Our Products
2 Products availableAgricultural Pesticides
2 Products availableAcaricide
1 Products availableOur product range contains a wide range of Potassium Oxide, potassium salt of phosphorus and Plant Nutrition Material
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Packaging Details : 200 LTR DRUM PACKING
Delivery Time : ON TIME
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Payment Terms : T/T
Packaging Details : Packing - 250ml , 500ml, 1 liter
Bulk packing - 50 liter , 200 liter drum
Customise packing availab
Delivery Time : 6 DAYS
We are offering our esteemed clients a string of high rangeChilli Pest Control. All our products are made using premium quality ingredients which we procure from trustworthy vendors. These extracts are designed to prevent the sucking pest like and mites and others as well as helps break the resistance of pests. Further, it also helps in improving the efficacy of pesticide when used in combination with other pesticides.
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Packaging Details : 250 ml, 500 ml , 1 liter HDPE Bottle
Bulk Packing - 50 ml, 200 liter Drum Packing
Plant Growth Regulator contains 98% WS - Super Potassium Humate in Flak's formwhich is completely water-soluble. The regulators enhance the plant growth and increase yield. The farmers prefer growth regulators for it is easy to use anytime. It is used as a spray or drenched in seed treatments.
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Payment Terms : T/T
Packaging Details : 25 Kg Bag
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Packaging Details : 50 Kg Bag
silicon based non-ionic spreader sticker activator. is quality spreading and sticking agent highly useful for increase efficiency of insecticides/fungicides/plant growth regulators when used with combinations. it improves the distribution of chemicals. increase fluidity, wetting power, adhesive power. enhances permeation into leaf membrane prevent wasteful runoff of chemical pesticide, growth regulator.
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Payment Terms : T/T
Packaging Details : Packing - 50 liter , 200 liter Drum
Customize Packing - 50 ml , 250 ml, 500 ml , 1000 ml
Delivery Time : 6 Days
We deal in Isopropyl Alcohol (IPA). Isopropyl alcohol (IUPAC name propan-2-ol; also called isopropyl, isopropanol, or 2-propanol) is a colorless, flammable chemical compound (chemical formula CH3CHOHCH3) with a strong odor.Get Best price of >99% pure 200 litre drum of Isopropyl Alcohol CAS No. 67-63-0, C3H8O.For Certificate of Analysis (COA) & MSDS, kindly contact us.
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Payment Terms : T/T
Packaging Details : Packing - 200 Liiter Drum
Delivery Time : 2 Day
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Payment Terms : T/T
Packaging Details : Packing - 200 Liter Drum
Delivery Time : 2 Day
We Offers Organic Mannure in for Farmhouse, Fruit Orchards, Corporate Gardens, Golf Courses, Lawns, Nursery Plant Propagation, Greenhouse (Net house), Vegetable Kitchen Garden and Other Agriculture, Floriculture, Horticulture Use. Organic Mannure is 7 times more powerful than cow dung and cost effective too.
Organic is also used in Horticulture Crops like Pomegranate, Mango, Coconut, Guava, Custard apple, Sapota (chickoo), Lemon, Orange, Papaya and other fruit.
Benefits :
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Payment Terms : T/T
Acrylonitrile Chemical is an organic compound with the formulaC3H3N. It is a colorless volatile liquid, although commercial samples can be yellow due to impurities. In terms of its molecular structure, it consists of a vinyl group linked to a nitrile. Acrylonitrile is not naturally formed in the atmosphere of Earth. However it can occur at levels up to 0.11 ppm at industrial sites. It persists in the air for up to a week. It decomposes by reacting with oxygen and hydroxyl radical to form formyl cyanide and formaldehyde. Acrylonitrile is harmful to aquatic life.
Sodium Sulphate is the inorganic compound with chemical formula as Na2SO4 and also known as Sodium Sulfate, Glauber's salt. It is fully Soluble in Water.
About one-third of the world's Sodium Sulphate is produced as a is being neutralised by-product of other processes in chemical industry.
The major production of Sodium Sulphate are the processes where surpluses being neutralised by sulphuric acid or surplus acid is being neutralised by Sodium hydroxide.
