It is a weedicide which contains 54% active ingredient glyphosate in the form of Isopropyl-amine salt and balance inert ingredient by mass. Direction of Use As in leaflets (Equipment used in application). Time of Application Apply as directed spray when the weeds are young and actively growing. Herbici more...
Features: GOLD 24D is a, safe and wide spectrum weedicide for the control of broad leaved weeds in many crops. It is selective, systemic weedicides of Phenoxyacetic group. Apart from effectively controlling broad leaf weeds, these also control the Cyperus sp. It is absorbed by the leaves and roots and translo more...
Clodinafop Propargyl 15 %WP  is a selective systemic post emergence herbicide, used for the control of grassy weeds in cereals mainly wheat. It belongs to aryloxyphenoxy propionate class of herbicide, acts by inhibition of acetyl COA carboxylase. more...
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