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Leading Manufacturer, Supplier & Retailer of Amino Based Micro Nutrient, Botanical Pest Control Formulation, Glucofreen, Anxiofreen and Toxseize.

Liquid Absorbent

  • Feature Absorbs more liquid, oil per bag than other absorbent material .Using less material saves time and money , Environmental friendly and safe for landfill disposal , Safe to use in food processing plant.
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(Biological Fungicide)

Read the entire leaflet before use and follow the instructions fully. Bioderma 1% W.P (wettable powder) is a biological fungicide based on fungus Trichoderma viride. It is effective against wilt (caused by Fusarium oxysporum F. sp. ricini) of castor crop.

Storage:Keep the product in original labeled container, well sealed and in a cool, dry, well ventilated place below 400C away from direct sunlight in lock and key condition. Keep out of reach of children and away from food and feed.

Warning:Use gloves, respirators, goggles and overalls during handling.

Precautions:Avoid contact of the product with skin and eyes. Do not smoke, drink or eat while using it. Always wash hands, feet and face with soap and water after use. Symptoms of poisoning: Headache, giddiness, nausea, vomiting etc.

First Aid:In case of skin contact, wash with soap and water. In case of eye contact, flush the eyes with running water with eyelids open. In case contact a physician.

Antidote:Treat symptomatically.

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Organic Plant Nutrition

It is a plant energizer and yield booster.

It increases the number of fruits and flowers initiation.
It decreases the number of fruits and flowers drop.
Helps to increase the size of fruits and maintains good quality and quantity.
It helps plant to withstand stress.
It enhances the plant canopy and induces flowering, thereby increasing the yield.
It helps to increase the green pigment in leaves and absorption of carbon dioxide.
It maintains the hormonal balance in the crops.
It is compatible with all types of pesticides and fungicides.
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For Maximum Yield

Improve the root development, initiation and health.

Help to supply extra nutrient to crops and balance the nutrient.

Initiation of flowers, increase the fruit size shinning, weight and branches of plant.

Reduce the flower and fruit drops.

For Maximum Yield & Better Quality Crop
Improve the root initiation, development and health.
Help to supply extra nutrient to crops and balance the nutrients.
Initiation of flowers, increases the fruit, size shinning, weight and branches of plant.
Reduce the flower and fruit drops.
Improve crop quality, compatible with fertilizer and pesticides.
Non toxic - safe to use.
Increased tolerance to diseases and climatic stress.
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Amorphous Silica

Available in packs of 20 kgBiosil-de is a Biogenic silica mined from sedimentary layers deposited over millions of years in fresh water lakes. It is light in weight, chalk like in appearance, very porous and comprises siliceous fossils of plant algae. It consists primarily of amorphous silica.
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Natural Organic Activator

Humus rich soil is best for a healthy soil microflora. Biomax-L supplements the humic acid necessary to overcome the humus deficiency in soil. It retains the soil porosity, increases root penetration, accelerates nutrient uptake process, and increases caution exchange capacity. Biomax-L is a better solution for maintaining the natural content of the soil.

It helps roots to go deep to absorb more subtle matter.
It increases water holding capacity of the soil.
It increases phosphatisation rate, it reduces the cost of phosphate fertilizer.
It helps as the biological stimulants to improve soil texture and root growth. It enhances the effectiveness of the fertilizers and pesticides.
It enhances the process of photosynthesis.
Continues use of Biomax- L reduces the cost of chemical fertilizers.
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Crop Yield Booster

It is an organic plant stimulator. The results can be seen distinctively on plants with stunted or retarded growth.

It activates cell division/ cell elongation which helps to initiate flower and fruit multiplication.
It speeds up the overall growth of plants and makes it robust.
Fruits appear dark and fresh due to increase in hormones and enzymes.
Increases shelf life of the yield produced.
Enhances the quantity of TSS in fruits.
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Amino Based Micro Nutrient

Damin Fe is an Amino chelated ferrous supplement which is readily available to the plants. The chelation process enables fast absorption and conversion for better efficacy.

