Our Products
Anti-magnetic coatings are the derivative of specially designed polymer along with patented compounds with Adducts, etc. They provide air drying, / heat dryingantimagnetic, Chemical Resistant Finish along with anti-Corrosive properties to surface.
Fire Retardant Water Based Base Coat
Fire paint, clearor pigmented are vital to ensure the safety and fire resistance of Ply wood or wood . It's also essential to meet Indian and British safety standard BS 476 when it comes to fire regulations for domestic and commercial buildings. Fire rated paint /clear can be the difference between people surviving a fire or not being able to evacuate in time, as it gives a time delay between a fire starting and spreading.
Manufactered and marketed by:
Ameetuff technical paints industries
( Iso 9001-2015 & ISO 4001 certified company)
For top-quality product manufacturing in Faridabad, trust [Ameetuff Technical Paints Industries].Our commitment to excellence ensures superior products that meet your standards. Contact us today for unmatched quality and reliability.
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Delivery Time : 2-3 DAYS
Fire Retardant Wall Coating
Fire retardant Insulation grade coatingfor wall , concrete , gypsum board etc --
Fire retardant Insulation gradecoating
are vital to ensure thereduction of fire& heat transfer, & its spreading.
How it work
Fire retardantInsulation material withincoatingcreate first step is to ensure non spread of fire & heat , if any , second step is to ensure insulation 2ndlayer , that does not allow increase in temperature on wall or boardstructure, make it safe its collapse. In the event of firewinning time is crucial to evacuating people and limiting the amount of structural damage. Thus it is necessary to protect walls , gypsum board , concrete from fire.
Ameetuff fire retardantinsulation gradecoatingencloses the wall and roof in reliable insulation barrier , which slows down the temperature rise inside walls and protects the construction from fire effect . Thiscoatingis also water proof, if proper topcoatdone
For top-quality product manufacturing in Faridabad, trust [Ameetuff Technical Paints Industries].Our commitment to excellence ensures superior products that meet your standards. Contact us today for unmatched quality and reliability.
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Delivery Time : 2-3 DAYS
Fire Retardant Wood Coating (water based)
Fire retardant wood coating, pigmented, are vital to ensure the safety and fire resistance of all type of surfaces. It’s also essential to meet Indian and British safety standard BS 476 when it comes to fire regulations for domestic and commercial buildings. Fire rated paint /clear can be the difference between people surviving a fire or not being able to evacuate in time, as it gives a time delay between a fire starting and spreading.
Fire paint, clear or pigmented are vital to ensure the safety and fire resistance of Bamboo or Structure. It’s also essential to meet Indian and British safety standard BS 476, when it comes to fire regulations for domestic and commercial buildings. Roof tops etc, Fire rated paint /clear can be the difference between people surviving a fire or not being able to evacuate in time, as it gives a time delay between a fire starting and spreading.
Fire Resistant ceramic insulation tunnel grade coating for wall, concrete, gypsum board etc.
Fire Resistant ceramic Insulation material within coating create first step is to ensure non spread of fire & heat, if any, second step is to ensure Insulation 2nd layer, that does not allow increasein temperature on wall or board structure, make it safe its collapse. In the event of fire winning time is crucial to evacuating people and limiting the amount of structural damage. Thus it is necessary to protect tunnelwalls, gypsum board, concrete etc. from fire.
Auto Glow radiumpaint is combination of binder with solvent soluble - radium pigment , it absorb day light energy and glow , with the reflection of light , it play v important role on roads , power , steel , oil plants , railway stations , ships , boats , x ray zones and many more areas.
Fire Retardant Clear/Polish Wood Coating
Fire retardant wood coating clear (polish), are vital to ensure the safety and fire resistance of all type of surfaces. It’s also essential to meet Indian and British safety standard BS 476 when it comes to fire regulations for domestic and commercial buildings. Fire rated paint /clear (polish) can be the difference between people surviving a fire or not being able to evacuate in time, as it gives a time delay between a fire starting and spreading.
Fire retardant puro acryl Silicon paint, clear or pigmented are vital to ensure the safety and fire resistance of all type of surfaces. It’s also essential to meet Indian and British safety standard BS 476 part 6 , part 7 , UL 94 , BS EN ISO 11925-2 , RDSO MNC /PCN/120-2011/REVISION 1 ANEXURE A &also tested for two to four hrs. at Govt.of India Lab , along with state govt. lab, when it comes to fire regulations for domestic and commercial buildings and different type of durable goods. Fire rated paint can be the difference between people surviving of fire or not being able to evacuate in time and also for safety of important durable goods, as it gives a time delay between a fire.
Ameetuff fire resistant cablebarrier/duct and conduit sealant is a stuffing compound based onelastomeric polymer and silicon compound65% with rubberized flex able material , also contains mica and silicon binder, that make compound nondrying and flexible even in extreme summer and winterconditions and is highly rust preventive and non-flammable It has excellent sealing properties metal to metal, rubber to concrete Andmetal to rubber.
