Our Product / Services
We offer a complete product range of Amaltas Casia Fistula, Bay Leaf, Safed Musli, Moringa Leaves and Brahmi Herb
they are specially used injoint pain, migraine, chest pain and blood dysentery. amaltas root is also useful in fever, heart diseases, retained excretions and biliousness. it is also used in cardiac disorders biliousness, rheumatic condition, haemorrhages, wounds, ulcers and boils and various skin diseases
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Packaging Details : as per order qty
Delivery Time : 10 days
Safed Musli (Chlorophytum borivilianum) is a tuber crop belonging to the family Liliaceae. It is partly a herb with sub-erect lanceolate leaves. Safed Musli is found growing in thick forests in its natural form.The roots of safed musli is reported to contain 2-15% saponin, which has the medicinal property of enhancing vitality and immunity to human beings. It also helps in correcting gynaecological disorders. Safed Musli is naturally grown in the hilly areas of Gujarat, Rajasthan and Madhya Pradesh. It is reported that the annual demand for dried safed Musli roots is 500t in India. The natural source is getting fast depleted necessitating field cultivation of this medicinally important crop.
The botanical name of Brahmi is Bacopa monnieri and belongs to family Scrophulariaceae. It is mainly found in warmer and humid conditions. Whole herb i.e. seeds, roots, leaves, rhizomes etc. are used for preparing various drugs. Drugs prepared from Brahmi is used as anticancer and used to cure anemia, asthma, diuretic, tumours and epilepsy. It is also used as an antidote for snake bite. It is a creeping annual herb with average height of 2-3 feet with branched roots at the nodes. Flowers are of whitish or pale blue in color with small and oval shaped fruit. Seeds are 0.2-0.3mm in size with dark brown in color. North and South America, Europe, Australia, southern India, Asia and Africa are major countries growing Brahmi.
Terminalia bellirica, known as baheda, bahera, behada, beleric myrobalan, Persian, Sanskrit: Bibhitaka, Aksha is a large deciduous tree in the Combretaceae family. It is common on the plains and lower hills in South and Southeast Asia, where it is also grown as an avenue tree.
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Payment Terms : T/T
Packaging Details : AS PER ORDER QTY
Delivery Time : 7 DAYS
Taking quality as our principal concern, we are betrothed in presenting an excellent quality ofHarad SEED.
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Payment Terms : T/T
Packaging Details : AS PER ORDER QUNATITY
Delivery Time : 7 DAYS
Ashwagandha is a plant that grows mostly in India, Pakistan and North America. The root base of the ashwagandha herb has been applied for centuries in Ayurvedic medicine. Ashwagandha has many positive effects on human health, such as flavonoids and elements of the with anolide class. Several today's studies have found that ashwagandha is efficient in lowering inflammation, reducing stress, improving mental activity, energizing the body, as a healthy antioxidant and it may also cure tumors.
Akarkara (Spilanthes Acmella) is also known as Acmella oleracea is a unique and versatile herbal plant and also known as anti-toothache plant with high medicinal usages So, it has been recognized as an important medicinal plant. Due to its traditional uses in health care and as food, now-a-days, there is an increasingly demand all over the world. Akarkara flowers begin with thick red stuff; they increasingly stretch and turn yellow, keeping the red on the top. Naturally leaves are dark green and the stems, leaf stalks and veins dark green with light-purple colour. It can be an easily grown plant with a spreading and bringing up the rear habit.
Akarkara (Spilanthes Acmella) is also known as Acmella oleracea is a unique and versatile herbal plant and also known as anti-toothache plant with high medicinal usages So, it has been recognized as an important medicinal plant. Due to its traditional uses in health care and as food, now-a-days, there is an increasingly demand all over the world. Akarkara flowers begin with thick red stuff; they increasingly stretch and turn yellow, keeping the red on the top. Naturally leaves are dark green and the stems, leaf stalks and veins dark green with light-purple colour. It can be an easily grown plant with a spreading and bringing up the rear habit
Kalmegh is hardy plant and has been used as medicine since time immemorial. This plant is also known as 'Rice bitter' in West Indies and 'King of bitters' or 'Chiretta' in England. The fresh and dried leaves of Kalmegh are used as drugs in India. Branches are quadrangular and narrowly winged towards the apical region
The plant called the Coleus, Botanic name Coleus forskohlil is an aromatic perennial plant about two feet tall when fully mature. Coleus possesses tuber like roots and a straight anderect stem with colourful leaves. The coleus has an aromatic fragrance resembling the scent of the camphor plant.
Pudina also known as menthe is an energizing herb. Mint is used as mint oil, tooth pastes, mouth washes and flavoring agents in many dishes. Its leaves are used for preparing various drugs. Drugs prepared from mint are used in treatment of nasal, rheumatism, neuralgia, carminative and bronchial treatment. It is used in wide range of pharmaceutical. It is a small herb with average height of 1-2 feet with spreading root stocks.