Acetone, or, is anorganic compoundwith theformula(CH3)2CO.[15]It is the simplest and smallestketone. It is a colourless, highly volatile and flammable liquid with a characteristic pungent odour.
Acetone ismisciblewithwaterand serves as an importantorganic solventin its own right, in industry, home, and laboratory. About 6.7 milliontonneswere produced worldwide in 2010, mainly for use as a solvent and production ofmethyl methacrylateandbisphenol A.[16][17]It is a common building block inorganic chemistry. Familiar household uses of acetone are as the active ingredient innail polish removerand aspaint thinner. It hasvolatile organic compound(VOC) exempt status in the United States.[
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Packaging Details : 50 kg bag
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Payment Terms :
Packaging Details : 50 KG BAG
Delivery Time : ON TIME
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Payment Terms : T/T
Packaging Details : 50kg bag paking
Whiteflies ("whitefly" or "white fly") are common pests of indoor crops, greenhouses and tomatoes. Seasonal pests in most outdoor areas, whiteflies can be found year-round in southern states or enclosed growing areas (greenhouses, hoop houses, grow tents). Their rapid reproduction rate makes them difficult to control once established.
Our pesticide is most effective to control all types of whitefly insects.
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Payment Terms : T/T
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Payment Terms :
Delivery Time : ON TIME
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Payment Terms : T/T
Packaging Details : 50 ml to 1 liter HDPE bottle in your brand
Bulk Packing - 50 liter to 200 liter in HDPE Drum
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Payment Terms : T/T
Packaging Details : 25kg bag or 50kg bag
Emamectin Benzoate 5% SG is a non-systemic insecticide that penetrates leaf tissues by trans-laminar movement.
Method of Application:
Spray recommended doses as and when pests appear on the crop. Take a small quantity of clean water and the required quantity of Bio claim. Stir the solution with a stick or rod and mix in the remaining amount of clean water.
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Payment Terms : T/T
Packaging Details : 100 gm, 250 gm, 500 gm, 1 kg
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Payment Terms : T/T
Packaging Details : 50kg bag packing
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Payment Terms : T/T
It provides the best result in all crops like as cotton, brinjals, cabbage, chilly, tomato, ladys finger, caster plant, groundnut, cumin seeds, fennel seed, soya bean, beans, grains, vegetables, fruits, etc.
Proportion :
2 ml in 1 litre water
250 ml, 500 ml , 1 liter HDPE bottle
Bulk Packing
50 liter, 200 liter Drum Packing
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Payment Terms : T/T
Packaging Details : 250 ml, 500 ml , 1 liter HDPE bottle
It is a unique blend of essential oils which are known to work effectively for control of Mite whitefly and insects such as thrips, aphids, and jassids.
The ingredients in This are very safe compounds - safe to humans and the environment.
This is especially popular as the insecticide for control thrips, aphids, jassids, whitefly and many sucking pests because it is the only widely used class of pesticides to which no species of insects are known to have developed resistance.
Thrips & White flies are especially difficult to control because they quickly develop resistance to synthetic Insecticides.
Dilution and Usage:
Must be diluted 1 to 1.5 ml /Ltr of water. Apply as a fine mist until foliage is wet - For best results, apply when the plant is cool - Do not apply immediately before or after rainfall or sprinkler irrigation or when the plant is under stress.
A biodegradable surfactant Neem Spread may be used to optimize dispersal and leaf adherence. Repeat application every 7 to 14 days as needed.
For vegetables, spray several days before blooming. Do not apply during or preceding pollination.
Other Details:
The biggest advantage of this is that it works in a non-toxic manner by smothering insects, and because of that, it is unlikely that White flies & Thrips will develop a resistance and that's a major advantage.
This is eco-friendly as it is derived from natural substances. As it is 100% biodegradable, there is no residue and it is very effective to annihilate pests that have become resistant to synthetic chemical pesticides due to a constant exposure.
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Payment Terms : T/T
Packaging Details : 250 ml , 500 ml , 1 liter , HDPE Bottle
Bulk Packing - 50 liter , 200 liter Drum Packing