Our Products
Measuring Instruments & Equipment
2 Products availableTemperature Controller
1 Products availableCoding Machine
1 Products availableDealer Supplier
1 Products available
We are Dealer, Supplier of the sensor, encoder, temperature controller, counter, timer, panel meter, thyristor controller, SSR, fiber optic sensor, color mark sensor, slot sensor, connecting cable, proximity sensor, photoelectric sensor, position sensor, linear scale, potentiometer, switches, ac drive, VFD, PLC, HMI, door sensor, area sensor, tower lamps, terminal block, relay card, power supply, SMPS, of various make, Autonics, Datalogic, Kubler, Panasonic, Fotek, Delta, Pepperl Fuchs, Banner, Leuze, Sick, Shavison, Omron, Wago, Gefran, Riko Sensor, BTH.
We stock and supply above products and offer the best price to our regular customers. Our main customers are Packaging, Printing, Textile, Food, Labeling, industries related Machine Manufacturers. We maintain stock for our regular customers to cater to their urgent requirements.
Our Product range are Autonics Proximity Sensor, Autonics Photoelectric Sensor, Autonics Rotary Encoder, Autonics Encoder, Autonics Incremental encoder, Autonics Capacitive Sensor, Autonics Temperature Controller, Autonics Counter, Autonics Timer, Autonics Panel Meter, Autonics Power Controller, Autonics SSR, Autonics Thyristor Drive, Autonics Tower Light, Autonics Push Button, Autonics Color Mark Sensor, Autonics Humidity Sensor, Autonics Pressure Sensor, Autonics Area Sensor, Autonics Stepper Motor, Autonics Stepper drive, Autonics Fiber optic sensor, Autonics Fiber Optic Cable, Autonics Revolving light, Autonics Signal lamp, Autonics Switches, Autonics Selector switch, Autonix Sensor. Datalogic Sensor, Datalogic TLU-011, Datalogic TL50-W-815, Datalogic SR21-IR, Kubler Encoder, Kubler Counter, Fotek Timer, Fotek Counter, Fotek Tachometer, Fotek Line Speed Meter, Fotek Voltage Meter, Fotek Current Meter, Fotek Photo Sensor, Fotek Proximity Sensor, Fotek Reed Sensor, Fotek Solid State Relay, Fotek SSR, Fotek Temperature Controller, Fotek Floatless Level Relay, Fotek Phase Relay, Fotek Spark Quencher, Fotek Fuzzy PID, Fotek Starter, Fotek
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