Our Products
2 Products availableAgricultural Pesticides
2 Products availableTechnical Grade
1 Products availableLeading Manufacturer, Supplier & Retailer of fruit enhancer, Organic Fertilizer, Amino Plant Growth Promoter and Apple Plant Growth Regulator.
We provide Fruit Enhancer to our clients which is a high quality Product produced under. It is a unique formulation enhances fruit size and gives fruits the required superiority in increased and improved flower and fruit bearing capacity of plants. It optimizes size, shape, colour, flavour, texture and shine of fruits. Most importantly it increases yield and post-harvest keeping quality of the fruits. Percentages of active constituents are subject to change due to organic nature of the product and / or vary depending upon the strong conditions and exposure to heat or sunlight.
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Payment Terms : T/T
Packaging Details : Apply 500ml / acre, 1.25 Litre / Hectare
Spray unit fruits are damp
For Dipping application (in grapes): Use 2 to 3 ml / litre of water
Apply to fruits during early morning or late afternoon
For spray applications use 1.5 ml to 2.5 ml depending upon the fruit stage and variety
Delivery Time : 6 Days
These fertilizers are rich in macro elements (nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, sulphur and sodium), microelements (zinc, boron, copper, molybdenum and cobalt), and ultra-micro elements such as iodine and selenium and other.
There is no need to spray the plant leaves additionally with microelement fertilizers.
Using granulated fertilizers:
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Payment Terms : T/T
Apple plant growth regulator used on apples to improve fruit shape (types) through elongation of fruit and development of more prominent calyx lobes. The desirable effects will be most evident in years when natural types are limited. increase the weight of individual fruit and yield per tree.
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Payment Terms : T/T
Packaging Details : Packing - 250 ml, 500 ml, 1 liter HDPE Bottle
Bulk Packing - 50 liter , 200 liter Drum Packing
Customise packing -250ml, 500ml, 1liter
Delivery Time : 6 Days