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Features Worlds First ECO Alkaline RO with Green Technology. Worlds First Refillable Technology. Single Geestar Co. Worlds First which provides 3 years warranty*. Alkaline Technology help to retain essential natural minerals. 8 Ltr. high capacity storage. High purification capacity of 60 Iph. Fully automatic more...
Hot stream is a fully automatic hot water generator. In any abnormal conditions either due to no fuel oil, low water level, high water temp., high stack temp, low pressure switch, hotstream shuts off & gives an alarm, indicating fault on control panel, so we can easily rectify the fault. product range capacit more...
Satya Neer Presents INSPIRE Antioxidant Alkaline RO System With RO+UF+TDS Control. Our Antioxidant Alkaline Ro System purify water and helps to generate small molecules of water, and stimulate nutrient absorption and metabolism, create low negative ORP antioxidant and alkaline water. It is useful to prevent d more...