Our Products
We offer a complete product range of Spiral Duct, Spiral Ducts and Ducting, FRP Ducts, FRP Duct and Spiral Ducts
Spiral ducts are rolled spirally using a GI coil by a special machines, The spiral ducts are easy to manufacture, and are widely used in various industries. Specially in HVAC industries. Spiral ducts are normally made of thinner materials, and light weight in nature and the spiral joining formed over the surface adds more strength to it. Since this ducts are lighter , doesnt require heavy supports and can be easily hanged from roof / wall. Spiral ducts has its own limitations like thicker spiral ducts cannot be made easily and also loses is also bit higher in comparison to other ducts having smoother inner surface.
Since air being a compressible fluid, the ducting should be properly designed for maximum efficiency with minimum losses. If the ducts , bends, branches etc.are not properly designed considering proper bend radius or process parameters like dust loads, moisture content, dust carrying velocities etc.it wont serves its purpose. Powder accumulation on bends occurs, more velocity and pressure would have been lost as friction. Improperly designed ducting system will have more friction loses, and increases blower power consumption as well as power bills. Properly designed ducting system consumes less power and gives more cost savings in long term.
Spiral ducts are rolled spirally using a GI coil by a special machines, The spiral ducts are easy to manufacture, and are widely used in various industries. Specially in HVAC industries. Spiral ducts are normally made of thinner materials, and light weight in nature and the spiral joining formed over the surface adds more strength to it. Since this ducts are lighter , doesnt require heavy supports and can be easily hanged from roof / wall. Spiral ducts has its own limitations like thicker spiral ducts cannot be made easily and also loses is also bit higher in comparison to other ducts having smoother inner surface.
Since air being a compressible fluid, the ducting should be properly designed for maximum efficiency with minimum losses. If theducts, bends, branches etc.are not properly designed considering proper bend radius or process parameters like dust loads, moisture content, dust carrying velocities etc.it wont serves its purpose. Powder accumulation on bends occurs, more velocity and pressure would have been lost as friction. Improperly designed ducting system will have more friction loses, and increases blower power consumption as well as power bills. Properly designed ducting system consumes less power and gives more cost savings in long term.
Apzem had a strong team of engineers having deep knowledge in various industrial processes, duct design, international ducting standards (SMACNA, AMCA etc.) . We are happy to assist you in selecting, designing ducting for your process needs.
FRP abbreviated as Fiber Reinforced Plastics / Glass fiber reinforced Plastics is a composite plastics and have a very specific properties like high strength to weight ratio, greater corrosion resistance over metals makes its usage in widest applications ranging from airplanes, windmills toindustrial ducts, hoods etc.
Apzem had a strong team of engineers having deep knowledge in plastic technologies, composite materials, FRP manufacturing methods and are involved in designing, manufacturing and supplying of various products custom designed and manufactured in FRP. We have supplied over varied industries including salt spray lab , acid storage, chrome scrubbing, radioactive labs etc.
Other than pure FRP, we also manufacture products in PP-FRP, PVC-FRP, PP alone, PVC products, MS Fabricated with FRP Lined, depending upon its usage and corrosive nature of the environment where it goes. The strength and properties is highly depends on the fiber chosen, manufacturing method, Resin chosen, curing temperature and environment. The cost and complexity of manufacturing depends on the applications. Apzem had a strong knowledge and experience in designing and manufacturing FRP products and are offering below line of products for your applications.
Other than our list of FRP products, we also undertake complete turnkey projects involving designing, manufacturing, erectioning and commissioning of FRP Hoods, ducting, Wet scrubber, Blower and chimney arrangement and servicing of existing FRP products. Whatever corrosive nature it would be , please feel free to contact us and we are always happy to assist you from designing to commissioning.
FRP abbreviated as Fiber Reinforced Plastics / Glass fiber reinforced Plastics is a composite plastics and have a very specific properties like high strength to weight ratio, greater corrosion resistance over metals makes its usage in widest applications ranging from airplanes, windmills to industrial ducts, hoods etc.
