across various industries for different applications. contact us to assist you in selecting efficient and economical scrubber to your specific process and pollution control needs.

Materials of Construction:
  • Fiberglass reinforced plastic (FRP)
  • MS, M.S with FRP Lined , M.S with Epoxy coated
  • PVC , CPVC
  • Polypropylene
  • SS 304 or 316
Air/Gas Pollutants Removed:
  • Particles upto 1 microns,
  • Acid gasses,
  • VOC etc.
  • Chemical industries
  • Pulp and paper industries
  • Petrochemical industries
  • Steel making
  • Corn Processing Facilities,
  • Food Manufacturing,
  • Pharmaceutical industries
  • Fertilizer production and processing industries
  • Machining and Grinding exhaust,
  • Fiberglass & Composite Industries,
  • Utility Boilers,
  • Foundries and Metal Finishing Operations.
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Venturi Scrubber Wet Scrubber

  • Efficiency upto 99.99% capturing efficiency
  • Air Flow upto 70, 000 CFM
  • MOC Mild Steel / SS 304 / SS316 / FRP / PP / PVC
  • Finish Powder coated / Matt finish
  • Power option 3 Phase.
  • Customization Yes , customization available suiting your needs.
  • Application & Gases scrubbed Refer above.

Apzem Venturi Wet Scrubber are custom designed to capture smallerdust particles, VOCs, chemical fumes, and other water / chemically solublefumesand Vapors generated in industrial process. Venturi scrubber is a kind ofwet scrubberand is of high efficient in comparison to other wet scrubbers at a higher pressure drop.

Venturi scrubber works on the principle of absorption technology and venturi effect, where the pollutants gas and scrubbing liquid / water is made to pass through a confined throat where both comes in contact so closely at high velocity forming large number of droplets, there by creating large area for the particles to get absorbed to liquid droplets. The sizing of scrubber, Throat design, selection of scrubber solution, Material and inner lining is critical in designing Venturi scrubber for a particular application.
Apzem had a strong team of consultants and engineers having deep knowledge in design and commissioning of Venturi scrubber across various industries for different applications. contact us to assist you in selecting efficient and economical scrubber to your specific process and pollution control needs.

Materials of Construction:
  • Fiberglass reinforced plastic (FRP)
  • MS, M.S with FRP Lined , M.S with Epoxy coated
  • PVC , CPVC
  • Polypropylene
  • SS 304 or 316
Air/Gas Pollutants Removed:
  • Particles upto 1 microns,
  • Acid gasses,
  • VOC etc.
  • Chemical industries
  • Pulp and paper industries
  • Petrochemical industries
  • Steel making
  • Corn Processing Facilities,
  • Food Manufacturing,
  • Pharmaceutical industries
  • Fertilizer production and processing industries
  • Machining and Grinding exhaust,
  • Fiberglass & Composite Industries,
  • Utility Boilers,
  • Foundries and Metal Finishing Operations.
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VOC Scrubber Dry Scrubber

  • Air Flow upto 30, 000 CFM
  • Efficiency upto 98% capturing efficiency
  • MOC Mild Steel / SS 304 / SS316 / FRP / PP / PVC
  • Customization Yes , customization available suiting your needs.
  • Application & Gases scrubbed Refer above.

Apzem VOC Scrubber are custom designed to capture and treat VOCs ( Volatile organic compounds) generated in industrial process. VOCs are organic compounds having very low boiling point, and becomes vapors at atmospheric condition. Not all VOCs are toxic but majority of them are toxic and should be controlled within the limits per PCB and EPA Norms. Toxic VOCs comes under the classification of HAP ( Hazardous air pollutants). For a detailed list of Toxic VOCs refer below table.

Some VOCs have higher molecular weight and easily gets trapped / adsorbed in adsorption media. For those VOCs Apzem dry VOC scrubber is an economical option to capture and control. In some cases the cost of VOCs would be high and recovery of such VOCs using Apzem Regenerative typeDry scrubberyields high return on Investment. But some of the VOCs will not get trapped in adsorption media and are highly flammable. In that cases installation of Thermal Oxidizers or Catalytic oxidizers would be a better option. In some cases mere condensing of VOCs itself helps capturing it. A simplespray scrubberwould be sufficient in that cases.
Effective and efficient capturing and controlling of VOCs needs a thorough understanding of the process, types and quantity of VOCs present and properties of it, temperature and presence of other components anddusts. Apzem had a strong team of consultants and engineers having deep knowledge in design and commissioning of VOC scrubber system across various industries helps us to design a better and economical solution to your VOCs and other air pollution control needs. Feel free to contact us to assist you in selecting efficient and economical scrubber system to your specific process and pollution control needs.

Click here for Complete list of Toxic VOCs classified under hazardous Air Pollutants by EPA and PCB

Application Industries:
  • Adhesives,
  • Aluminum fabrication,
  • Asphalt plants,
  • Coating operations,
  • Chemical plants,
  • Drying ovens,
  • Food processing,
  • Furniture manufacture,
  • Foundries,
  • Oil and petrochemical,
  • Painting operations,
  • Plastics,
  • Polymers,
  • Printing,
  • Pulp and paper manufacture,
  • Metals fabrication,
  • Resins,
  • Rubber products,
  • Pharmaceuticals,
  • Sealant,
  • Smoke houses,
  • Textile finishing,
  • Tire operations,
  • Wastewater treatment, and
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Wet Scrubber

We are offering wet scrubber.Apzem wet scrubber system utilizes absorption techniques to separate pollutant acid gases from exhaust air. Apzem has been custom designing spray scrubber, packed bed scrubber, venturi scrubber, horizontal type chromic acid scrubber for various customers across different industries.
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