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Nutritional Information Per 100 gm (Approx.): Trans Fat: 0 gm Cholesterol: 0 mg Energy: 61 Kcal Total Fat: 1gm Saturated Fat: 0.2 gm Mono Unsaturated Fat: 0.5 gm Poly Unsaturated Fat: 0.5gm Total Carbohydrates: 10 gm Protein: 3 gm more...
Prices 250 gm - Rs. 215 350 gm - Rs. 280 500 gm - Rs. 315 Ingredients :Pieces of ginger, lemon, green chilli, 3 types of salt, afgani hing, home made achar masala Organicanand Pickles are made without using any Preservative and using authentic ingredients Handmade in small batches with Homemade more...
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Amla, also called Usirikaya or Gooseberry, is a very sour and pungent fruit that has been an essential part of Indian delicacies for centuries. It is especially used for making pickles. Gooseberry Pickle by TruSpice is India’s favourite Gooseberry pickle that has the most tasteful signature of tanginess, be more...