Our Products
Leading Manufacturer, Supplier & Retailer of ARC-266 (TU) Wall Coatings, ARC-210 Wall Coatings and ARC-266 Wall Coatings.
Fire Resistant ceramic insulation tunnel grade coating for wall, concrete, gypsum board etc.
Fire Resistant ceramic Insulation material within coating create first step is to ensure non spread of fire & heat, if any, second step is to ensure Insulation 2nd layer, that does not allow increasein temperature on wall or board structure, make it safe its collapse. In the event of fire winning time is crucial to evacuating people and limiting the amount of structural damage. Thus it is necessary to protect tunnelwalls, gypsum board, concrete etc. from fire.
Ameetuff Intumescent fire retardant server room coating
Fire proofing withIntumescent thin layer fireretardant coating isthe most modern & internationally accepted methodfor fire protectionand its damagingeffect of fire. As in case of fire , surface startslosing its strength and ultimately collapse& also in case ofServer room case it is highly recommended as the server room havemain control of all systemsfor moving outof building in case of Fire . if that collapse, whole system collapse, so it is v important to do fire retardantcoating in server room , chemicals in coating are basedon green building conceptand are nontoxic in nature.
Fire Resistant ceramic insulation grade tunnel coating for wall, concrete, gypsum board etc.
Fire Resistant ceramic Insulation material within coating create first step is to ensure nonspread of fire & heat, if any, second step is to ensure insulation 2nd layer , that does not allow increase in temperature onwall or board structure , make it safe its collapse. In the event of fire winning time is crucial to evacuating people and limiting the amount of structural damage. Thus it is necessary to protect tunnel walls, gypsum board, concrete etc. from fire.