ALVIKA CHEMICALS has trusted & well established supply chain network of material i.e. chemicals, solvents & IPA to the Pharmaceuticals, Pesticides, Food, Cosmetics, Construction, Flavours, Fragrances, Agro Chemicals, Petrochemicals, Sw... more
ALVIKA CHEMICALS has trusted & well established supply chain network of material i.e. chemicals, solvents & IPA to the Pharmaceuticals, Pesticides, Food, Cosmetics, Construction, Flavours, Fragrances, Agro Chemicals, Petrochemicals, Swimming Pool Water Treatment, Textile Coating & other Allied industries.
Our focus on "Zero Defect Product" i.e. concentrate on providing the quality & advance product to our valuable customers to cater the need of the latest technology involved in manufacturing of the products.
We are strongly committed to research, development & innovation. Such innovations allow us to anticipate the market demand.