Fire retardant Insulation grade puff coating create first step is to ensure non spread of fire & heat , if any , second step is to ensure insulation 2nd layer , that does not allow increase in temperature on foam , puff , to make it safe , as it may collapse. In the event of fire winning time is crucial for evacuating people and limiting the amount of structural damage. Thus it is necessary to protect insulation foam from fire.
Epoxy floor coating Base coat are the derivative of Epoxite conjuction with Amine/ amide Adducts, . They create high degreeof bonding with concrete surface for anti-carbonation alongwith di electric insulation to floor , itgives air drying, Chemical Resistant finish.
Marine paints are the derivative of Epoxite conjunctions with Amine Adducts, Poly amide, Polyamines etc. They provide air drying, salt water Resistant Finish and anti-Corrosive coating, it also give anti-fungal properties. The product possesses good flexibility, adhesion and salt waterl resistance. Marine Paint can safely be used for , ship , water boats , costal structure , internal lining of ATF & Other light petroleum product tanks etc. AMEETUFF abides by a strict code of professional ethics when it comes to our business and customers, we invite you to review our products on Google. We have articles and other information of interest on our site.
All structures immersed in a marine environment are subject to the deposition of several organisms such as barnacles, mussels, algae and others. Marine fouling is the result of the growth of these plants and microorganisms on the surface of submerged objects. The presence of fouling has a great impact on the naval industry due to the negative influence on the performance, durability and maintenance of mobile or stationary submerged structures , estimated that fuel consumption increases by around 6% per 100 mm of average roughness caused by fouling attached to ship surfaces. Other relevant factors are the risk of localized corrosion due to the metabolic activity of the attached organisms and the obstruction of turbines in hydroelectric plants. Since the beginning of the history of navigation, many materials have been used in order to minimize the fouling problem. However, the development of antifouling paints began only in the mid of 1800s. Currently, the use of antifouling paints is the most economical and satisfactory method to protect submerged structures. Generally, antifouling paints.
Fire retardant universal Paint, pigmented, are vital to ensure the safety and fire resistance of all type of surface. It’s also essential to meet Indian and British safety standard BS 476 when it comes to fire regulations for domestic and commercial buildings. Fire rated paint /clear can be the difference between people surviving a fire or not being able to evacuate in time, as it gives a time delay between a fire starting and spreading.
Ameetuff Intumescent fire retardant server room coating
Fire proofing withIntumescent thin layer fireretardant coating isthe most modern & internationally accepted methodfor fire protectionand its damagingeffect of fire. As in case of fire , surface startslosing its strength and ultimately collapse& also in case ofServer room case it is highly recommended as the server room havemain control of all systemsfor moving outof building in case of Fire . if that collapse, whole system collapse, so it is v important to do fire retardantcoating in server room , chemicals in coating are basedon green building conceptand are nontoxic in nature.
Capillary sealing is v important for any type of floor and wall coatings, it not only create barrier between floor inside moisture and epoxy coating, it also increase life of coating, due to reverse its vapour barrier properties.
Fire Resistant ceramic insulation grade tunnel coating for wall, concrete, gypsum board etc.
Fire Resistant ceramic Insulation material within coating create first step is to ensure nonspread of fire & heat, if any, second step is to ensure insulation 2nd layer , that does not allow increase in temperature onwall or board structure , make it safe its collapse. In the event of fire winning time is crucial to evacuating people and limiting the amount of structural damage. Thus it is necessary to protect tunnel walls, gypsum board, concrete etc. from fire.
Normalpaint cannot protectvapour barrier and drops formore than threeto six month, this High polymercoating have provenrecord for longdurability . High polymer coatings are the derivative of high solid polymers conjunction with Amine Adducts, Poly amide, etc. They provide air drying, Chemical Resistant, fire retardant, water resistant coating along with vapour barrier properties.
A&B are the polymer of epoxies resin conjunctions with poly amide and poly amine along with insulation compound , They provide air drying, anticorrosive, Chemical resistant and anti-bacterial layer along with insulation properties to the coils & coated surface.
Fire retardant decorative finish Powder coating, are vital to ensure the safety and fire resistance of all type of surfaces. It’s also essential to meet Indian and British safety standard BS 476, when it comes to fire regulations for domestic and commercial buildings and different type of durable goods. Fire rated Powder coating can be the difference between people surviving of fire or not being able to evacuate in time and also for safety of important durable goods, as it gives a time delay between a fire starting and spreading.
Tough ceramic floor coating Base coat are the derivative of Epoxies conjunction with Amine/ amide Adducts, They create high degreeof bonding with concretesurface for anti-carbonation alongwith High strength Properties , that can also protect electronic equipment by both preventing and minimizing the effect of static discharges , Tough ceramic floor coating minimizesdamage to concrete floor and handle heavy weight depend upon thickness of coating it also gives air drying, Chemical Resistant rough finish to floor.
