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1 Products availablePesticides & Insecticides
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1 Products availableOur offered Product range includes banana special plant growth regulators, bhu sampada soil conditioner, cane grow Organic Manure, suraksha bio pesticides and agro products(rapid suraksha).
We are offering agro products(Bhu Sampada). Mode of action:- releases humic &fulvic acid which helps in: root zone chelation: chelates matels (microelement) nearby root zone, enabling them to be absorbed by the roots. sodium management:-neutralises excess sodium in the soil, which can causes toxicity to roots & plants as a whole. buffering action: helps to buffering nitrogen in the soil, thereby helps to avoid leaching losses. improves structure & texture of the soil: it helps in more aevation, more oxygen supply. It helps in vigorous growth of roots &plants. increases soil fertility. increases humus content. breaks up unproductive clay soils and turns into productive soils. increases soil micro flora. increase microbial activity. accelerate seed germination. enable reduction of frost damage. make available other major nutrients. stimulates plant enzymes and hormones. eco-friendly. water soluble, easy to apply, economical and fast action. 100% soluble in water. it is alkaline in nature. doses & time of applications: foliar applications: 0.5 to 1 gm per litter of water (approx 100 to 250 gm per acre) first spray -- peak vegetative growth. second spray at the time of flowering. third spray at the time of fruit development. Soil application: 250 to 500 gm per acre first application - at the time of sowing transplantingplantation second application - 30 days after 1st application. Seed treatment: 10 gm bhusamapda to be dissolved in 100 ml of water & sprinkle it over 1 kg of seed. Mix thoroughly dry in shed before showing. Urea treatment in conventional fertilizer application method: sprinkle 250 gm bhusamapda on 50 kg urea sprinkle some water if it is dry. Makes thoroughly and then apply. How to use: bhusamapda can be mix with organic bio fertilizer as well as chemical fertilizer. bhusamapda can be given through drip irrigation. bhusamapda can be given by mixing in dry soil. dont mix with pesticide preferably.
We are offering agro products(rapid suraksha). Rapid is an unique extract derived from indian origin herbs by proprietary fermentation process. The various alkaloids and metabolites released by this process are very effective for management suppression of hard to kill mites and sucking pests like thrips on crops like chilli, tomato, okra, melons, fruit crops like grapes, floricultural crops like roses etc. derisom being botanical extract, is non hazardous to environment, non toxic to higher animals and as such is an ideal input in organic farming. Mode of action: rapid works as an anteefeedant & works on hormonal system of mites insect pests thereby immobilizing them. The mites insect pests stop feeding within half an hour after spray and get immobilised because of starvation in about 48 hours. Application: • spray rapid when the infestation is seen which can cause, an economic damage to the crops at an interval and repeat spray after 15 days. • dilute 1.5 to 2 ml of rapid per litre of clean water (i.e. 300 to 400 ml in 200 liters of water). Mix thoroughly and spray on both sides of the foliage. Compatibility: rapid is compatible with almost all commonly used pesticides, bio fertilisers. Still we strongly recommend checking compatibility before mixing other compounds. Safety: though botanical extract, rapid should be kept out of reach of children, food, feed and fodder. Disclaimer: rapid is not claimed to be a conventional pesticide acaricide, maximum residue limits study is not available for the product.