Our Product / Services
Amritanjali ayurved offer medicine plant contract farming which gives return in 6 months to 18 months . Increasing demand in medicines and herbs makes it more demanding in market
The botanical name of Brahmi is Bacopa monnieri and belongs to family Scrophulariaceae. It is mainly found in warmer and humid conditions. Whole herb i.e. seeds, roots, leaves, rhizomes etc. are used for preparing vari-ous drugs. Drugs prepared from Brahmi is used as anti-cancer and used to cure anemia, asthma, diuretic, tu-mours and epilepsy. It is also used as an antidote for snake bite. It is a creeping annual herb with average height of 2-3 feet with branched roots at the nodes. Flowers are of whitish or pale blue in color with small and oval shaped fruit. Seeds are 0.2-0.3mm in size with dark brown in color. North and South America, Europe, Australia, southern India, Asia and Afri-ca are major countries growing Brahmi.
Additional Information:
Payment Terms : T/T,
Packaging Details : AS PER ORDER
Delivery Time : 15-25 DAYS
INCOME : 100000 RS
Salvia hispanica is the scientific name for Chia seeds, and is commonly known as China, and it is a flowering plant from the mint family, Lamiaceae, which is native to central and southern Mexico and Guate-mala. It is considered a pseudocereal, mainly cultivated for its edible, hydrophilic Chia seed, grown and commonly used as food in several countries of western South America, western Mexico, and the southwestern United States.
Chia seeds are one of the nutrition and healthy food items nowadays. Chia seeds are edible in several ways. There are a lot of Chia recipes you can discover yourself. There are many more recipes that you can experiment yourself. Chia grows well in tropical and subtropical regions; it is optimally established from 400 to 2500 m a.s.l., but the areas below 200 m elevation are not good for Chia cultivation). Chia crop is intolerant to freezing at the early stages of growth.
Additional Information:
Payment Terms : T/T,
Packaging Details : AS PER ORDER
Delivery Time : 15-25 DAYS
INCOME ; 50000 RS
Gokshura is an herb and also it is a medicinal plant. It is used in preparation of medicines. It is one of the pure herb which is used in Ayurvedic medicines. The Gokshura is origi-nated from the genus of Tribulus. Gokshura belong to Zygo-phyllaceae family. The Gokshura is scientifically named as Tribulus terrestris. These herbs are not only used in Ayurve-dic medicines, but also in other Indian Medicines like Siddha, Unani and Kashmiri. In North America it is an invasive spe-cies. It is an herbaceous tap-rooted perennial plant. These are mainly found in Southern Europe, Australia, Africa, India, China, Vietnam and Southern Asia.
Additional Information:
Payment Terms : T/T,
Packaging Details : AS PER ORDER
Delivery Time : 15-25 DAYS
EXPENSE : 25000 RS
INCOME : 80000 RS
Pudina also known as menthe is an energizing herb. Mint is used as mint oil, tooth pastes, mouth washes and flavoring agents in many dishes. Its leaves are used for preparing var-ious drugs. Drugs prepared from mint are used in treatment of nasal, rheumatism, neuralgia, carminative and bronchial treatment. It is used in wide range of pharmaceutical. It is a small herb with average height of 1-2 feet with spreading root stocks.
Additional Information:
Payment Terms : T/T,
Packaging Details : AS PER ORDER
Delivery Time : 15-25 DAYS
Ginger, an indigenous plant, is an important spice crop of the world. It is valued in medicine as a carmina-tive and stimulant of the gastro-intestinal tract. Dry ginger is used for the manufacture of oil, oleoresin, essence, soft drink, non-alcoholic beverages and vita-minesed effervescent soft drinks. India is the largest producer and exporter to more than 50 countries ac-counting for more than 70% of world production.
Additional Information:
Payment Terms : T/T,
Packaging Details : AS PER ORDER
Delivery Time : 15-25 DAYS
INCOME : 60000 RS
Milk thistle is a heady, spiny plant with white-veined leaves and purple flowers. The seed of the milk thistle plant is commonly used to treat chronic inflammatory liver dis-orders and it is among the top-selling medic-inal herbs. While milk thistle products are easy to come by, this is a great herb to grow at home. It requires very little care and a controlled environment to prevent invasive growth.
