being one of the renowned firms in the industry, we are involved in providing a high-quality array of digital ekobenny milk analyzer. model ibond004 sample volume 20ml data processor 32bit stellaris micro controller optional protein display(calculated) measurement cycle 40 secomore...
We are offering digital cereal grain analyzer. Digital cereal grain analyzer type 7705 is a precision electronic instrument for analyzing the contents of protein, oil fat and moisture in different types of grains and oil seeds. The measurement of these contents determine the overmore...
Description It measures fruit firmness with a simple push of a button and transfers the results to a PC. Tests are conducted at standard depths and speeds of penetration, ensuring accurate and repeatable results. more...
Monitor critical UV rays. This meter measures the UV radiation between 250 and 400 nanometers, and is measured in µmol m-2 s-1 (micromoles of photons per square meter second). Fieldscout UV Meter monitors critical ultraviolet radiation. Light has three principal characteristics more...
Vaiseshika’ Digital Cereal/Grain Analyser Type: 7705 is a precision electronic instrument for analysing the contents of protein, oil/fat and moisture in different types of grains and oil seeds. The measurement of these contents determine the overall quality characteristics of tmore...
We provide a high quality of Logic Analyzer. The logic analyzer provided by us helps the user to analyze digital signals, observation of multi channel logical messages & the examination of the logical status as well as the corrections of the time sequence. These products are ideamore...
Digital cerealgrain analyser type 7705 is a precision electronic instrument for analysing the contents of protein, oilfat and moisture in different types of grains and oil seeds. The measurement of these contents determine the overall quality characteristics of the grains or oil more...