Aluminium oxide powder in all temperature range High refractoriness and lot properties Improved volume stability.HAC-8R cement imparts the following properties to high performance castable refractories :
Activated alumina use exclusively in different industries for water absorbent. It is available in granules 2 - 6 mm in size & spheres Balls 2 - 5 mm in size.Oil vapour removal from compressed air drying of oxygen plant.
Aluminium trihydrate Its endothermic dehydration cools the plastic & Rubber parts and dilute with water vapour those combustible gases that do escape. The latter is probably the main phenomenon associated with smoke suppression other excellent performance include electrical and track resistance.
Zirconium powder the opacity retention of fibers & filling material & paper strength. Also it stabilize the PH value of the water circulations & increases the dispersion stability of filler. It is also use in Sulphite recovery operation in paper making.