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Our offered Product range includes Quantitative Market Research Services, Qualitative Market Research Service, Healthcare Research Service, Pharmaceutical Research Service and Scientific Research Service.

Quantitative Market Research Services

We offer Quantitative Market Research ServicesQuantitative market research is an effective tool to find out how many people hold a particular view, think or act in a particular way. Methods for data collectionThere are various means of collecting quantitative information but the most common are: CATI /Telephone interviewingCAPIOnline surveysObservational researchCentral Location TestStreet or Mall InterceptMail surveysMystery ShoppingOmnibus Survey Types of surveyQuantitative research can be used to explore a wide range of issues, such as response to a potential new product / service or awareness of a new advertising campaign. There are also a number of specific types of survey which are required from time to time by most clients and which can include one or a combination of the above research methods. The most commonly used include: Customer Satisfaction SurveysEmployee Opinion SurveysUsage and Attitude Surveys Sample sizeQuantitative surveys can include samples ranging from 50 to several thousand interviews. The number of people to be included in the sample will depend broadly on the level of accuracy required to meet the objectives of the survey. It is often useful to get the better sizing and to get the good or a poor result. Our experienceWe have experience of a wide variety of quantitative surveys ranging from small-scale projects conducted for local organisations to large-scale continuous work for multi-national clients. We have undertaken projects for many organisations as partners and fieldwork suppliers. Recent examples of quantitative projects Telephone based quantitative work on customer satisfaction survey with 500 consumers of the products & servicesFace-to-face interviews consisting of a random sample of 1000 consumers in the urban and suburban areas and they are interviewed to assess their needs.
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Qualitative Market Research Service

We offer qualitative market research services qualitative research is used to explore and to understand consumers views in greater depth than is possible with quantitative research. qualitative research typically involves talking to small groups of people in focus groups but it can also involve interviewing an individual or pairs of people (often selected on the basis that they hold conflicting views). Properly conducted, qualitative research results in a deeper understanding of customers behaviour and the way they think. This understanding provides a solid base from which informed business decisions can be made. methods for data collectionvarious methods are used for qualitative research and although most is done face to face, telephone depth interviews on a one-to-one basis. The most common methods are: focus groupsdepth interviewstelephonic depth interviewsethnographic studiesshop alongusability testingtaste test unlike quantitative research there are no fixed set of questions but typically a discussion guide is used which outlines the main areas of interest to be explored in depth. Preliminary qualitative research can often help identify topics to be investigated further in quantitative research. Conversely, a qualitative study can be used on completion of quantitative research to probe in greater depth the reasons behind some of the opinions expressed. our experienceanalytique research has used qualitative research fieldwork with wide-ranging consumer groups. We have successfully completed qualitative research with difficult groups. Projects have included: focus groups & depth interviews with different types of government officials. Focus groups & depth interviews with doctors, specialist, pharmacists, nurses & other healthcare providers. Focus groups & depth interviews for advertising and promotional material research. Focus groups & depth interviews with childrens(with permission from their parents). Focus groups & depth interviews to explore the information needs of the learning disabled. Focus groups & depth interviews to understand attitudes to potential new services product. Focus groups & depth interviews with patient groups. Focus groups & depth interviews with hospital authorities.
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Healthcare Research Service

Our healthcare research Fieldwork Service network gives clear access to patient-respondents in India, Asia and Middle Eastern countries with specific medical conditions such as arthritis, asthma or diabetes, high quality data on product ease-of use , package design, portioning, name brand recognition, pricing and other important information collected to your specification. Our Healthcare research Fieldwork Services make General Practitioners your source for valuable inside information on potential and existing products, prescribing habits and drug advertising awareness. Our Healthcare research Fieldwork Services include conducting quantitative and qualitative interviews. As always, we work closely with you to develop the best strategy for your survey. Analytique Healthcare research fieldwork Services have access to all facets of the India, Asia and Middle Eastern countries medical community including: PatientsAdministratorsFund holdersPrivate insurersSupply and pharmacological buyersGeneral PractitionersHospital SpecialistsAll categories of specialists including psychiatristsNurses in all specialties including theatre and geriatricPharmacistsDentistsOral HygienistsVeterinarians in both rural and urban practice
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Pharmaceutical Research Service