Additional Information:
Payment Terms : T/T
Packaging Details : AS PER ORDER
Delivery Time : 7 days
estimate expense : 210000 rs
estimate income : 500000 rs
the rhizome of kali haldi has a bitter, sharp, hot taste, and a pleasant odour. it has anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties, and is laxative. it is used as a tonic for the brain and the heart. rhizomes are useful in treating leucoderma, piles, bronchitis, asthma, tumors, and tuberculous glands of the neck, enlarge-ment of the spleen, epileptic seizures, inflammations, and al-lergic eruptions. black turmeric is native to northeastern and central india where it has been part of cultural ceremonies and medicinal remedies. black turmeric is used by many tribal communities in the state of madhya pradesh, maharashtra. the herb is sold fresh or dried in markets across india and southeast asia. as of 2016, black turmeric has been listed as an endangered species by the indian agricul-tural department. efforts are being made to protect and conserve black turmeric in odisha, on the central eastern coast, along the bay of bengal.
Additional Information:
Payment Terms : T/T,
Packaging Details : AS PER ORDER
Delivery Time : 15-25 DAYS
INCOME ; 75000 RS
Kalmegh is hardy plant and has been used as med-icine since time immemorial. This plant is also known as 'Rice bitter' in West Indies and 'King of bitters' or 'Chiretta' in England. The fresh and dried leaves of Kalmegh are used as drugs in India. Branches are quadrangular and narrowly winged towards the apical region.
Variety: Andrographis Paniculata
Additional Information:
Payment Terms : T/T,
Packaging Details : AS PER ORDER
Delivery Time : 7 days
estimate expense : 12000 rs
estimate income : 100000 rs
ashwagandha is a plant that grows mostly in india, pakistan and north america. the root base of the ashwagandha herb has been applied for centuries in ayurvedic medicine. ashwagandha has many positive effects on human health, such as flavonoids and ele-ments of the with anolide class. several today's stud-ies have found that ashwagandha is efficient in lower-ing inflammation, reducing stress, improving mental activity, energizing the body, as a healthy antioxidant and it may also cure tumors.
Additional Information:
Payment Terms : T/T
Packaging Details : AS PER ORDER
Delivery Time : 7 days
EXPENSE : 45000 RS
INCOME : 150000 RS
Coleus eye drops can significantly decrease eye pressure in healthy people without eye dis-ease. Coleus has not yet been tested in patients with glaucoma.
Some other uses:
Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).
Urinary tract infections (UTIs) and bladder infections.
High blood pressure.
Good source for Cancer.
Additional Information:
Payment Terms : T/T,
Packaging Details : AS PER ORDER
Delivery Time : 15-25 DAYS
INCOME : 120000 RS
Akarkara (Spilanthes Acmella) is also known as Acmella oleracea is a unique and versatile herbal plant and also known as anti-toothache plant with high medicinal usag-es So, it has been recognized as an important medicinal plant. Due to its traditional uses in health care and as food, now-a-days, there is an increasingly demand all over the world. Akarkara flowers begin with thick red stuff; they increasingly stretch and turn yellow, keeping the red on the top. Naturally leaves are dark green and the stems, leaf stalks and veins dark green with light-purple colour. It can be an easily grown plant with a spreading and bringing up the rear habit
Additional Information:
Payment Terms : T/T,
Packaging Details : AS PER ORDER
Delivery Time : 15-25 DAYS
EXPENSE ; 10000 RS
INCOME ; 80000 RS
Akarkara (Spilanthes Acmella) is also known as Acmella oleracea is a unique and versatile herbal plant and also known as anti-toothache plant with high medicinal usages So, it has been recognized as an important medicinal plant. Due to its tradi-tional uses in health care and as food, now-a-days, there is an increasingly demand all over the world. Akarkara flowers begin with thick red stuff; they increasingly stretch and turn yellow, keeping the red on the top. Naturally leaves are dark green and the stems, leaf stalks and veins dark green with light-purple colour. It can be an easily grown plant with a spreading and bringing up the rear habit
Vareity : Anacyclus Pyrethrum
Additional Information:
Payment Terms : T/T,
Packaging Details : AS PER ORDER
Delivery Time : 15-25 DAYS
Ocimum tenuiflorum (synonym Ocimum sanctum), commonly known as holy basil or tulsi, is an aro-matic perennial plant in the family Lamiaceae. It is na-tive to the Indian subcontinent and widespread as a culti-vated plant throughout the Southeast Asian tropics. Tulsi is cultivated for religious and traditional medi-cine purposes, and also for its essential oil. It is widely used as a herbal tea, commonly used in Ayurveda, and has a place within the Vaishnava tradition of Hinduism, in which devotees perform worship involving holy basil plants or leaves.
Additional Information:
Payment Terms : T/T
Packaging Details : AS PER ORDER
Delivery Time : 15-25 DAYS