Our small sized, hand painted, decorative lamps are ideal for bedrooms with design and color theme which suits most decors. Our decorative lamps work with most of the modern decors and we export an exclusive range of decorative lamps. more...
Analyser brass scale graduated from 0-360 deg. or 0-180 deg. with vernier reading 6" and accomodates a 200 mm glass tube. It is packed in a card board box. more...
We are offering Student Polarimeter DR 191 ( Half Shade ), Analyser brass scale graduated from 0-360 deg. or 0-180 deg. with vernier reading 6" and accomodates a 200 mm glass tube. It is packed in a card board box. Student Polarimeter DR 191-a (BI-quartz) Analyser brass scale gramore...
The rhizome of kali haldi has a bitter, sharp, hot taste, and a pleasant odour. It has anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties, and is laxative. It is used as a tonic for the brain and the heart. Rhizomes are useful in treating leucoderma, piles, bronchitis, asthma, tumors, andmore...