Our Product / Services
Medicinal plantsare considered as a rich resources of ingredients which can be used in drug development either pharmacopoeial, non- pharmacopoeial or synthetic drugs. A part from that, theseplantsplay a critical role in the development of human cultures around the whole world. Farmer or entreprenuers may achieve huge growth in doing medicinalMore..
ESTIMATE INCOME :2, 02, 27, 500
Santalum album commonly known as East Indian Sandalwood or Chandan belongs to the family Santa-laceae. It is highly valuable and becoming endangered species. It is distributed all over the country and more than 90% lies in Karnataka and Tamil Nadu covering 8300 sq kms. Sandalwood plays an important role in the religious life of Indians. The essential oil obtained from this wood has occupied significant place in per-fumery industries/market. Although it is available in some other countries still the Indian Sandalwood has retained its dominance over other sources because of its quality.
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Payment Terms :
Packaging Details : AS PER ORDER
Delivery Time : 15-25 DAYS
estimate expense : 120000 rs
estimate income : 1500000 rs
stevia leaves have functional and sensory properties superior to those of many other high potency sweet-eners. stevia is likely to become a major source of high potency sweetener for the growing natural food mar-ket in the future. although stevia can be helpful to an-yone, there are certain groups who are more likely to benefit from its remarkable sweetening potential. these include diabetics, those interested in decreasing caloric intake, and children.
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Payment Terms :
Packaging Details : AS PER PLANT SIZE
Delivery Time : 15-25 DAYS
estimate expense : 35000 rs
estimate income : 262500 rs
bamboos can be grown well in very shallow soils if adequate fertility and moisture are main-tained. the soil you use should both drain well and retain moisture.
the bamboo plantation grows well in hot to warm temperate climatic conditions. but it must be remembered that it doesnt require temperature below 15 degree celsius in the summers. since the bamboo has thin roots as well as ample growth, you must make provisions to protect it from strong winds. also, areas that receive cold winds are just not apt for bamboo cultivation as the winds kills the tips of bamboo leaves.
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Payment Terms :
Packaging Details : AS PER ORDER
estimate expense 90000 rs
estimate income : 825000 rs
shatavari in sanskrit means the plant with hundred roots owing to the roots of this natural herb that are enriched with medicinal properties and are regularly used in the prepara-tion of various ayurvedic formulations. some scriptures also mention the plant as one with hundred husbands since the plant is extremely beneficial for enhancing women health and promotes libido in women.
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Payment Terms :
Packaging Details : AS PER ORDER
Delivery Time : 15-25 DAYS
estimate expense : 80000 rs
estimate income ; 5000000 rs
mahogany is a kind of wood with straight grained, reddish brown timber. the three species are swietenia macrophylla, swietenia mahagoni and swietenia humilis. swietenia species are classified officially as "genuine mahogany". mahogany is a commercially important lumber prized for its beauty, durability and color and used for paneling and to make furniture, boats, musical instruments and other items.
the mahogany tree ''sweitenia'' which grow as nat-ural populations in tropical america, asia and africa is a high value timber tree known for its redwood color, strength, durability, water resistance and aesthetic appeal. the mahogany tree can grow over 60 to 70 ft. high and reaching around 4 to 5 ft. diameter.
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Payment Terms :
Packaging Details : AS PER ORDER
Delivery Time : 15-25 DAYS
A dense, clumping perennial grass, to 1.5 m in height, na-tive in India and Ceylon. 'Monto' is a sterile (non-seed pro-ducing) variety specially selected not to become weedy. In its natural environment, vetiver grows on riverbanks up to an altitude of 600m. It requires a hot and humid climate. It is adaptable to a wide range of soil and climatic conditions. It can be established on very acid, sodic, alkaline or saline soils. Vetiver tolerates very high levels of aluminium, man-ganese and a range of heavy metals in the soil. Due to its extensive and deep root system, vetiver is very tolerant of drought. It can stand extreme heat (50C) and frost (-10C) and can be established in areas with an annual rainfall from 450 mm and higher. Vetiver is sensitive to shade and this will slow growth, especially in young plants.
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Payment Terms :
Packaging Details : AS PER ORDER
Delivery Time : 15-25 DAYS
estimate expense : 52000
estimate inocme : 1046500
aloe vera is a medicinal plant which grows 2ft high on yearly basis. aloevera is stem less or very short stemmed plant, which grows 24-40 inches high and the leaves are about 4inches wide. the leaves are thick and fleshy and green to grey in color. the leaves are peeled and theres a viscous liquid is found. the aloevera leaves are also used in making of pickles, vegetables, chyawanprash etc. the margin of the leaf is serrated and has small white teeth/ thorns. it is medicinal plant.
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Payment Terms :
Packaging Details : AS PER PLANT SIZE
Delivery Time : 15-25 DAYS