It is a two pack Polyurethanes cured with Isocyanides. It provide excellent protection to Fibre Glass, MS, Aluminium, and Plastic Etc. It forms a durable air drying, film over the surface. The product possess good flexibility, adhesion and water resistance.
Fire retardant PU based low VOC ceramic Anti Carbonation coating, pigmented are vital to ensure the safety and fire retardance of all type of surfaces. It’s also essential to meet Indian and British safety standard BS 476 part 6 , part 7 , UL 94 , BS EN ISO 11925-2 , RDSO MNC /PCN/120-2011/REVISION 1 ANEXURE A & also tested for two to four hrs. At Govt of India Lab, along with state govt. lab, when it comes to fire regulations for domestic and commercial buildings and different type of durable goods. Fire rated coating can be the difference between people surviving of fire or not being able to evacuate in time and also for safety of important durable goods, as it gives a time delay between a fire starting and spreading.
LB-130 sealantis a stuffing compound based on elastomeric polymer and the compoundhas 69% solids with rubberized flex able material , also contains mica and silicon binder and fire retardantco polymer , that make compound nondrying and flexible even in extreme summer and winter conditions and is highlyrust preventive and nonflammable when solvent vaporize. It has excellent sealing properties and vapor barrier for protection of cold duty insulation.
Night Glowing radium yellow paint is combination of binder with solvent soluble yellow radium pigment , it absorb day light energy and glow in night , with the reflection of light, it play v important role on roads , power , steel , oil plants, railway stations , ships , boats , x ray zones and many more areas.
AMEETUFF Coil grade puro acryl coating are the derivative of acrylic conjunctions with poly epoxy resins, they provide air drying, anti-corrosive, Chemical resistant and anti-bacterial layer along with washable layer Properties to the coated surface.
Antifouling marine paint
All structures immersed in a marine environment are subject to the deposition of several organisms such as barnacles, mussels, algae and others. Marine fouling is the result of the growth of these plants and animals on the surface of submerged objects. The presence of fouling has a great impact on the naval industry due to the negative influence on the performance, durability and maintenance of mobile or stationary submerged structures , estimated that fuel consumption increases by around 6% per 100 mm of average roughness caused by fouling attached to ship surfaces. Other relevant factors are the risk of localized corrosion due to the metabolic activity of the attached organisms and the obstruction of turbines in hydroelectric plants. Since the beginning of the history of navigation, many materials have been used in order to minimize the fouling problem. However, the development of antifouling paints began only in the mid of 1800s . Currently, the use of antifouling paints is the most economical and satisfactory method to protect submerged structures
AMEETUFF abides by a strict code of professional ethics when it comes to our business and customers.
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Delivery Time : 2-3 DAYS
Ameetuff Rust Converteris a powerful oxidation converter designed for use on various steels, iron, cast iron and copper, metals & aluminum. Ameetuff Rust Converter is a aqueous solution designed to convert rust and oxidation safely and economically. The biggest advantage is that the components do not get rusty again after removing from solution which is case in Acidic Rust removers and forms black inactive layer on the metal surface which can then be painted for longer life.
Ameetuff heat transfercement is waterbased thermal conductive compound, basedOn polymer Technology for thermal conductivity, it also contains mica and silicon binder that make compound heat conductive, it has excellent sealing and heat Transfer properties.
ALB-17 Is an excellent water based adhesive for bonding expended polystyrene fibrous insulation to metal surface , excellent fire resistant in wet and dry conditions . ALb 17/MASS -17 is a stuffing compound based on elastomeric polymer and silicon compound 65% with rubberized flex able material , also contains mica and silicon binder , that make compound drying and flexible even in extreme summer and winter conditions and nonflammable . It has excellent sealing properties metal to metal.
Fire retardantwater based Vapour barrier low VOC silicon puro acrylcoating , pigmented are vital to ensure permeability & safety and fire retardant of all type ofsurfaces , vapour barrier coating used to prevent the transfer of water or water vapor from the environment into a constructed structure , or any other surface . A vapor barrier prevents water vapor movement to protect structures from the water damage that can occur when moisture is allowed to migrate into them. fire retardant is also essential to meet Indian andBritish safety standard BS 476 part 6 , part 7 , ASTME 84 , UL 94 , BS EN ISO 11625-2 , RDSO MNC /PCN/120-2011/REVISION 1 ANEXURE A & also tested for two to four hrs. at Govt of India Lab , along with state govt lab , when it comes to fire regulations for domestic and commercial buildingsand different type of durablegoods .Fire rated coating can be the difference between people surviving of fire or not being able to evacuate in time and also for safety of important durable goods , as it gives a time delay between a fire starting and spreading.