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Our Complete range of products are Guar Gum Powder, Fast Hydration Guar Gum Powder, Sesbania Gum Powder, Locust Bean Gum Powder and Kappa Carrageenan Gum Powder.

Guar Gum Powder

Gum is derived from guar seeds or cyamopsis tetragonoloba termed as Guar Gum. Guar Gum can also be termed as guaran. These seeds have high low-shear viscosity as evaluated with other hydrocolloids like (locust bean gum). Guar Gums are effective thickeners and stabilizers.

Guar Gum is relatively cost effective as compared to other thickeners and stabilizers along with it being an effective binder, plasticizer and emulsifier. One of the important properties of guar gum, a polysaccharide, is that it is high on galactose and mannose. Guar gum is also known as guarkernmehl, guaran, goma guar, gomme guar and galactomannan.

Properties of Guar Gum
  • Guar gum has reasonably more thickening property as compared to corn starch.
  • Holds back the growth of ice crystal
  • Guar is draught resistant plant
  • Guar gum forms gel in water
Endosperm of guar seeds are used in many sectors of industries like mining, petroleum, drilling and textile., food products, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, water treatment, mining, drilling, explosives, confectioneries and many more. Since a long time Guar Gum can be also named as a hydrocolloid, is treated as the key product for humans and animals as it has a very high nourishing property.

Regions For Growing Guar GumGuar Gums are produced on semi-arid regions say Gujarat, and to some extent in Madhya Pradesh, Haryana and Rajasthan. To get the best yield and harvesting results of guar seeds these seeds are sown in sandy soils, in the regions like North West India and some areas of Pakistan along with major regions in the west.

Benefits of Guar Gum
  • Lowering blood Glucose
  • Lowering insulin levels

Guar Gum PowderThe color of guar gum powder is whitish and yellowish consisting of slight odor. Cyamopsis tetragonolobus or Guar Plants endosperm derives Guar Gum. Guar crop is basically a legume (a plant of a pea family) which grows effectively in sandy soils, with rainfall to some extent with lots of sunshine. Guar Gum powder is obtained from ground endosperm of guar plant. The seed pods of Guar are grown in groups, 100 Kilos of beans, minus their bean pods yields roughly 29 kilos of endosperm; 29 kilos of Guar powder. India Followed by Pakistan and US is the key producer of Guar Seeds constituting approximately 80% of the over all production. Guar crop grows on semi arid and sub-tropical area harvested between Octobers to November. Guar seed is the combination of three things the germ, endosperm and the husk. Guar seed is basically the legume which regenerates the nitrogen in soil. Green Guar is the source of vegetables and also fed to cattles. Guar Gum can also be termed as the best and appropriate substitute for locust bean gum. We offer goma guar as well as gomme guar from India. Guar seeds are instantaneously sown after the first drizzles of the onset of monsoon i.e. in July. The Hay of Guar is very nutritive making it a good fodder when mixed with wheat powder. Guar seed can also be called as a cluster bean. This Kharif legume is a highly nutritious crop used as green manure, vegetable and green fodder. Guar Gum is extracted from Guar seeds and is grounded transforming it into Guar Gum Powder.


The processing machineries used by our company are packed with latest technologies to high quality products. The latest innovation and research has enabled the company to absorb contemporary technologies to swiftly change with the changing scenario of technology in the market. With every stage of production utmost care is taken that the hygiene and the nutritive element remains unperturbed and is not open to contamination at any stage. Utmost care is taken that the microbiological substance is as low as possible with undergoing physio-chemical test as well. Quality testing and quality control parameters are determined at every stage of production process. Quality testing parameters include testing of the factors like:

  • 1. A.I.R. (Acidic Insoluble Residue
  • 2. Moisture
  • 3. Viscosity
  • 4. Content of Ash
  • 5. Size of the Particle
  • 6. Odor
  • 7. Protein
  • 8. Filterability
  • 9. Gum Content
  • 10. Color
  • 11. Fibre
  • 12. Granulation
  • 13. Insoluble Residue
  • 14. Fat Content
  • 15. pH
  • 16. Heavy Metals
  • 17. Arsenic
  • 18. Lead
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Fast Hydration Guar Gum Powder

Guar is also known as Cluster Bean (cyamopsis Tetragonoloba) a drought hardly leguminous crop. Guar is being grown for seed, green fodder, vegetable and green manuring. It is an annual plant about 4 feet high, vertically stacked, large leaves and clusters of pods. The pods are used as a green vegetable or as a cattle feed besides the industrial extraction of Guar gum.

Properties of Guar Gum
  • It is soluble in cold water.
  • It has strong hydrogen bonding properties.
  • It has excellent thickening, emulsion, stabilizing and film forming properties.
  • It has excellent stability to control rheology by water phase management.
Guar Gum is used as:
  • Natural thickener
  • Emulsifier
  • Stabilizer
  • Bonding agent
  • Hydrocolloid
  • Gelling agent
  • Natural Fiber
  • Fracturing agent

The natural fast hydrating, dispersible and diesel slurriable guar gum is ideally suitable for all rheological requirements of oil well drilling, continuous fracturing and diesel slurry. It is widely used in oil well drilling due to its multi-function such as fluid and water loss control, viscosity control, lubrication. It is used for cooling of drill bits, mud drilling and cementing slurries, where immediate high viscosity and quick hydration is required.