Apzem had a strong team of engineers having deep knowledge in plastic technologies, composite materials, FRP manufacturing methods and are involved in designing, manufacturing and supplying of various products custom designed and manufactured in FRP. We have supplied over varied industries including salt spray lab , acid storage, chrome scrubbing, radioactive labs etc.
Other than pure FRP, we also manufacture products in PP-FRP, PVC-FRP, PP alone, PVC products, MS Fabricated with FRP Lined, depending upon its usage and corrosive nature of the environment where it goes. The strength and properties is highly depends on the fiber chosen, manufacturing method, Resin chosen, curing temperature and environment. The cost and complexity of manufacturing depends on the applications. Apzem had a strong knowledge and experience in designing and manufacturing FRP products and are offering below line of products for your applications.
Other than our list of FRP products, we also undertake complete turnkey projects involving designing, manufacturing, erectioning and commissioning of FRP Hoods, ducting, Wet scrubber, Blower and chimney arrangement and servicing of existing FRP products. Whatever corrosive nature it would be , please feel free to contact us and we are always happy to assist you from designing to commissioning.
Industrial ducting made of stainless steel (SS202, SS304, SS316 etc) had very wide application in corrosive environment, as well as in food, medical and clean room industries. SS ducts can be made as spiral ducts as well as rolled heavy gauge ducts. SS ducts have greater strength, longer life, and high corrosion resistance but its 3 to 5 times more costlier thanMS ducts. Using SS ducts in a normal environment where MS ducts itself efficiently serves the requirements would not be a wise option. Also using MS ducts in place where SS ducts is required would also is not a wise option. Careful selection and designing of ducting will save lots of money and productivity in long run. We could also use FRP ducts, GI ducts, Spiral ducts, Aluminium ducts, Flexible ductsalong with SS ducts together forming complete ducting system based on applications.
Since air being a compressible fluid, the ducting should be properly designed for maximum efficiency with minimum losses. If the ducts , bends, branches etc.are not properly designed considering proper bend radius or process parameters like dust loads, moisture content, Industrial dustcarrying velocities etc.it wont serves its purpose. Powder accumulation on bends occurs, more velocity and pressure would have been lost as friction. Improperly designed ducting system will have more friction loses, and increases blower power consumption as well as power bills. Properly designed ducting system consumes less power and gives more cost savings in long term.
Apzem had a strong team of engineers having deep knowledge in various industrial processes, duct design, international ducting standards (SMACNA, AMCA etc.) . We are happy to assist you in selecting, designing ducting for your process needs.
Industrial ducting made of stainless steel (SS202, SS304, SS316 etc) had very wide application in corrosive environment, as well as in food, medical and clean room industries. SS ducts can be made as spiral ducts as well as rolled heavy gauge ducts. SS ducts have greater strength, longer life, and high corrosion resistance but its 3 to 5 times more costlier than MS ducts. Using SS ducts in a normal environment where MS ducts itself efficiently serves the requirements would not be a wise option. Also using MS ducts in place where SS ducts is required would also is not a wise option. Careful selection and designing of ducting will save lots of money and productivity in long run. We could also use FRP ducts, GI ducts, Spiral ducts, Aluminium ducts, Flexible ducts along with SS ducts together forming complete ducting system based on applications.
Since air being a compressible fluid, the ducting should be properly designed for maximum efficiency with minimum losses. If the ducts , bends, branches etc.are not properly designed considering proper bend radius or process parameters like dust loads, moisture content, Industrial dust carrying velocities etc.it wont serves its purpose. Powder accumulation on bends occurs, more velocity and pressure would have been lost as friction. Improperly designed ducting system will have more friction loses, and increases blower power consumption as well as power bills. Properly designed ducting system consumes less power and gives more cost savings in long term.
Application Industries:Apzem had a strong team of engineers having deep knowledge in various industrial processes, duct design, international ducting standards (SMACNA, AMCA etc.) . We are happy to assist you in selecting, designing ducting for your process needs.