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Welcome to App Testing Expert

We offer offshore solutions for Android mobile application testing on a number of devices, whether it be smartphones or wearables With our expertise, we provide seamless iOS app testing on iPads, Wearables and iPhones With Windows app testing, ATE offers its expertise on this platform as well. Our experts exercise their core skills in gaming app testing essentially on platforms like iOS, Android and Windows Why Us State of Art Mobile Testing Lab ATE has invested in a carefully yet exhaustively chosen set of mobile devices in our state of art mobile testing lab. This gives our customers ample choice to choose from a large set of devices (covering both phones and tablets) and platforms to support both forward and backward compatibility. A very low device rental charge and ready availability, makes the testing effort both cost and time effective for our customers. Testing on Varied Networks Testing by our experts on different networks & Radio: 2G, 3G, 4G-LTE, Wifi & Bluetooth ATE offers a complete wireless testing solution with a very broad scope across varied technologies (GSM/GPRS/EDGE, WCDMA, HSPA, LTE, WiMAX™, Bluetooth®, Wi-Fi®, RFID and NFC). Coverage includes but is not limited to: 2G: GSM, GPRS, EDGE 3G: WCDMA, HSPA 4G: LTE™ WIFI Bluetooth An Optimized Test Effort While coverage is one, optimization is another in the mobile application testing world. Most often testers are time crunched struggling to make the right optimization calls to ensure the coverage reaps the most ROI in terms of app quality. ATE’s experience in software testing, especially mobile testing enables us make the right optimization choices, maximizing benefits for our customers, covering both manual and automated test offerings. Investments in Wearables and Augmented Reality Applications ATE’s investment in the app world has grown to newer domains including testing for wearables and augmented reality applications – as more customers enter these domains, we are able to work with them not just in an execution mode, but also in a consultative mode, making the test effort very fruitful and pro-active. Our research in these spaces have been recognized in leading international testing conferences including awards that we have won showcasing our expertise. Out of Box Mobile Test Solutions In addition to our core mobile testing solutions, we also have a global crowd base that we leverage to bring in additional device and real user coverage, in the app testing efforts we undertake. This facilitates realistic functionality, compatibility, usability, performance, localization and competitive app testing compared to what traditional testing organizations offer.

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FAQs : App Testing Expert

Where is App Testing Expert located?

App Testing Expert is located in Sector 68, Noida, Uttar Pradesh.

What range of products and services are available at App Testing Expert ?

Company deals in Mobile Application Testing Services, Wearables Application Testing Services, Augmented Reality Application Testing etc.
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