Our Products
Leading Manufacturer, Supplier & Retailer of Auto Glow Radium Paints, Tough Ceramic Floor Coatings and Coil Copper Conduct Coatings.
Auto Glow radiumpaint is combination of binder with solvent soluble - radium pigment , it absorb day light energy and glow , with the reflection of light , it play v important role on roads , power , steel , oil plants , railway stations , ships , boats , x ray zones and many more areas.
Tough ceramic floor coating Base coat are the derivative of Epoxies conjunction with Amine/ amide Adducts, They create high degreeof bonding with concretesurface for anti-carbonation alongwith High strength Properties , that can also protect electronic equipment by both preventing and minimizing the effect of static discharges , Tough ceramic floor coating minimizesdamage to concrete floor and handle heavy weight depend upon thickness of coating it also gives air drying, Chemical Resistant rough finish to floor.
AMEETUFF Coil grade puro acryl coating are the derivative of acrylic conjunctions with poly epoxy resins, they provide air drying, anti-corrosive, Chemical resistant and anti-bacterial layer along with washable layer Properties to the coated surface.