We offer Pharmaceutical Research Service. Pharmaceutical Industry is scientifically advanced and competitive industry with the scope in the field is enormous, the pharmaceutical industry is driven by the new research & development of the industry leaders, the industry continuously needs the real time strategic Market research for the real competitive advantage. We can provide real time research & reports on the industry to give the client an insight peak into the industry. Pharmaceutical Research Experience Analytique research have conducted Pharmaceutical market research at production, distribution and retail level. We have conducted many studies on prescription patterns and many other studies involving GPs and specialist doctors which can range from rheumatologists, geriatricians, to pulmonologists, etc. We have conducted different studies in field of diabetes, psoriasis, psychoses, epilepsy, obesity, cancer, etc. We have carried out interviews and focus groups with GPs, Specialist, pharmacists and chemists and various Healthcare workers, and we have great experience in speaking to the patients themselves, something that requires the very highest levels of tact on the part of the interview team. Analytique Research team is capable of conducting diary studies, face-to-face interviews or depth telephone interviews and is specially trained in this highly sensitive and complex area, working exclusively in the medical field on a day-to-day basis. All our specialist medical market research interviewers have undergone comprehensive training programs and are continually assessed and monitored to ensure the quality of our research is never compromised. Speciality PharmaceuticalSurgical InstrumentsDiagnostic DevicesHealth economicsCosmeticConsumer Respondent Profile Key Opinion leadersSpecialistsGPsNursesPatientsHealthcare professionalsUsers etc. Therapeutic areas we cover Cardiovascular, Central Nervous System, Diabetes & Endocrinology, Infectious Diseases, Internal Medicine, Oncology, Pediatrics, Public Health Interest, Vaccines, Dermatology and aesthetics, Gastroenterology, Musculoskeletal and rheumatology, Nephrology, Ophthalmology, Respiratory and allergy, Arthritis, Gastroenterology, Infectious Diseases, Metabolic diseases, Pain, Respiratory, Womans Health and Urology, etc. Types of Research Models Offered Disease and Epidemiology researchMarket UnderstandingProduct DevelopmentBrand ResearchCustomer Satisfaction SurveyPricing ResearchAdvertising Pre & post testingFormulation and Medical device
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Scientific Research Service

We offer scientific research service with the massive volume of data currently available to businesses of all sizes, it is important that you gather only those key elements that are important to your research. Especially in research and development, clinical testing and other aspects of scientific research, you want to know that you have every important piece of data in front of you and that nothing is left uncovered. healthcare and clinical research services our scientific research department offers a full range of services that can be customized to your specific industry and project type. The purpose of this is to provide you with the flexibility needed to adjust your actions rapidly within an ever changing environment. Our services, designed to make this possible, include: physician profiling and web mining: we can gather key data about physicians you want to contact or include in a study through traditional and web-based data mining techniques. clinical investigator profiling: we can investigate and detail information about clinical investigators for past or current projects related to yours. key opinion leader profiling: we can identify important key opinion leaders in any field and gather data that can be used to contact and establish a relationship with them. key opinion leader database creation and maintenance: we can create and maintain a database of key opinion leaders to help you track their responses to inquiries and continuously develop an ongoing connection as you develop your product. medical content writing: we can gather and disseminate important medical data in reports, studies, or papers to be published in any major medical directory. biostatistics: we can gather and analyze data from your work using industry standard statistical analysis tools. clinical data management: we can gather, oversee and analyze key data related to your clinical research studies. these services allow us to provide optimal input on all major projects we take on ensuring each of our customers has the information needed to make important decisions within their industry. Using both primary and secondary resources to gather data, we ensure all information is thoroughly verified and substantiated within your industry.
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Analytique Research Services

Analytique Research is a full service market research provider for clients working in ultra-competitive industries worldwide. Analytique Research is a full service primary and secondary market research firm with expertise in designing and implementing a full range of unique methodologies and capabilities. Our combination of leading edge statistical techniques, extensive experience and inside industry knowledge provides clients with research results that are valid, projectable and actionable. We provide an array of services: Research Types And TechniquesStatistical AnalysisBrand ResearchSurvey AnalysisOnline ResearchMultivariate and Bivariate AnalysisBusiness Market ResearchData Analysis and Processing ServicesMarket Research Consultancy
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