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Manufacturer / Exporter / Supplier / Retailer Of Pregnancy Kits, Hcg Pregnancy Tests Kit
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Manufacturer / Exporter / Supplier / Retailer Of Pregnancy Kits, Hcg Pregnancy Tests Kit
this card test is for detection of β hcg in urine which is an indicator for pregnancy. human chorionic gonadotropin, hcg belongs to the family of glycoprotein hormone. It consists of two non-identical subunits the alpha and beta subunits. The beta subunit of hcg due to the unique amino acid s equence is structurally different from that of other hormones like lh, fsh and tsh. This renders the beta subunits its biological and immunologic al specificity. the hcg is produced by the developing placental tissue after implantation of the fertilized ovum in the uterine wall. Hence its level being to rise and becomes detec table in urine as early as 5 to 10 days after conception and reaches up to 100 iu/ml during the first trimester. thus the detection of hcg in urine acts as an excellent tool for the confirmation of pregnancy in normal females. However, the urine hcg level is also found to rise in case of trophoblastic or non-trophoblastic neoplasm like hydatiform mole and choriocarcinoma condition. principles: the hcg card is based on the principle of immuno-chromatography. monoclonal antibodies against hcg are c onjugated with the colloidal gold reagent and impregnated on the absorbent pad. The reac tion zone constituting the nitrocellulose membrane is coated with polyclonal antibodies against hcg and ant-hcg antibody in the test zone and control zone res pectively. The hcg card when dipped into the specimen sample, flows through the sample pad to the conjugate pad. the hcg, if present in the sample binds to the conjugate and this complex moves further by capillary action and binds to the anti hcg antibody forming a purple test line. The excess of the complex moves further where it binds with the polyclonal anti hcg antibodies to form a control line. in absence of the hcg in the sample the hcg conjugate complex is not formed. However, the conjugate reagent moves further towards the control zone and binds with the anti hcg antibody to form a control line. reagents: the test contains anti-hcg particles coated on the membrane. specimen collection and storage: use a clean container for collection of specimen. it is recommended to use first urine sample of the day for optimal results. randomly collected sample may also be used. precaution: hcg cards is for in-vitro diagnostic use only. do not expose the card to air for a long time period. if the specimen is turbid or has precipitates the sample should be centrifuged before testing.
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