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Permanent Lifting Magnets are so-called "self contained" devices. We offer Permanent Lifting Magnet that incorporates permanent magnets in conjunction with steel parts. The Permanent Lifting Magnet provides power for an indefinite period. For practical use, the magnetic power of a Permanent Lifting Magnet has more...
Permanent lifting magnet incorporate permanent magnets in conjunction with steel parts. The permanent lifting magnet provide the power for an indefinite period of time. For practical use the magnetic power of a permanent lifting magnet has to be turned on and off. This is done mechanically. An external power more...
Permanent lifting magnet incorporate permanent magnets in conjunction with steel parts. The permanent lifting magnet provide the power for an indefinite period of time. For practical use the magnetic power of a permanent lifting magnet has to be turned ON and OFF. This is done mechanically. An external power more...