The main use of guar gum is in top hole oil well drilling. Industrial grade guar gum powder is suitable for use in oil well fracturing, oil well stimulation, mud drilling and serves as a stabilizer, thickener and suspending agent.

In oil well drilling guar gum used as a surfactant, fracturing fluid and synthetic polymer for all requirements of water based and brine based oil well drills. It attains high viscosity in 3 to 5 minutes of time.

Fast Hydrating Slurriable Guar

The natural fast hydrating and slurriable guar is a non ionic guar, polymeric viscosifier that is slurrible up to 50 percent of solids in systems such as diesel fuel. In aqueous systems, its main use is in the stimulation of oil and gas wells as a fracturing fluid. This yields excellent pump ability, good hydration, good thermal stability and excellent shell life. It can be typically cross linked with borates and once cross linked it exhibits excellent carrying capacity to support sand or other proppants to be placed in the created fracture. The viscosity of hydrating slurriable guar can be reduced or broken by using enzymes, oxidizers or acids such as HCL.

Guar Gum in Oil Field Applications

Industrial grade Guar gum powder are use in oil well fracturing, oil well stimulation, mud drilling and industrial applications and preparations as a stabilizer, thickener and suspending agent.

It is a natural, fast hydrating dispersible guar gum and is diesel slurriable.

In the oil field industry, guar gum is used as a surfactant, synthetic polymer and deformer ideally suited for all rheological requirements of water-based and brine-based drilling fluids.

High viscosity Guar Gum products are used as drilling aids in oil well drilling, geological drilling and water drilling.

These products are used as viscosifiers to maintain drilling mud viscosities that enable drilling fluids to remove drill waste from deep holes.

Guar gum products also reduce friction in the holes, and so minimising power requirements. Some Guar Gum products act to minimise water loss should occur in broken geological formations.

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Sesbania Gum Powder

Sesbania gum is extracted from sesbania seeds which is originated from India. The sesbania gum powder is white loose milky powder which is soluble in water, insoluble in alcohol, ketones, ethers and other organic solvents. Sesbania gum powder can be dispersed in cold water to form a viscous solution. The viscosity of sesbania gum powder is 5-10 times higher than natural plant gum, sodium alginate.
Applications of Sesbania Gum Powder
  • Sesbania gum powder is used as sizing agents and dye thickeners in textile industries.
  • It plays a major role as a flocculant in water and wastewater treatment.
  • The most important use of sesbania seeds is in oil industry as it is used a blocking agent, water resistance-reduction agent and tackifier for preparing fluid cracking which results to increase in oil production rate.
  • The sesbania gum powder is also used in incense.
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Locust Bean Gum Powder

We offer locust bean gum powder.bean plants are of different varieties and beans seeds obtained from different bean plants have exclusive properties that make it applicable in several industrial applications. Locust bean is one among the bean types that possess high stabilizing property. Also known as carob bean and the botanical name of the locust bean tree is ceratonia sillisqud, locust is a naturally available bean seed from carob tree. Carob trees are mainly grown in mediterranean regions.

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Kappa Carrageenan Gum Powder

Carrageenan is an extracted product from plant tissue and there are different types of gelling agent formed with it and kappa is one among them. Kappa Carrageenan has pure gelling property that is found to be greatly suitable for food production industry. Kappa is a compatible gelling agent that can work out efficiently on boiling and cold industrial productions. It is also a good stabilizing agent that can control the structure of water molecules. It was used as a prime component used in pudding preparation since the time it had been in use in places like Hawaii.

Origination History

Carrageenan extracts from red such as girgartinaceae, hypaneaceae, etc have been identified to produce gelling, stabilizing and viscous properties. They are used for commercial purpose for their properties. The extraction of gum from these seaweeds is a long process. The seaweeds are dried first and washed perfectly and then sent to alkaline extraction process to separate the natural ingredient from the seaweed extract. Kappa Carrageenan is a specific extract from a red algae called kappaphycus alvarezii wherein, it belongs to the carrageenan algae family and also a commercial source. This particular sea weed is dissolved into an aqueous liquid and pure kappa is obtained by filtering the other materials stick to it.

Application in Food Industry
  • Kappa carrageenan is synergistically compatible with other gum products to produce gelling effect.
  • It is mostly applied to obtain breakable gels such as in the production of dairy based fluid products.
  • However, it forms into fragile gel only when additional component is added to it such as the calcium and potassium salts. Hence, the liquid form of ingredients which need to transform into gel like substance, should possess calcium or potassium.
  • In combination with Locust Bean Gum, Kappa gum can show improved gelling property and develops elasticity as well.
  • In addition, kappa gum can be used as an alternative for eggs also hence; it is applied in combination with starch to make egg-less food products.
  • It acts as a powerful stabilizer to get a smooth final touch in several milk based products such as cheese, ice cream, etc.
Kappa Carrageenan when combined with clarified locust bean gum can work out as a good gel and gets the appearance of gelatine. This property helps to used kappa gum as an alternative to gelatine. There are several tests done to further study the properties of kappa gum in combination with other gum products.
Carrageenan has several advantageous properties they are,
  • Solubility- Kappa contains good solubility property which makes this gum applicable for making variety of food products. It is soluble in both hot and cold water, however; when mixed with calcium salts it loses its solubility property. Kappa is soluble in hot milk to some extent as the presence of calcium ion prevents this property.
  • Gelling Agent-When mixed with potassium salts kappa forms into brittle gel however; presence of more potassium salts will make the get weaker.
  • It also works as a good stabilizing agent in food processing industry.
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