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Forensic Comparison Microscope Rcm-505: Radical Forensic Comparison Microscope Were Developed About Four Decades Ago In Consultation With The Leading Scientists And Criminologists Of World Repute, Thereafter The Instruments Are Being Continually Updated. Comparison Microscope Are The Most Advanced & Versa more...
Mayalab comparison microscope is a device used to analyze side-by-side specimens. It consists of two microscopes connected by an optical bridge, which results in a split view window enabling two separate objects to be viewed simultaneously. more...
Radical Forensic Comparison Microscope were developed about four decades ago in consultation with the leading Scientists and Criminologists of world repute, thereafter The instruments are being continually updated. Comparison Microscope are the most advanced & versatile instruments invented for comparative Mi more...
Microscopes are the most advanced instruments used for comparative micro study in Forensic Science, Geology, Metallurgy, Mineralogy and Chemical microscopy. It makes possible the comparison of two micro samples simultaneously under one eye. It comprises of two microscopes mounted on a single heavy base with b more...
We Offer Forensic Comparison Microscope. This Microscope is for Crime Scene Investigation and Forensic Science. Analyze and Compare Bullets, Bullet Cartridge Casings, Scratch Marks, Wires, Fibre, Hair, and Paint Fragments. Polarization Capable: Includes Both Polarizer and Analyzer for Viewing Under Cross Pola more...