Iron (Fe) is essential for crop growth and food production.
Iron (Fe) helps plants in respiration and photosynthesis.
Damin-Fe is a free flowing crystalline powder recommended for treatment of iron deficiency in plants.
Damin-Fe can be used to quickly green up the plant.
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Botanical Pest Control Formulation

An excellent biological plant extract formulation for control of wide spectrum of sucking pests.

Randok is a biological plant extract which is toxic to the insects but is safe for friendly organisms.
Randok helps to secrete phytohormone and other growth substances and accelerates the metabolic and physiological activity of plant.
Randok is used to control and prevent a broad spectrum of sucking pests viz- Thrips, Aphids, White Flies, Mites, Jassid, etc.
Randok also acts as a phytotonic agent enhancing the plants internal defense mechanism providing vigour.
It is 100% organic and has no side effects.
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Organic fungicide for safe application and prevention from pathogenic fungi. Certified internationally as organic input. Targets specific action against wide range of fungus.

Antak is effective as phytoguard to prevent common fungal diseases in all crops.
It helps to control all fungal diseases like Blight, root rot, top dies, dies disease, leaf spotting, downy mildew, etc.
It is 100% organic and has no side effects.
Use of Antak increases the immunity of crops naturally and helps them to sustain for a long period.
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Antok Herbal Paste

Internationally certified as organic herbal paste, ideal for application in all horticulture crops.

Helps in treating plants suffering from pests attack or air/soil borne diseases.
Prevention from pests attack or air/soil borne diseases
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Phosphate Compounds

Phosphate is an essential nutrient required by crops, as it has a defined role in plant metabolisms such as root development, photosynthesis, nutrient transport.Since a bio-fertilizer is technically living, it can symbiotically associate with plant roots. Involved microorganisms could readily and safely convert complex organic material into simple compounds, so it can be easily taken up by the plant. Bio-fertilizers are cost-effective relative to chemical fertilizers.
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Silicon Fertilizer

Silicon is important element for the plant growth and fruit yield. It increases the quality and quantity of agricultural crops. Increases the micro-bio activity and decreases soil erosion of the soilIt helps to control or balance ph. of soil. It increases the water holding capacity of the soil. It increase micro and macro nutrients uptake of the plants from the soil. It increases the fertility of the soil. Improve the canopy of photosynthesis and nutrient balance. Increases the stress, disease and pest resistance of the plant. Reduces the bulk density of the soil and which in turn increase the number of fibrous roots.
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Phosphate Solubilizing Bacteria

Phosphate is an essential nutrient required by crops, as it has a defined role in plant metabolisms such as root development, photosynthesis, nutrient transport. Since a bio-fertilizer is technically living, it can symbiotically associate with plant roots. Involved microorganisms could readily and safely convert complex organic material into simple compounds, so it can be easily taken up by the plant. Bio-fertilizers are cost-effective relative to chemical fertilizers
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Chelated Zinc

Damin Zn is an Amino chelated Zinc supplement which is readily available to the plants. The chelation process enables fast absorption and conversion for better efficacy.Zinc is essential for the normal health and reproduction of plants. Damin-Zn helps to control acidic and alkaline soil pH. Damin-Zn helps in maintaining high salt concentration (Saline Soil) and calcium carbonate contents (calcareous soil). Damin- Zn provides organic nitrogen along with micronutrients in chelated form. Damin-Zn helps in pollination and increases the fruit and flower initiation.
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Rhizobium Biofertilizer

Rhizobia are special bacteria that can live in the soil or in nodules formed on the roots of legumes. In root nodules, they form a symbiotic association with the legume, obtaining nutrients from the plant and producing nitrogen in a process . Farmers can stimulate nitrogen fixation by applying the correct rhizobia to their legume crops by a process called as inoculation.
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Zinc Amino Acid Chelate

Damin Zn is an Amino chelated Zinc supplement which is readily available to the plants. The chelation process enables fast absorption and conversion for better efficacy.Zinc is essential for the normal health and reproduction of plants. Damin-Zn helps to control acidic and alkaline soil pH. Damin-Zn helps in maintaining high salt concentration (Saline Soil) and calcium carbonate contents (calcareous soil). Damin- Zn provides organic nitrogen along with micronutrients in chelated form. Damin-Zn helps in pollination and increases the fruit and flower initiation
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