Our Products
Leading Manufacturer, Supplier & Retailer of Ankerite X-C-Lent Weight Gainer, ANKERITE GOLD WEIGHT GAINER, Ankerite Maxpro Whey, Ankerite Glutapower Natural Powder and ANKERITE WEIGHT GAINER 2.2 Lbs.
Ankerite's X-C-Lent Weight Gainer combines essential and non-assimilation. It is an ideal food, for those who cannot take their meals on time or have to skip their meals. Ankerite's X-C-Lent Weight Gainer is the best weight gainer formula which provides essential power to build mass & also helpful to recover muscles too.
Details : Ankerite X-c Lent Weight Gainer (available in Pack of 500gm, 1kg, 2kg & 3kg)
Ankerite Max Pro Whey is a new superior whey protein designed for strenuous exercise, body building and other sports. Recent studies have shown that athletes need greater amount of protein than sedentary people. Ankerite Max Pro Whey can be used for maintaining muscle mass and function during strenuous exercise. It has been shown that high quality protein evokes an “anti-catabolic” effect, meaning that breakdown is prevented.
Ours is a well-known name involved in offering quality glutapower powder. We are the noted Gluta Power Natural Powder Suppliers in Lucknow. Our Ankerite Glutamine power is a flavourless, easymixing, pure, free amino acid formul. Ankerite's Glutamine is the abundant amino acid found in the skeletal muscle and is heavily metabolized under intense training conditions. Studies reveal that Ankerite.
Glutamine supplementation can help support recovery after intense training by promoting energy repletion, maintaing a healthy immune system and maximizing your buffering capacity against acid build-up. Enhance your training and nutrition program with Ankerite Glutamine Powder.